yy ue Associate Director for Management, HRP May 1, 1975 | Seecutive Officer, DAMP Eatinnted Costs NAC and Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Meetings dame 12 and 135, 1975 Gn Wedueaday, April 30, 1975, I gave the BRA Budget Office the following _ipformation in response to thetr request fer cost estinates for our MAC meeting ef June 1% and 13, 1975. 7 RAC Meeting June 12 and 13, 1975 Personnel Other 21 X23 days X $100 per day $4,200 21 X $76 (2 days per dion and other) | $1,575 21 X $200 (travel) ms a 1300 Verbatin Reporter/Trenseript = $2,000 Sethyitis Ad Moc Reviews ~ June 1975 @ Consultants (Professional Services Contracts) | 6 -X.1 day X $100 Honorarim = 9600 6 X $57.50 (per dion and other) = | 9228 6 X $900 (travel) = : £1,800 Seas fotal $4,200 $12,500 | Eatimated Grand Total = $16,700 Jobn W. Land J:Land@h:5/1/75 | cc: . Gardell, Ken Baum, Barbara Carter, Ruth Bennett, Veronica Brown