tc hl =e nn ARTHRITIS PROGRAM Names Referred for Consultan ts Source and Name Recommended Selection Present Council Members Hiroto, Edwin C. Member Mars, Audrey M Member Chairman/member Merrill, John P. Morgan, Mariel S. Ochsner, Alton Ogden, C. Robert Schreiner, George E. Musser, Marc J. (VA) Former Council/Committee Members (Partial list assembled by Mrs. Handel) Ancrum, Gladys (Nursing) Brindley, George V. (Thoractic Surg.) -Cannon, Bland W. (Neurosurg) Ellis, Effie C. (Child health) ~Evarist, Bruce W. (Ped. ) Hunt, William (Surg) ‘James, Grace M. (Ped) Kerr, Elizabeth E. (Nursing) Komaroff, Anthony L. (Internal Med) Kralewski, John E. (Hlth Admin) Luginbuhl, William H. (Pathology) ‘Mayer, William 0. (Pathology) *"McPhedron, Alexander M. (Neuro) *Nutliken, Sewell P. (P.H. Admin) Roth, Russell B. (Urology) Scherlis, Leonard (Cardio) Schreiner, George E. (Neph) Slater, Robert J. (Ped) ‘Thurman, William G. (Ped) "Toomey, Robert E. (Hosp, Admin) Watkins, Benj. W. (Podiatry) ‘White, Philip T. (Nemo) Member Member Chrman or Member Pahl Approval Cc. RECOMMENDED SOURCE & NAME | SELECTION AMERICAN RHEUMATISM ASSOC. BROWN, CURLAND C. ‘DUFF, IVAN F. _ ENGLEMAN, EPHRAIM P. wevpek > Jk ne SHULMAN, LAWRENCE E. MEMBER SMYTH, CHARLEY J. WEISS, THOMAS E. an = CED men PAHL APPROVAL NTV. 89+ Am, Sct. neering analysis. rsity, Lafayette, EE CHE ENG, PUD 1. Soc. £ duc. Thermodynamics: Mechanical Engineering, Purdue Ur BROWN, CCHARLES) M, bo Ninzara Falls, N.Y, Nog 23, 19: m. 43: ¢. 3. METALL ich, 41. Res. metat. etals Res. 9 o Metals Co, 52- mn Carbide CORP, $9 & Petrol. Enz ‘itie stainless Ste ws ard reactive meta's. sion, P.O. Bax 579, N BROWN, CHARLES) QUENTIN}, $9-¢, 2. GEOLOGY. B5,U y, Inst, 29. Lastr. GEOL erason Univ, 54-35. * 33.87: PROF, E.CAROLINA UNIV. 63-, DIR-E 1, 47-69, Mem. N.C. Marine }. Soc. Am: Soe. Icon. Pal of recent deposits. Addres Greenville, 8.C. 27234. b. Roanoke Ra N.C, 51. Sedime 4 ology, East Carolina Univers BROWN, CHARLES MAVILLE), b. Orange Co, Va, Oct. 1, IC E . Inst, 4 ro 35. Controt . fermentation wnt, AE . prod, 60-61, eceut. cpers, 62-10, ADME fermentat Address: A : : ‘ bem 6-60; mgr. iv, i . CHEMIST RAFT CORP. aS Soc, Elec- troch ® fosed salts. Research craft 1 Lab, Chemical Section, 46 Main St Labs, Propu o6ic3. ier Uniy, 69 Aphys. chem), i, Univ. Md, 66-6 OF, UNIV. . Appl. Srectr hem. Soc: r structure: {fects on cpt Dept. of Chemisiry, U BROWN, CLAM A(LAN), b. Syracuse ri Uniy. Mich, 25-26: instr. bot, ch, 22-31; asst. prof, La. State Univ, Bat prof, 35-43, prof. 43-70. BOT. CONSULT, 70- 7 , 92; Edmund 26, 63, c. 1. Port ; foot). 34. ” palynology. Ad- phology and Liclogy of some species of Odontia: Tertiary dress: 1160 Stanford Ave, Baton Rouge, La. 70502. VIN, b. Lancaster, Pa, Dec. 26, 23; m. 49; ¢. 3. - . n& Marshall Col, 80; Harvard, 51. GEOLOGIST. ~~ U8. GEOL. s 5. Geol. Soc. Am: Soc. Econ. Geol... Siructure, srence County, New York; ind 10, U.S. Geoloyical Survey, Wa. tate, zinc and lead. Address: EB agton, D.C. 20242. AUD L(AFAYETTE), b. Cumming, fa, & B.S.F, Univ. Ga, 4@, MLS, 64. PhD, H Ga, 48-51; ess Q f renetics PROF . 19, 25: m. 63; ¢. 2. t 3. INTERNAL MEDICINE. A.B, Harvard. 44, M. Am. Vet, Med, Asa; Radiation Tt suns, 49. Teacher, pub, schs, Kans, du-25, 47-0, sst. instr. muth, Univ, Kans, 38-40: supver, stud, teachirs ‘ West. Til. State Teachers Col, 49-43; prof, CENT. MO. STATE COL, tee t head dept, 45-69, chinn. div. sei, & math, 47-69, DEAN COL. ARTS ‘ : 69- AAAS, Teachimy of mathemabes: analysis. Address: Central Mio. ary State Colleze, Warrensburg, Mo. §i093,. . 3: Pad. - prin, 29-37; DROWN, CLAUDEOUS JUETHRO) DANIELS), b. Farr West. Utah, A’ 04; m. 31; c¢. 2. ZOOLOGY. B.S, Brigham Young Univ, 27. M.S, 2 (zool). Univ. Mich, 33. Instr. zool, Univ. Mich, 31-33, res. assoc, 3 asst. aquatic biologist, Bur. Fisheries, Utah, 34-35; instr. zool, Mant Col, 33-37; asst. dir. inst. fisheries res. State Dept. Conserv, Mich, 37 tech. dir, State Pollution Comn, Wash, 44-45; aquatic bioloist, U.S. & Wildlife Serv, Wash. & Ore, 45-47; assoc. prof. ZOOL, MONT. STATE UNIV, 47-50, PROF, 50- Fisheries adv, Food & Agr. Orgn. Paraguay, 37; fisheries consult, Ford Found, Egypt. 64 & G6. Am. Soc. Limnol. & Oceanog; Am. Micros, Soc.(secy-ed, 52-55, pres. 59); Am. Fisheries Soc. (pres, 70); Am. Soc. Ichthyol. & Herpet; Wildlife Soc; fel. Am. Inst. Fisrery Res, Biol; fel. Int. Acad. Fishery Sci. Limnology and freshwater fish management; fishes of Montana. Address: Dept. of Zoology, Montana $ University, Bozeman, Mont, 59715. BROWN, COLIN. BERTRAM, b. London, Eng, Jan. 15, 29: m. 54; ¢. 1. CIVIL ENGINEERING. B.Sc, London, 53; Ph.D.(mech, materials), Minnesota, 62. Eng. asst, D-H. Lec, Eng, 59.55: bridye designer, Lindsey County Cc enengr, Prov. of B.C, 57-59: ves. fel. enz. mech, Minne prof. civil eng, Univ. Calif, Be vs civil eng. & appl. mech, Columbia Univ, 66-63; CIVIL ENG, UNIV. W 69- Am. Soc. Civil Eng: Soc. Rheols Ara, Concrete Inst; Int. Asn. Br & Struct. Eng. Structural mechanics, theory of interface friction; incre s. tal problems in elasticity; statistical methods in structural engincerin. Ad dress: Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 93105. BROWN, CONNELL J(EAN), b. Everton, Ark, Mar. 6, 24; m. 46; ¢. 2. