Kg Personal Data - Lonis C. Ballard ~ °* Education: Germantown High School - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Virginia State College - Petersburg, Virginia Bachelor of Science, Health and Physical Educatio University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan Master of Science, Public Health University of Pennsylvania ~- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Certificate, Physical Therapy (Registered Physical Therapist) Military: Officer Candidate School - Air Force Administration Air Force Reserve. Training (summer courses) : Air University - Maxwell Field, Alabama Academic Instructor School - Maxwell Field, Alabama Séott Air Force Base, I!linois - Personnel Courses Lackland Air Force Base - San Antonio, Texas Personnel Management School & Major, Air Force Reserve (retired) Experiences: “Teaching: High School - Health and Physical Education History and Social Studies _ «College - Air Force ROTC Affiliated training program for nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists - Veterans Administration | yey Personal Data - Lonis C. Ballard . | | 2. ~ + Experiences: (continued) Athletics: Captain, basketball and football teams Member, track and tennis teams Federal Employment: Special Services Officer - Veterans Administration Hospital Tuskegee, Alabama Chief, Physical Therapy - VA Hospital, Tuskegee, Alabama Coordinator, Rehabilitation Services - VA Hospital, Tuskegee, Alabama Chief, Physical Therapy-Coordinotor - St. Elizabeth's Hospital Washington, D. C. Chief, Health Agencies Branch - Office of Equal Health Opportunity, , , Office of Surgeon General, USPHS Chief, Program Development, Health Division, Community Action Program, - Office of Economic Opportunity coe Staff Director, Office for Health Affairs, OEO : . Director, Equal Employment Office, HSMHA Present Position - Assist ant to the Admi Health Services Administration nistrator for Humm Resources , Publications and Papers: & “Motor Nerve Velocity" "Rehabilitation and Physical Restoration in the Aged" “'The Causes of Absences Among High School Siudents of Ann Arbor, Mich.” _. "Corrective Therapy Approaches to the Neuropsychiatric Patient “New Leadership for a New South” Personal Date - Lonis C. Ballard Film Productions: Rehabilitation of the Paraplegic Patient Rehabilitation of the Quadriplegic Patient Rehabilitation of the Lower Extremity Bi-lateral Amputee with Overriding Psychosis Fellowship: Department of Physical Medicine - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania ~- Research in Arthritis Volunteer Work: Babe Ruth Baseball League Chairman, Macon County March of Dimes Vice-Chairman, United Negro College Fund - Tuskegee, Alabama State Athletic Director for Elks Tuskegee Civic Association Founder and President - Tuskegee Little Theatre (a community project) 4 Counselor and Assistant Camp Director for Boys - Summer Camp, Morwood, Pennsylvania .~ President, Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Vice President, National Association of Health Service Executives