qu + fo came DIVISION STAFF ~ OFFICE: OF THE DIRECTOR The Office of the Director provides program leadership and direction. The Office also includes individuals especially concerned with (a) relationships with voluntary health agencies and other private and governmental organizations, (b) methods and systems for gathering statistical and other program data, and (c) communications and public - information activities. Director . . 1.6 6 «© © © «© © © © © we ew Special Consultant ..... + +e e+ eee Associate Director for Continuing Education. ........ Associate Director for Organizational Liaison ........ Assistant Director for Program Policy ... . 6. 2+ + «eee Executive Officer ..... +. «6 «© « © « Assistant to Director for Systems and Statistics ..... . Assistant to Director for Communications and Public Information Public Health Advisor for Systems and Statistics ........ Public Information Officer ......«-s Financial Management Officer ....... Administrative Officer ..... 2+ se « Personnel Officer .... +--+ + «+ ee ae Executive Secretary to Council ......, . Robert Q. Marston, M.D. Stanley W. Olson, M.D. . William Mayer, M.D. Storm Whaley . Karl Yordy Charles Hilsenroth Maurice E. Odoroff Edward M. Friedlander Leah Resnick Harold Wolfe James Lawrence Stillman Wright Norman Prince Eva Handal CONTINUING EDUCATION AND TRAINING BRANCH The Continuing Education and Training Branch provides assistance for the quality development of such activities in Regional Medical Programs, conducts and aids research on needs, standards, and techniques, and assists the development of cooperative arrangements among Regional Medical Programs, national organizations and Federal programs. . Chief . 1... 1 2 ee et ww we we ew ww es © William Mayer, M.D. Assistant to Chief... .. 2. 2 2 ee sees Cecilia Conrath Head, Evaluation Research Group .... .. . Frank L. Husted, Ph.D. Communications Specialist ........ . . James E. Dyson, Ph.D. Specialist for Allied Health Affairs . .. . . Martha Phillips Organization Liaison Officer . + + « s+ + « » Rebecca Sadin Program Review Specialist ........ . . Judy Silsbee DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE BRANCH The Development and Assistance Branch serves as the focus for two-way communication between the Division and the individual Regional Medical Programs and maintains a continuing overview of active grants. The Branch staff provides consultation to applicants and grantees and assists in arranging for appropriate demonstrations and in encouraging operational research, Chief .... 2 « we eo wo oo ew oe te eh es Margaret Sloan, M.D. Head, Liaison Section .......... . . James McA'Nulty, M.D. Liaison Officers .............. . Ira Alpert Robert Anderson John Hamilton, M.D. John Hazen, M.D. Robert O'Bryan, M.D. Acting Head : , Resource Support Section ...........M. V. Geisbert Public Health Analyst ........... . William Brooks acy GRANTS MANAGEMENT BRANCH The Grants Management Branch interprets grants management policies, reviews budget requests and expenditure reports, and evaluates and assists grantees’ management and fiscal capabilities. Chief ...... ee ee ee ee ww oe © ~~ James Beattie Grants Management Officers ....... . . » Alan Mason Nick Cavarocchi Larry Coffin GRANTS REVIEW BRANCH The Grants Review Branch handles the professional and scientific review of/applications and progress reports, and evaluates grantees‘ accomplishments in terms of approved plans. \ . Acting Chief... 1. ee ee ee ee ee es Karl Yordy Head, Review Section. ..... +... .. « George Retholtz, M.D. Scientist Administrator ........ . . . Harry Roberts, M.D. = Grants Specialist ............. + Jessie Salazar Scientific Grants Assistant ..... .. .. Harold O'Flaherty PLANNING AND EVALUATION BRANCH The Planning and Evaluation Branch appraises and reports on overall program goals, progress and trends and provides staff work for the Surgeon General's Report to Congress required under Section 908 of Public Law 89-239. Chief... . ee ee ee et ee ee ee ee e Stephen J. Ackerman Assistant Chief. .... ...+. ++... =. Daniel I. Zwick Head, Planning Section. ......... .- . Roland L. Peterson Acting Head Evaluation Section ......... . . «+ « . Rhoda Abrams