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. B.S.A, Univ. Ark, 48; M.S, Okla. State Univ, 50. Ph.D, 56. Asst. ANIMAL HUSB, Okla. State Univ, 48-50; asst. prof, Univ. Ark, Fayetteville, 50-33: asst, Oxla, State Univ, 52-54: asst. prof, UNIV. ARK, FAYETTEVILLE, 34-56, assoc. prof, 56-61, PROF, 61- Am. Soc. Animal Sei; Genetics Soe. Am. Cla ification of beef type; performance records of beef cattle: swine and heef carcass quality; sheep breedins. Address; Division of Animal Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayette- ville, Ark. 72701. sm BEUWN, CURTLAND CHESTER, IR, b. Cambridge, Mass, Jan. 9, 23: m. 48; D, Harvard Med. § 48. Intern med, Albany Hosp. 48.49, teaching fel. p , Albany Med. ‘Cel, 49-50, resident asst. med, Albany Hosp, 50-51, res , 51-52, res. fel, Albany Med. Col, 52-53, asst. dean, 53-34: clin. & res. fel. rheumatol Mass. Gen. Ho 56-57; asst. prof, MED, Albany Med. Col, 57-64, as prof, 64-70; ASSOC. CLIN. PROF, SCH. MED, YALE, 70- Med.C, 54- Res, 56-, Lt. Comdr. AAAS: Am, Rheumatism Asn; N.Y. Acad. Sci. cal and basic research in the rheumatic diseases. Address: The Gaylord Hospital, Wallingford, Conn. 06492. . bens. “BROWN, DAIL W(QORWARD), b. Columbis, Ohio, Aug. 11, 42;m,. 65;c. 1, BIO- 2APHY. B.A, Denigon, 64: Pa.D. (biol), California. : . biol. oceanog, Lamont Geol. Ooserv, 65-69 OCEANOGRAPHER, SMITITSONIAN INST, 69- U.S. Nat. correspoade Coop. Invests. of the Mediter, T1- AAAS; Am. Soe. ichtnyol. & Her rine Tech. Soc; Am. Soc. Limnol. & Oceanog. Ichthyology; marine eco Address: Oceanography & Limnology Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20559. LOGICAL OCEANOGE Santa Barbara,.63. Res. ZRY), b. Oak Grove, Mo, Apr. 30, 22: m,. 44,0. 2. ME- ERING. B.S, Rensselacr Polytech. Inst, 42, M.S, 30. lytech, Inst, 43-44, asst. Pre Jengr, GEN, ELEC. CO, 50-23, BROWN, DALE H CHANICAL E Instr. mech. eng. & niech, Rensseluer P thermodyn. & heat eng, 46-50; thern thermal systs. consult. eng, 56-67, s e RES. & DEVELOP. CTR. 67-63, THERMAL & ENVIRON, SYSTS. T. ENGR, 69 U.S.N.R. 44-46, Lt. Am. Soc. 3 : Soc. Automotive Eng: N.Y. Acad. Se Nat. Soc. Prof. E production and environmental effects in tre biosphere; system dynamics; transient thermodynamics; simulation of power and process apparatus. Address: 5 Berkley Square, Scotia, N.Y. 12302. BROWN, DANIEL A(INSLEE), b. Wilmington, Del, Oct. 2k, 10. CHEMISTRY. B.A, Univ. Del, 35, M.A, 37. Technician, res. staff, exp. sta, E.1. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, 35-37, electrochem. dept, 37-44, Jackson Lab, 44.50, CHEMIST, EXPLOSIVES DEPT, SAY. YAH RIVER LAB, 55- Ci- yilian with C.W.S. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soe. Organic chemicals; general dry cleaning solvents; dye intermediates; radiochemical analysis. Ad- dress: F.1. du Pont de Nemours & Co, Savannah River Lab, 677-G, Aiken, §.C. 29801. BROWN, DANIEL G(ROVER), b. Miss, Jan, 19, 23; m. 47; ¢. 3. VETERI- NARY MEDICINE. D.V.M, Auburn Univ, 56. Asst. prof. VET. MED, UNIV. TENN, KNOXVILLE, 56-59, assoc. prof, 59-60, PROF, 60- U.S.N, 43-45. s. Soc. Effects of external i ; . 1299 Bethel Valley Rd, Guk Ridg Addres. domestic animals. s BROWN, DANIEL JOSEPH, b. Fiwood, Ind, June 3. 41; m. 668: ¢. 2, PHAR- MACOLOGY. TOXICOLOGY. B.S, Marian Col, 63: Ph.2.(toxicol), Ind. Univ, 6% Fel. PHARMACOL. & TONICOL, Univ. Wash, 68-68, ASST. PROF, MED. CTR, ISD. UNIV, INDIANAPOLIS, 69- Am. Acad. Ferensi¢ Sci. Methanol intoxication, metabolism and excretion. Address: of Toxicoluzy, Indian University Medical Center, 1100 W. Michigan St, Indianapolis, Ind. G7. N, b. Roanoke, Va. May 26, 39; m. 61: ¢. 2. CIVIL (E, Dake Univ. G1, Nut. Pefense Edue. Act fet & Net, . DANTE PRIGC. ciuef trop, med, dent, on & chief print. s & tactics, Hu , 49-81, 3 sonepabis © : : ands Air Force > Sch. ‘Ae roe , dep. s conimand sure ceon, Air wa, Command suid HOGG, PLAN? *. Gen. Am, Mid. 4 , am. Col. Prev, Trop. Med. & i Address: State Dept. of Hes RGE) FIRANCIS) I »o. 3 IEMATICS, i 51. Moore insle, Mass. L RONTO, 62-57, assoc. prof, Can. J. Math, 57-61. ferential cquations. GeO, die. triaiae @ a 43-43, Wh Sueur Bet. Cu. fei, Ba.D.(oact), Univ. $5-56, bret, Univ. ASSUC. prot, sch. lusts. lleaith r re. grant, OG; Can Ata. Soc. Cell Biol; C crobiol. Genetic re velopment in both pre 5 a University of Cals wary, Calvary 4-4, Alberta, Can. Am. Pub. Health Aerospace Med. A Am. Soc. Parasitol: Militury preventive and aviation medicine. , L1U0 W. 49th St, Austin, TX 78756. TON),’b. Toronto, Ont, diily 28, 26; m. 51; mba, 48, M.A, 49: Ph.D.(math), Princeton, , 51-52: asst. pr MATH, UNTV. TO- . PROF, 61-, CHA DEPT, 68- Ed, uth. “soe: Can. Math. Conz.(pres, 71-73). Dif- 2G Buckingham Ave, Toronto 317, Ont, Can, CHE BIC ‘AL ERGE a: Athlone fe My dipl, Imp. Cal. ” : ) PhDichem. ¢ Master Univ, GF mvGR, Atomic Ener:y of Can, 6 CHEVRON RIS. “co ATU OIL ‘co. CALIF, 67- 7 Eng; Am. Chem. verization ka ant #enctor md petroleum hydrocra atatyst research and 3 Address: Process Res arch Dept, Chev ron Eesearch Co, 576 Standard Ave, Richmond, CA 94802. DUFF, GAM CAL CH DUERR, PREDERICK G, bh. St. Paul, Minn, Muy 17, 35: m. 54; ¢. 3. Z7O- chem), Flos OLOGY, COMPARATIVE F SIOLOGY. B.A. Minnesota, 56, Ph. p (290%), DIR, COr. kM, DALHOUS ti Dakota, 61-67; BIOL, Univ. Sask, 63- An. Cols. Pharm. 