yyy ARTHRITIS Orientation DRMP Staff Two activities are proposed to accomplish this objective, and two related, and additional actions are under consideration. A. Proposed orientation activities 1. Provide each designated staff reviewer with a volume (2" loose-leaf binder) of background information on Arthritis. 2. Provide a 2-3 hour presentation about April 15 by outside, practising arthritis specialists. This presentation might well be made open to all DRMP staff. Proposed outline of presentation: 30-40 Min. Reheumatologist: Arthritis desease and treatment. 30-40 Min. Therapist: Clinical and community aspects of rehabilitative therapy | 30-40 Min. AF Physician: Community and industrial develop- ments in arthritis treatment and rehabilitation 30 Min. Panel discussion, and questions/answers. 3. Additional reading materials will be available for..staff desiring greater depth of understanding about arthritis (in Mr. Spear's office) a. "Arthritis and Allied Conditions, a Textbook of Rheumatology", Editors, Hollander, and McCarty, Jr., (1973) Current articles on various aspects of arthritis by leading authorities on the subject. b. "Total Management of the Arthritis Patient", Editor, Erhlich (1972). Articles on current treatment practices by leading authorities. c. “Twentieth Rheumatism Review, Review of American and English Literature for the Years 1969 and 1970", published by the Arthritis Foundation (1973). Critical and interpretive analysis of selected papers. d. "Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases", Fifth Collection, Vols. 17-21, 1966-71, published by The Arthritis Foundation The Bulletins succintly discuss research, treatment, epidemiology and other advances in arthritis. B. Possible orientation activities 1. Develop an outline, or profile of various arthritis projects, with staff and equipment requirements, and probable range of costs. Have requested Dr. Sisk, at the Arthritis Foundation, and Dr. Donaldson, Am. Acad. of Orthoped. Surgs. to give this some thought pending our getting together at some future date. Such a schematic, if feasible, would aid staff in evaluating project resource requests, and budgets. One or more question/answer sessions with the selected staff review group to obtain improved in-house sharing of knowledge, and sharpen abilities to perform critical reviews.