ne ARTHRITIS CONFERENCE Kansas City, Missouri January 19 -- 20, 1975 Sponsors Hosts ‘Amer. Acad, Orthopaedic Surgeons KC Div., Arthritis Foundation Arthritis Foundation 7 Kansas RMP Participating RMP's 7 " CHATRMAN _ Roger D. Mason, M.D. oe PROGRAM Sunday, January 19 8:00 a.m. Registration Mezzanine Floor, Ballroom Assembly Room 8345 a.m. Conference Convention Colonial Ballroom Welcome Po - Conference Charge : oe Introduction of Chairman 9:30 a.m. Program Interrogatory Mr. Matt Spear : 10:20 a.m. Coffee Break 10:30 a.m. Program Presentations Cost Evaluation of Patient Care System E. R. Convery, M.D. a Developing Rural Services Elam Toone Jr., M.D. CM Enlarging Allied Health Roles Paul Young, M.D. \ ¥ Developing Pediatric Services Balu Athreya, M.D. Nursing Outcome Criteria __ Janice Pigg, R.N.. 12;00 Noon LUNCH Grand Ballroom . ‘ ZL ree f - . SPEAKER Lovee Obed lpn Pe Cems. ules Fo 1:30 p.m, Workshops Physician Education Music Room Allied Health Education Tower 22 Patient Education Private Dining Room 4 pein Demographic Factors Private Dining Room 3 Ce ne (eect arthritis Services Junior Ballroom - Service Deployment . Private Dining Room 1 3:45 p.m. Coffee Break 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m, 2 - Program Plenary Session Colonial Ballroom Workshops Reports Adjourn Cocktails Buffett Dinner eke ate wer Cacen le . -~Monday, January 20 8:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m, 12:00 Noon 1:30 p.m. Colonial Ballroom Call to Order Roger D. Mason, M.D. Cash Bar Grand Ballroom Roger D. Mason, M.D. Panel Discussion - Program Evaluation Gordon R. Engebretson, Ph.D., Moderator O, Lynn Deniston, M.P.H. Evelyn V. Hess, M.D. Carl W. Schwartz, Pima Health Systems Coffee Break Workshops Care Delivery Initiatives Program Documentation Special Report Opportunities Program Continuity LUNCH Speaker Ave é Ze Plenary Session, Colonial Ballroom Workshops Reports Recommendations Plenary Deliberations Adjourn Private Dining Room 4 Music Room _ Private Dining Room 1-2 Tower 22 Grand Ballroom Roger D, Mason, M.D.