65. ASSOC. PROM. cool, 67-68; UNSTV. N.DAK, ool: Am. Soc. Piricitel Com- Address: College of Pharmacy, I Poly 5) GORDON, b. Rosetown, Sask, Apr. 3, 30. PHARMACEUTI- wan, 53, M.Sc, 53: Ph.D. (pharmeeut. latchewan, 58.5 c. lectr, 59-61: - UNIV, G1-, PROF. ps ACEUT. CHEM, sis of organic medicival compounds. iwousie University, Halifax, N.S, Can. parative physiology of c 5 sm; physiol ty uf res- ~~ piration and nitrogen exeretion. Address > bepi. of biolozy, University of > DUFF, IVAN F(RANCIS), b. Pentle ston, Ore, July 20, 15; m; cc. 2. INTERNAL North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202. 1. MEDICINE. A, B, oF exon, 3 3 : tichigan, 40. Intern, univ. hosp, UNIV. MICH, t MED, 41-42, resident, 42-46, DUERRE, JOHN A, b. We er S.Dak, Aug. 21, 30: m. 57; a 3. MIC ire Na i 3, assoc. prof, 53-60, PROF, 60-, BIOCHESUSTRY, PHY G, PROF. NIV. HOSP, 60-, agst. physician, 48. | (bact), Minnesota, 64. 53. Dir, Prog, Mich, 69-71. d.C, 42-46, ‘ 61; res. bactericiezis Comic. m. Rheumatism Asn: fel. Ain. Col. Physi- = { eases, 61-63; asst. 7 : Cians. F ratio and thror volie diseases. Address: Arthritis Divi- i Prot, 65-71, PROF, 71 i sion, Hide, 9, Room 920, University Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ne, 66h: 8 Nat. Ins ni maropsychiat. res. un : Health career develop rd, 70-, res. crant, a1. Sulfur amino a4 me- tabolisia in mammalian systems: methylation of brain histones; microbiol- ogy. Address: Dept. of 3 Siicrobiology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58201. cosas cme Md, May 17, 18; m. 47. ELECTRON- - ENET, HOOVER co, 39: ~41, sr. engr, With Off. : "Elec. & Electronics Pre Small se- ronie control and inspection equipment . ries motor Wis, Aug. 18, 40; m. 64: ° 2. design; apal 5 ot mulitivibrator c A, St. viet Coi, 62. Nat. . control; fr ney multiplier. A iz 5 Eastern § St, North Canton, O11 467% DUERST, RICHARS WILLIAM, b. Rice Lake PHY SICAL & ANALYT ICAL CHEMISTRY. Health Summer grant, 62; Ph.D. (chem), C chem, Lawrence Rad Standards res. fel, N. CHEM, WIS. STATE UNI Union Carbide Chem. Co, 61 & res. asst, y nia, 63-66. Am. Chefn. Soc; The Chem. Soe netic. resonance studies of inorgani DUFF, JAMES T(HOMAS), b, Sandusky, Ohio, Jan. 23, 25. MICROBIOLOGY. B.S, Ohio Siate, 47, M.S, 49; Ph.D, Texas, 60.. Microbiologist, immunol. br, med, invest, div, U.S. Army Biol. Lab, Ft. Detrick, 49-55, 59-65; microbi- ologist, NAT. CANCER INST, 65-65, ASSOC. CHIEF, VIRAL CARCINOGEN- ESIS BR, €€- Res, scientist, d bact, Univ. Tex, 57-59. U.S.N, 43-46, hydration of tonic species in < Res, 46-, Comdr. AAAS; N.Y. i; Tissue Culture Asn; Am. Soc. tions; effect of tsotopic substiv: og, Address: Dept. Microbiol: Sci, Res. Soc. Am; rit. Soc. Gen, Microbiol. Azotobacter bac- ‘of Chemistry, Wisconsin State University, Eau Claire, WI 54701, teriophage: Clostridium botulinum toxins and toxoids; tissue culture; psit- tacosis group vaccines; viral. once! . Address: Viral Carcinogenesis DUESEL, BERNARD F(RANCIS), b. Webster. Linss, June 18, 07; m. 38; ¢. 4. Branch, Nawonal Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20014, CHEMISTRY. A.B, Clarl:, 29. A.M. 40. Res. c . Pyridium Corp, 30- 43, asst. dir. develop, $3.48: sr. res. chem a Chen. Co. Div, Wer- DUFF, MfcGHE) A, b. Moran, Tex, é « 22, 26; m. 51; ¢. 2, ANALYTICAL ner-Lambert Pharm, 46-57, chief develop. mist, 57-59, sr. develop. CHEMISTRY. B.S, Southern Methodist, 50, M.S, 52; Ph.D. (2nal. chem). chemist, §9-61, res. mar, 61-69; RETIRED. Am. Chem. Soc. Pharmaceu- La. State, 6. Res. anal. che t, CELANESE CHEM. CO, 55-58 GROUP ticals; sulfa drugs; vitamins; pharmaceutical chemistry. Address: 512 LEADER, 58- U.S.N, 44-46. Am. Chem. Soc. Process development. Ad- Valley Ave, Yonkers, NY 10703. dress: Celanese Chemical Co, P.O. Box 9077, Corpus Christi, TX 1408. DUESING, CONSTANTIN MICHAEL, b. Berlin, Ger, Dec, 15, 32: m. 59. DUFY, RAYMOND STANLEY, b. Hodgidon, Maine, Nov. 2, 23; m. 45; ¢. 3. uine, 45: M.D, Yale, 52, M.P.H, 59. In- n Hosp, 52-55: dir. bur. med. serv, New & pub, health, sch, YALE, 56-59, Ds inich, 54, Ph.D. (reol), 69. PEDIATRICS, SOCIOLOGY. B.A, tJ. ROY GORDON RES. tern & res, pediat, Yalo-New Hat n. & Metall; Mineral. Haven Health Dent, 55-55; instr. PETROLOGY, MINERALOGY. B.Sc. & M. ge, NATO fet. geal, McGill, 69-62: RES. GEOLOS LAB, INT, NICKEL CO. CAN, LTD, 62- Can. Asn, Can; German Geol. Acm German Mine 8 Igneous and-meta- asst. prof. pedial, & sociol, 58-67, ASSOC. PROF. PEDIAT, SCH. MED, 67- morphic peirology; economical geology of ore deposits. Address: J. Roy Asst, dir. ambulatory serv, Yale-New Haven Hosp, 56-59. USA, 43-46, Gu ee nieseareh Lab, International Nickel Co. of Canada a, Ltd, Clarkson, 2nd Lt. AA fel. Am. Pub, Health Asn; fel. Am. Acad. Pediat; Am. Sociol. On, C Asn. Beha laspects of health, cepecially health or illness care in large hospitals as influenced by paticnis, families, physicians, nurses, DUESTERHOEFT, WILLIAM CHARLES, JR, b. Austin, Tex, Dec. 10, 21: administrators and others. Address: Dept. of Pediatrics, School of Medi- m. 49;¢. 1, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. B.S, Texas, 43, M.S, 49; Ph.D. cine, Yale University, New Haven, CP 66520. {elec. “eng), Calif. Inst. Tech, 63. Elec. engr, Gen. 2c. Co, 43-46; instr. : elec, erg, Texas, 46-48, asst. prof, 48-49; inslr, Czlif, Inst. Tech, 49-52; DUFF, ROBERT H{ODGE), b. Durand, Mich, Oct. 21, 29: m. §8; c. 3. INOR- aerophysics ener, Gen. Dynamic ‘Convair. 