wavy Revised Jan. 5, 1968 Division of Regional Medical Programs 1969 President's Budget (In thousands) 1968 . 1969 Activity Estimate Estimate Increase Grants for regional medical 1/ 2/ PLOZTAMS « we orvevessenceseveves $23,000 _ $62,900 ~_ $39 ,900 Direct Operations: Professional & Tech. Asst: Direct. -ccccccesecccvsesses 2,890 3,242 352 Reimbursement... .sccecssves 68 72 . 4 Total. wcccccsscessecons 2,958 3,314 356 Review and Approval: . DLVeCt.. cee cccccccccceccace 641 826 185 Reimbursement. .cecescesvecs 71 79 8 Total. cccccccccsecsece| 712 905 193 Program Direction: DLTect.ccccvscscccscvveseses 870 1,191 321 Reimbursement...-..eseeeees 346 612 266 Total. .cvcovcccscsecee : 1,216 1,803 a 587 Total direct operations....... 4,886 - 6,022 . 11,136 Total. cccccccccccccseescccsveses '27 ,886 68 ,922 . . 41,036 -1/. Excludes $25,900 carry-over from 1967. 2/ Excludes $30,900 " "oo 1968. 2/21/68 1969 Continuation Requirements (In thousands) Planning Operational Totel © Awards mode prior to February Council $16,000 £8,000 $21,000 _ Arbicipated February Council 5,000 3,000 8,000 Anticipated May Council 2,000 13,000 15,000 Total continuation requirements, 1969 23,000 21,,000 47,000 February 23, 1968 Division of Regional Medical Programs President's Budget - FY 1969 Budgeted Positions FY 1968 Fy 1969 Professional and Technical Assistance Office of Associate Director.....- 4 6 Continuing Education...sesereerees 19 23 Operations Research...seeesssreees 3 10 Regional Health Services..--.++++ . 7 12 Totalssrcccceccecccsccsenes 33 51 Review and Approval Office of Associate Director...... 2 (3° Operations Staff... ..eeesersereres 16 24 Grants Management Branch...-..++-- 9 10 Grants Review Branch... .ceeresecsees 15 19 Total.....- ee eens ace eceeees 42 56 Program Direction Office of DiTeECctOLececcecseccceaves 14 16 Executive Office........ acer eeee oe 19 24 Communications and Public Information......-+- been ecenes 9 12 Planning and Evaluation-~ Office of Associate Director... 2 4 Planning Branch...--cereseeeees 7 12 Evaluation Branch...e.ccesceens 10 14 met Statistics and Analysis Branch. 9 9/39 Total... esueveeeeueeaes 70 91.0 Total... cesses cece cece eee tec ceeeee oe 145 198 Increase luvin 18 |e oe 14 nw . r o & Mh Ww iit lly