52-54; assoc, prof. ELEC. ENG, GANIC & PI CAL CHEMISTRY. B.S, Mich, State, 51; Ph.D. (inorg. UNIV. TEX, AUST IN, 54-60, PROF, 63- Corp. consult, 54- Inst. Elec, & chews), Ind 61, Control chernist, Am, Agr. Chem. Co, Mich, 51-53; Electronics Erg; Am. Soc. Eng. Educ; Am. Vhys. Soe. Plasma dynamics; asst, Indiana, 53-59; electron microsconist & phys. chemist, Nat. Bur. geophysics; power and energy conversion systems, Address: Dept. of Elec- Standards, 59-61; staff scientist clectron micros, Avco Corp, Wilming- trical Engincering, University of Austin, Austin, TX 78712. _ ton, 61-66; res. asso¢, LEDGEMON'T LAB, KENNECOTT COPPER . CORP, LEXINGTON, G6. 79, ANAL. CHEMIST, 70- AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc: DUFF, DALE THOMAS, b. Ross Co, Ohto, Dec. 26, 30; m. 58; ¢. 1. CROP fel. Am. Inst. Chem; Eleetron Micros. Soc. Am; Int. Soc. Stercology; Int. PHYSIOLOGY. B.S, Ohio State Unix, 57, M.S, 64: PAD, (crop sci), Mich. Metallographic Soc. Use of electron mierostopy in all phases of material State Univ, 67. Trairce, Soil Conserv. Serv, u, gs Dent. Agr, 55- 37: agrono- science; use cf x-rays for elemental analysis with the electron microscope. mist, Clinton County Farm Bur. Coop Asn, Chio, 58-61; asst. instr. acren, Address: 21 Robin Hood Rd, Arlington, MA 02174, ‘ Ohio State Univ, 61-64; teaching asst. crop sci, Mich. State Univ, 64-67; ASST. PROF. PLANT & SOIL S CL UNTV. R.I, 67- U.S.N, $9-52. AAAS; .DUFF, RUSSELL E(ARL), b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Nov. 28, 26; m. 47; ¢. 5. Am. Soc, Agron; Crop Sci. Soc. Arn: Aim, Inst. Biol. Rei, Stress physiology PHYSICS. B.S Michigan, 47, M.S, 48, Ph.D. (physics), 51. Res. assoc, of turf crasses, especially high teraperature and low temperature effects eng. res. inst, Michiran, 47-51; 1, Staff, Los Alamos Sci. Lab, 51-61; upon growth. Address: Dept, of Plant & Soil Science, University of Rhode Inst. Defense Anal, 61-62; proj. leader, Lawrence Radiation Lah, 62-64, Island, Kingston, RI 02831, div. leader, 64-67; DIR, SYSTS, SCI. ar OFTWARE & GEN, MGR, APPL. NUCLEAR DIV, 67- U.S.N.R, 44-46, Am. Nuclear Soc; Am. Phys. Soc. DUFF, NAVID CECIL PUCHANAN, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 15, 01; m, 32; Shock and detonation hydrodynamics; high temperature chemistry. Address: ¢.1, BACTERIOLOGY, LIMUNOLOGY. B.A, ‘Yor , 26, M.A, 27, Ph.D, Applied Nu on, Systeias, Science & ‘Software, P.O. Box 1620, 30. From instr. to prof. & immiunol, British o} a, 29-70; RE- La Jolla, CA 92037. TIRED. Consult. pathologist, Pac. Biol. Sta, 30-80 i Sta, 26; Fisheries Exp. Sta, Prince Rupert, 29. B.C Brit, Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Microt phrsiology; inarine microbio roles of marine micro-org us in relation to the turnover of ele: sents 67%, Ph. in the seas. Address: 4687 W. Sth Ave, Vancouver 8, B.C, Can. assoc. insir, 64-65; DUFF, WILLARD MOYLE, b. Canon City. Colo, July 20, 39; m. 63; ¢. 1. PHYSIOLOGY. B.S, Midland Col, 61; Nebraska, 63, U.S.P. HLS. fel, 65- D.Gphysiol), 67. Res. assoc. phy sch. ined, Creighton, 63-65, st. pref. BIOL, UNIV. HARTFORD, 67-70, ASSOC. ca am. Acad. Pediat, Am. Heart Asi Soc. Pediat. Res: Am. Col. A) AT speams; ATA. Pediat. Soc; Asn. Europ. Petiat. Cardiol: Am. Col. pediatric cardiclocy, especially convenital formations of at vessels. Address: New York Hospital, 625 E. Géth Si, New vy iete ; yp be lake ravh RIANDAL), b. Newton, Iowa, | vty, PHTWSICS. B.A, Pan Am. in 54, Arizon na. Of & Geo * 5 school levels. can University, “DIS), JR, b. Phila. Pa June di, 20: 1m. 45; ¢. 2. MED- , 45, Intern path, 2; Markle sche! ar, 52-57; c it, . Vet. Admin. Tos .M chy An Tie Soc. info, Sei. . medicine. Address: New York | Hos Bi “al NY 10021. fof ROPERT B, b. Decatur, Nl, “Age 10, 31; m. 53; c. 4. APPLIED : 5 “he D. fapgh. mech), Mich. i se oe LAW +e aL mech, heh, Sikte, “aN LAB, 66- Ora.C, U.S.A, : o e “materials-de looment of “address: 1924 Via Madrid, Livermore, al ; venniques and equipment. 4 255), ts LE, ROOSERT} FIRY1, IR, b. Phila, Pa, Jan. 6, 10; m. 40;c. 3. CHEM.-. MTRY BS, Hay rd Cot. 2% Ph.D. [phys. cher}, Correll, 37. Asst ocess Co, NY, 27-43; OC, 63- Am. Chem. Soc. TCC ESS development; “2 uf solid fuels: s B Astrees: Textile Fibers Dept, E. I. du Pont de emours & Co, “ine, Wilming- ae, DE 19598, FSLE, ROBERT RUFUS), b. Sullivan Co, Ind, Jan. 29, 30; m. 54; ¢. 6. OR- - 27. B. A DePau. 31; Am. Platimra Works fe) i, 1 { try of natural products; Structure detern r chemotherapy. Address: 8565 Tuckerman Lane, D WELSON). b. Sept. 2, 38; m. 64: ¢. 2. NUCLEAR arnecie-Mellon Uriv. 60; Nat. Sci. Found. coop. feis, 63, Atomic Bnercy Comn. trainzeship, 67, ech. engr, Athintic Res. Corp, summer 69; proj. ic Ererey Comn, 64-66: ASST. PROF. Reactor supyr, Uriv. Fla, 69-71; sr. nu- wnmer 71; Am. Soc. Enz educ-Ford Found. , Gilbert Assocs, ng. Ed nee G, tear encr, Fla. Pp tesident fel. prog 15, Cece, prog, co fraction fram vit sport throu etheds. Address: esvilie, FL 32501. we clear “Scie “nleS B az, Univ crsity of Florida, G b. Is bastown, Pa, Aug. 1, Qi; 1 rm. ‘Bly eae res. lab and practical corre Nef Inetals. Address: LEMAN, CHRISTIAN L, b. svancous ver, Wash, Ap HS.ULS. 8 = ee te boye. 3. MEDIC ire SCHL M * $1-64, PROF ENGLESBERG / 1653 woe we tecpence eye peers eee ee ees : f t . } ENGLEMAN, UUAEM P(HILIP), b. San Jose, Calil, March 24, 11; m. 41: SS ee atin s 33, M. a 37, Asst. clin. prof. 48-37, assoc. clin. prof, i GROUP, MED, CTR, 58- asp, 60-; secy-gen, lat. League ¢ rheutaatism, 61- Med.c, : . Am, 1 sumatism ASn. (pres, ): Am, Col. Physicians; Am. ; Fedn. Ch: n. Res, Rheumatic diseases. Address: 359 N. San Mateo Dr, San j Mateo, CA 94401. ROT, F, IR be Norman, Okla Mar. ‘16, 34: m. “56: ¢ c. 3. “PHYST- ; noma, 55 re (chem), Calif. Inst. Tech, 59. ALAMO . LAB, 59- AAAS; Am. Chem. a of free radicals studied by ition og stic2l spectroscopy. Address: Los , P.O. Box 1683, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Alamos Scientific Lab, ENGLEMAN, VICTOR SOLOMON, b, Brooklyn, NY, Dee. 31, 40; m. 65: ¢. 2. CHEMICAL ENGIN: NG. BL 5, Cant. Inst. Te chnol. 62; Nat. Sci, Found. fol, Univ. Calif, 62- MLS, 64, rainee, 65-67, Ph.D.(chem. eng), Si. Proj. engr, Air Force, Rocket Brogvisicn tah, 67. 79. RES, ENGR, ESSO RES. & ENG. CO, 70- Lectr, Gorden rs U.S.A.F, 67-79, Capt. Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Inst. Cher: ion Inst; Air Pollution Control Asa. Cor ion; chemical k air on, Address: Esso Research & Engine Co, P.O. Box B. “Linden, NJ 07036. 3 ENGLER, ARNOLD, b. Czernovitz, Romania, July 19, 27; m. 61. PIYSICcs. Hebrew Univ, Isracl, 46-47 & 49; Ph.D, (ohy ics), Berne, 53. Res. assoc. PHYSICS, Berne, 53-54: Bris tol, 54-56, Rochester, 55- 36: sr. res. off, ¢ assoc, prof, 80-61: assoc. prof, Nerth- . Technol, 62-66, PROF, CARD SEGIE-MELLON c. physicist. Brookhaven Nat, Lab, 63; fel, St. x, 65-67. Isracli Forces, 43-49, Set. Fel. Am. Phys. Soc; Italian Phys. : Elementary particle physics: cosmic ray physics. Address: Dept. of Paysien Carnegie- Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, i. 50; ¢. 5. MEDT- ENGLER, HAROLD §, b. ae usta, Ga, Jan. 16, < 1G, MED. COL. GA, CINE, SURGERY. M.D, Col. Ga, 50. Instr : 50-58, asst. prof, 55 “61, ped prof, 61-65, PROF, 65- Dipl, Am. Bd. Sure, ’58, U.S.A.F, 42-46, Ist Lt. Am. Col. Surg; James Ewing Soc. Can- cer and surgical research. Address: Dept. of Surgery, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30902. CLD), b. Zurich, Switz, Nov. 20, 31; U.S. citizen; m; TRY. viel chem. eng. Swiss. Fed. Inst. Tech, 54: Max Planck Inst. Virus Res, 58-69; t. prof, 61-66, biochem, 55- Admin, 68, res. chemist, STOLE RANCES DIV, EN- ansas City, 63-67. of viruses in iral nucleic acid; health al control of pests. Ad- mal Protection Agency, ington, DC 20250. ENGLER, RETO A ce. 1. ORGANIC c Ph.D. (chem), * ak: , Sy x “ ei Cc £ . suorobial, "Bi ynthe sis of AAAS; N Seis J plants and animals, especiaily tke nazard of viruses in food: vire) dress: Pesticides Tolerances D South Agricultural Bldg, 12th & C St. S.W, Was: ENGLERT, DU WAYNE C(LEVELAND), b. Wakeeney, Kans, Dec. 1, 32; m, 93; ¢. 2. POPULATION GENE . B.S, Ranges, 54: M. Ss, Purdue, él, Ph.D.(genetics), 64. Ast. prof. ZOOL, SOUTH. IL L. UNIV . 63- 69, ASSOC. PROF, 69- Vis. prof, de mal sci, Pardue Univ, 68- 69. U.S. A, 34-55, Res, 59-62. Am. Genctics Genetics Soc. Am? Tiomet. Soc; Genetics Soc. Can. Genotype by environment interactions in Drosophila and Triho- lium; effects of environmental stress on sex rati tection and interre- lationship of growth tr: etic differences in growth curves; and ge- retic recombination in Tr ium castaneum. Address: Dept. of Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62301. ENGLERT, MARY FLIZABETH. b. New Orleans, La, July 11, 01. CHEMOS- TRY. A.B, Loyola (La), 23, MLA, 25, M.S, Wisconst nh 20, Ph.D.forg. chem), 33, Instr. ‘CHEM, ST. MARY'S DOMINICAN COL, 24- PROF, 28- Assoc. res. mem, Inst. Divi Thomae, 40- AAAS; Am. Chem, Ser Am. ‘inst. Chem. Local anesthetics; nuclecproteins; growth promoting substances; pyrazo- lones derived from carbethoxypiperidones. Address: 7214 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118. ENGLERT, R(OBERT) P, b. Portland, Ore, Feb. 11, 20; m. 54. RESEARCH ADM NISTRATION. BS, . Portland, 42; B.S. "EMS, Ore. State Univ, 44; fel, Univ. Calo, 45- 43, Pad. forg. chem), 49. A Ore. State Univ, 43; biochemist, Naval Med, Res. Inst, 46, SY. Org. chemist, Stanford Res. Inst, 49-55, mar. phys. sel. res abs, §5-59, chmn, 59-62, dir, 62- 7 NVIRON. TECHNOL. DIV. Cc, i0- £5. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Res, Soc. Am; Air Polk ation Control Asn; Am. Inst. sistry of boron and antimony; herbicides and in- logy Division, Dresser Indus- a. ! tries, In c, 1102 M teGaw, Santa Ana, CA 927 ENGLES, EARL F(RANKLIN), JR, b. Henryetta, Oxla, Aug. 7, 22: m. 45 c. 3, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, B.S, Southe Col, 43; M. s, Cita homa, 48, Php, 61, ap leader res, DOW CO, 52 62, econ, eval. : ena aeaae! DISCIPLINE rere (63. ero ce EN ee A AREA To an + Cote diana 2 vases ia ata ab ABs «aac iE 5798 / SHULMAN SHULMAN, HERMAN L, b, N.Y¥.C, Feb. 24, 22; m. 42: ¢. 2. B.Ch.E, City Col. New York, 42; Du Pont fel, Pennsylvania, 47-48. M.S, 48, Ph.D.(chem, eng), 50. Chem. engr, Gen. Motors Corp, 42-43; Barres: Div, Allied Chem. & Dye Corp, 43-46; res. chem. engr, Publicker Ind c. 46-47; asst. prof. CHEM. ENG, CLARKSON COL. TECI#NOL, 48-81. assoc, prof, 51-54, PROF, 54-, DIR. DIV. RES, 59-, DEAN GRAD. SCH. .V.PRES. & DEAN SCH. ENG, 68-, assoc. dir. div, res, 54-59, chmn. 4 64. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ; Am. Chem. Suc; Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. { nsfer absorp- tion; packed columns; ion exchange; gas-bubble c organic processes; flowmeters. Address: Clarkson College of Techni . Potsdam, NY 19676. SHULMAN, HYMAN L, b. Warren, Ohio, Feb, 25, 19; m. TRONICS. B.A, California, Los Angeles, 48, M.A, 51. throp Aircraft Corp, 51-54; Hughes Aireraft Corp, 33 staff, Space Tech. Labs, Inc, 55.58; mem, sr, sta Corp, 58-59; dir. res. & develop. labs, AC Spark Pic Corp, 59-63; MEM. TECH. STAFF, RAND CORP, §3- G tion; flight control and weapons systems; dynamics. Ac brook Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90024. m. staff, Nor- sr, mem. tech. onics dept, Rand Gen, Motors ance and naviga- ess: 10426 Lind- SHULMAN, JONAS ALVIN, b. Baltimore, Mad, Sept. 5, 38: m. 58; ¢. 2. IN- TERNAL MEDICINE. Dartmouth Col, 53-58; M.D, internal med, Univ. Md. Hosp, Baltimore, Md, 60-61 Univ. Wash, 61-62; R.G Petersdorf fel. infectious ¢ instr. & chief resident med, Univ. Wash. Hosp, &6 TIOUS DISEASES, SCH. MED, EMORY UNIV, 68-79. COORD. CLIN, CURRICULUM, 70-, DIR. DEPT. MS Dipl, Am. Bd. Internal Med. 63, U.S.P.H.S, 64-55. Am. Epidemiology of hospital infections; antibictics ogy and efficacy studies. Address: Division of Infec University School of Medicine, 69 Butler St, S.E, At! & ried, 62-64, prof. INFEC- . PROF. & PREV. MED, 72- ous Disease Soc. syeal pharmacol- Diseases, Emory za, GA 30303. SHULMAN, LAWRENCE E(DWARD), b. Boston, Mass, a INTERNAL MEDICINE. A.B, Harvard, 44; Ph,Dipu M.D, 49. Res. assoc, John B. Pierce Found, C kins Hosp, 43-50, asst. res, hosp, 52-53, physi JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV, 50-52, instr, 53-56, asst PROF, 63-, DIR, CONNECTIVE TISSUE DIV, DEPT gator, Arthritis & Rheumatism Found, 57. Consult, Metab, Diseases. AAAS; Am. Rheumatism Asn; A: Fedn. Clin, Res; N.Y. Acad. Sci. Connective tis. rheumatic diseases, especially collagen disorders demiologic studies. Address: 916 Clinical Science Hospital, Baltimore, MD 21205, y 25, 19; m, 59; ¢. 1. lth), Yale, 45, intern MED, Hop- , SCH. MED, 8-63, ASSOC. D, 54- Sr. investi- Inst. Arthritis & Med. Cols; Am. ers, including ologic and epi- Johns Hopkins m. 49; ¢. 1. MEDI- California, 40. rn to chief res, GYNEC, SCH. 9, ASSOC. CLIN, t, St. John’s Hosp, 5, sr. attend, 55-; tet. & Gynec, 47. Am, Col. Surg. Ad- SHULMAN, LEON J, b. Los Angeles, Calif, Sept. 22, 13: CINE. B.A, California, Los Angeles, 35; M.D. 5 Intern, Los Angeles County Hosp, Calif, 39-41: fr Margaret Hague Maternity Hosp, 42-45; instr. OB MED, UNIV. SOUTH. CALIF, 45-56, asst. clin. 5 PROF, 59- Private practice. Mem. attend. stall 45-; jr. attend. staff, Los Anzeles County Gen attend, staff, Santa Monica Hosp, 59- Dipl, Am. Fel. Am. Med, Asn; fel. Am. Col, Obstet. & Gynec: dress: 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA SHULMAN, MORTON, b. Chicago, TU, July 7, 33; m ANESTHESIOLOGY. B.S, Illinois, 55, M.D, 58. ILL, 59-61, res. fel, 61-62, instr, 63-64, asst. p 10- Attend. anesthesiologist, Vet. Admin, 64-: Consult, col. vet. med, Hlinois, 68- U.S.A.F, 61 Anesthesiol; Int. Anesthesia Res. Soc. Cardiov vasoactive drugs; pharmacology of respirat a: ics, local anesthetics and analgesics. Addres TWlinois Masonic Hospital, 836 Wellington, Chicag ec. 3, MEDICINE, £-70, ASSOC. PROF, Louisville, 69, ot. Am. Soc. armacology of w general anesthet- * Anesthesiology, 657. SHULMAN, NAHUM RAPHAEL, b. Hartford, Conn. HEMATOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY. Hopkins, 41-43 Harvard Med. Serv, Boston City Hosp, Mass, 4 Serv, Mem. Hosp, New York, 48-49, res, 49-50, res, 50-51; chief hemat. div, Naval Med. Res. Inst. & hematol i Hosp, Bethesda, Md, 55-57; CHIEF CLIN. HEMAT. BR, NAT. . AE YURITIS, METAB. & DIGESTIVE DISEASES, 57- Inst. & Damon R . res. fels, Sloan Kettering Inst, 49-51; prof. clin. med, George? Dipl, Am. Bd. In- ternal Med. U.S.N, §1-55; U.S.P.H.S.R, 57-,L Soc. Clin. Invest; Am. Fedn. Clin. Res; Int. Soc. Hemat; Am. AS ol; Transplantation Soc; Asn. Am. Physicians. Blood clotting; enz : mechanisms of complement fixation; problems of immunohem nd blood cell physiol- ogy; drug sensitization; hepatitis. Address: N titute of Arthritis, Metabolic & Digestive Discases, Bethesda, MD ne 23, 25; m. 49; ¢. 4. . 47, Intern med, st. res, Cornell Med. . 42; ¢. 3. CHEMI- 5), 49. Atomic En- vetor res, Hughes LARS, INC, 53- ab. molecular biol, SHULMAN, ROBERT G(ERSON), b. N.¥.C, Mar. 3 CAL PHYSICS. A.B, Columbia, 43, A.M, 47, Ph ergy Comn. fel, Calif. Inst. ch, 49-50; head s Aircraft Co, 50-53; MEM. TECH. STAFF, BELL Rask Oersted lectr, Cope 59; Guge Med. Res. Coun. Eng, 61; prof, Ecole ectr, Br Beg, 3 u miv. No yvi enzymes; acids. Add NJ 07974. ;¢. 1. ASTRO- . 1. RES. LAB, 70- oF t SHULMAN, SETH DAVID, b. PHYSICS. PHYSICIS sty ence AB A art Se et it Ra a Se BO EY ANESTHESIOL, UNIV. eden 93 wABEONA ARE a ed oe SHULMAN, SIDNEY. b. Baltimore, Md, Aug. 22, 23; m.45,68;¢.6. IMMUNO- CHEMISTRY. B.S, George Washington, 44: Ph.D.(chem), Wisconsin, 49. Assoc, Allegany Ballistics Lab, U.S. Army Ballistics Missile Agency, Md, 44-46; asst. chem, Wisconsin, 46-48, proj. assoc, 49-52, assoc. immuno- chem, sch. med, State Univ. N.Y. Buffalo, 52-54, asst. prof, 54-58, assoc. prof. immunochem. & biophys, 58-65, PROF. imrmunochem, 65-68; MICRO- BIOL, NEW YORK MED. COL, 68-, chmn. dept, 68-69. Lederle med. faculty fel, 54-57; U.S. Pub. Health Serv. sr. res. fel, 58-62; Nat. Insts. Health res. career award, 63-68; consult. immunol, Buffalo Vet. Admin. Hosp, 64-: Ful- bright travel award, 65: Commonwealth Fund travel award, 65: mem, Int. Coord. Comt. Immunol. Reproduction. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soe: Am. Svc. Biol. Chem; Am. Soc. Microbiol; Am. Acad. Alergy; Am. Soc. Hemat; Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med: Soc. Cryobiol; N.Y. Acad. Sci; Brit. Biochem. Soc; Am. Fertil. Soc: Soc. Study Reproduction. Tissue proteins; autoantibodies: physi- cal chemistry of proteins; eryobiology; urogenital tract antigens and cn- zymes; immunology of reproduction and infertility. Address: Dept. of Mi- crobiology, New York Medical College, New York, NY 10029. SHULMAN, SOL, b. Smorgon, White Russia, Nov. 6, 29; U.S. citizen; m. 53: c. 4, ORGANIC & FOLYMER CHEMISTRY. B.S, Washington (Seattle), .52; M.S, Wisconsin, 54; Ph.p.(chem), N.Dak. State, 63. Teaching asst. chem, Wisconsin, 53-54; res. chemist, Archer-Daniels- Midland Co, Minn, 54-59; instr, N.Dak. State, 59-64, asst. prof, 64-65; assoc, prof. CHEM, Moorhead State Col, 65-66, prof, 67-69, chmn. dept, 66-69; PROF. & HEAD DEPT, ILL. STATE UNIV, 69- Fel. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc; fel. Am. inst. Chem. Chemistry of lipids; synthesis. Address: Dept. of Chemistry, Rlinois State University, Normal, 1L 61761, SHULMAN, YECHIEL, b. Tel Aviv, Israel, Jan. 28, 30; nat: m. 59; c. 3. EN- GINEERING, MANAGEMENT. §.B.(aeronaut. eng), S.B.(bus. & eng. admin) & §.M, Mass. Inst. Tech, 54, Du Pont fel, 53-54, 56-57, Sc.D. (aeronaut. & astronaut. eng), 59; Univ. Chicago, 71-72, Res. engr, aeroelastic & struct. res. lab, Mass. Inst. Tech, 54-56, asst, 57-59; asst. prof. mech, eng. tech. inst, Northwest. Univ, 59-62, assoc. prof. mech. eng. & astronaut, 62-67; res. consult, ANOCUT ENG, CO, 67-68, V.PRES. ADVAN, ENG, 69-, DIR. ELECTRONIC SYSTS. GROUP, 70- Consult, Am. Mach. & Foundry Co, 60- 62;.res. div, Gen. Am. Transportation Corp, 62-67; mem, res, & develop. comt, Nat. Mach. Tool Builders Asn. Israel Defense Army, 48-50, Am. Inst. Aeronaut. & Astronaut; Soc. Mfg. Eng: Am, Soc. Eng. Educ; Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Electrochemical machining; digital control systems for process machinery; laser metrology, aerothermoelasticity: shell structures; astro- dynamics and optimization; structural dynamics; flight mechanics. Address: 1248 Ash St, Winnetka, IL 60093. SHULT, ERNEST E, b. Tonica, Ill, Sept. 29, 35; m. 57; ¢. 2. aLGEBRA, MI- CROBIAL GENETICS. B.A, Southern Tllinois, 58, M.A, 69; Nat. Sci. Found. fel. & Ph.D.(math), Illinois, 64, Res. assoc. genetics of yeast, biol. res. lab, Southern [linois, 54.57, chief theoretician, §8-61, instr. math, 63-64, asst. prof, 64-65; Nat. Sci. Found, fel, Chicago, 65-66; assoc. prof. MATH, South, IL. Univ, 68-69, PROF, 69-70; UNIV. FLA, 70- Mem, inst. Advan. Study, 68-69. U.S.A, 57-58, Res, 58-63. Am. Math. Soc. Abstract algebra; microbial genetics, especially yeast genetics; theory of finite groups. Ad- dress: Dept. of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32601. SHULTS, MAYO G(LENWOOD), b. Kans, Oct. 20, 17; m. 43; ¢. 2. MATHE- MATICS. A.B, Ft. Hays Kans. State Col, 38, fel, 38-39, M.S, 39: M.S, Calif. Inst, Technol, 44; Kansas, 47-48, 64-65, Nat. Sci, Found. summer grant, 59, 60, summers, 61, 62, Okla. State, 51, 52. Instr. math, high sch, Kans, 39-41; Garden City Jr. Col, 41-43, 46-47; asst. instr, Kansas, 47-48; instr, North. Okla. dr. Col, 48-58, chmn. dept, 57-58; asst. prof, MATH, PAN- HANDLE STATE COL, 58-63, assoc. prof, 63-, ACTING HEAD DEPT, 72- U.S.N.R, 43-46. Address: 202 N. Perkins, Guymon, OK 73942 SHULTS, W(ILBUR) D(OTRY), II, b. Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 24, 29; m. 50; c. 3. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. A.B, Emory, 50, M.S, 91; Ph.D.(chem), Indi- ana, 66. From jr. chemist to assoc. chemist, OAK RIDGE NAT. LAB, 5 55, CHEMIST & GROUP LEADER ANAL. CHEM, 57- Chem.C, U.S.A, 55-57. Am. Chem. Soc. Instrumental analysis. Address: Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. SHULTZ, ALLAN R, b. Huntington, Ind, Jan. 8, 28; m. 49; c. 4, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A.B, Manchester Col, 48; Ph.D.(chem), Cornell, 53. Res. assoc. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 52-54; RES, CHEMIST, Minn. Min. & Mfg. Co, 54-63; GEN. ELEC. RES. & DEVELOP. CTR, SCHENECTADY, 63- AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc. Polymer chemistry and physics; radiation chemis- try of polymers. Address: {11 Acorn Drive, Scotia, NY 12302. SHULTZ, CHARLES H, b. Lancaster, Pa, May 29, 36. GEOLOGY. B.S. Franklin & Marshall Col, 58; wiv. summer fel, Ohio State, 60, Nat. Sci. Found. fels, 61-62, Ph.D.(petrol), 62. Geologist, Humble Oil & Ref. Co, 62- 64; asst. prof. GEOL, Ohio State Univ, 64-70; ASSOC. PROF, SLIPPERY ROCK STATE COL, 70- Geol. Soc. Am; Am. Geophys. Union. Tertiary volcanic petrology; radar as a remote sensing device for cevlogic data; tectonics and metamorphism of the Appalachian Mountains. A iress: Dept. of Geology, Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, PA 16037. SUULTZ, C(LIFFORD) G{LEN}, b. Wichita, Kans, Sept. 9, 24; m. 50.c. 3. ANALYTICAL & WATER CHEMISTRY. B.A, McPherson Col, 48; Ph.D. {chem), New Mexico, 57. Asst. prof, chem, Eastern New Mexico. 59-96: res. chemist, Mich. Chem. Corp, 56-57, group leader anal. ¥ soc, prof. chem, Fyinsville Col, 60-66: CO! ne : is a" YU. TEs 5950 / SMULYAN SMULYAN, HAROLD, b. Phila, Pa, dan. 2.29:1n. 52:0. 9. INTERNAL MEDI- CINE, CARDIOLOGY. A.B, Pennsylvania, 49; M.D, Buffal : ‘ STATE UNIV. N.Y. UPSTATE MED. CTR, 59-60, asst. PROF, 65- U.S.A.F, 55-57, Capt. Am. Fedn. Clin. R Hypertension; circulatory control; exereise physiology. : Bt Medicine, State University of New York Upstate Medical Center at 750 E. Adams St, Syracuse, NY 13210. SMURA, BRONISLAW B, b. Syracuse, N.Y, Aug. 9, 30; m, Fic. 2. CHEMI- CAL ENGINEBRING. B.Ch.E, Syracuse, 52, M.Ch.E, 54, Ph.D. (chem. eng), 68. CHEM. GR, ALLIED CHEM. CORP, 57- Nat. Guard 3 Am. Inst. Chera. Eng. Rates of physical adsorption; a tail gas from commercial chlorine liquefiers; mechar tween organic compounds and halogen acids; mass trans fe through a high temperature inert gas; bigh temperature fluid bec operation; chlorine plant tecinical advisement. Address: Allied Chemical Corp, P.O. Box 6, Solvay, N¥ 13209. SMUTNEY, ROBERT R(OOSEVELT), b. Chicago, Ml, Sey*. 7, 2%; m. 53: ¢. 3. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. B.S, llinois, 51. Cham, r, exp, sta, Her- cules Powder Co, 51; ABBOTT LABS, 52-60, group 1 , develop. eng, sect, 60-64, sect. head, chem. eng. sect, 64-66, bioc pharmaceut. eng, 66-68, mer. develop. eng, 68-70, MIGR. PHAR : PROD. ENG, 10- Startup team leader, P.R. Fermentation plant, 68, U.S.8i.C, 44-47. As- soc. mem. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. Engineering aspects of viological-bia- chemical synthesis; fractional distillation, electrochemical operations; ion exchange processes; pyrolytic syntheses. Address: Abbott Labs, D550, 1400 Sheridan Rd, North Chicago, IL 60064. SMUTNY, E(DGAR) J(OSEF), b. N.¥.C, Apr. 20, 28. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. B.A, Colorado, 48; Allied Chem. & Dye Corp. fel, Minneso's. 62-53, Ph.D. (chem), 3. Mem. stafi, Allied Chem. & Dye Corp, 48-40; asst. org. chem, Minnesota, 50-52; res. fel, Calif. Inst. Tech, 53-55: res. chemist, SHELL DEVELOP, CO, 55-63, RES. SUPVR, 68- Am. Chem. Soc; The Clem, Sov. Small ring compounds; strain energy; photochemistry; f cal chem- | istry; heterocyciic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, sulfer compounds; homogeneous palladium catalysis; hcterogeneous catalysis. Address: Gen- eral Chemistry Dept, Shell Development Co, Houston, TX 77001. SMUTZ, MORTON, b. Twin Falls, Idaho, Jan. 10, 18; m. 45. CHEMICAL EN- GINEERING. B.S, Kans.State Col, 40, M.S, 41; Ph.D. (chen. eng}, Wiscon- sin, 50. Chem. engr, Monsanto Chem. Co, 41; asst. prof. chem. eng, Buck- nell, 49-51; assoc. prof, lowa State, 51-55, prof. & head dept, 55-61; asst. dir, Ames Lab, U.S. Atomic Energy Comn, 55-64, dep. dir, 64-69; ASSOC. DEAN ENG. RES, UNIV. FLA, 63- U.S.A, 41-46, Maj. Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Soc. Eng, Educ. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. Solvent extraction. Address: 300 Engineering Bidg, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32601. SMYLIE, DOUGLAS EDWIN, b. New Liskeard, Ont, June 22, 26; m, 64; ¢. 2. GEOPHYSICS. B.Sc, Queen’s (Ont), 58; M.A, Toronto, 9, Ph.D. (physics), 63, Fel. GEOPHYS, Toronto, 64; asst. prof, Western O 9, 64-68; UNIV. B.C, 68-71, ASSOC, PROF, 71- Nat. Res. Coun, Can. operating grant, 65- 68, Am. Geophys. Union; fel. Royal Astron. Soe. Rotaticn of the earth; Chandler wobble; main magnetic field; elasticity theory of dislocations, Ad- dress: Dept. of Geophysics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C, Can. SMYLIE, ROBERT EDWIN, b. Lincoln County, Miss, Dec. 25, 29; mj; c. 3. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. B.Sc, Miss. State Univ, 52, M.Sc, 56; Sloan fel, Mass. Inst. Technol, 66-67, M.Sc, 67. Indust. engr, Ethyl Corp, Tex, 52-54; instr. mech. eng, Miss. State Univ, 54-56; lead engr, Skybolt Missile Syst, thermo-conditioning syst, Douglas Aircraft Co, Calif, 56-62, chief, Apollo Support Oif, Crew Systs. Div, MANNED SPACECRAFT CTR, NASA, 62-66, asst. chief div, 67-68, acting chicf, 68-70, CHIEF, CREW SYSTS, DIV, 70- Mera. U.S. Del. engaged in discussions with U.S.S.K. to establish common docking systems for spacecraft of the two countries. Except. serv. medal, NASA, 69, Victor Prather Award, 71. Am. Inst. Aeronaut. & Astronaut. Analyses, design and development in specific advanced system areas such as space suits, extravehicular activity support hardware and environmental and thermal control subsystems. Address: 1215 Woodland, Seabrook, TX 77568. SMYRK, CHARLES M(cCAHAN), JR, b. Baltimore, Md, June 18, 27; m. 52; c. 4. CHEMISTRY. B.A, Hopkins, 51; Temple, 52-54. Chemist, Marshall Lab, E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, INC, 51-55, develop. chemist, 55- 60, assoc, 60-62, supvr. Marshall Lab, 62-66, TECH. COORD. TEFLON FINISHES, 66- U.S.A.F, 45-47. Organic coatings; resins; polymers. Ad- dress: 308 E. Lancaster Ave, Wynnewood, PA 19096. SMYRNIOTIS, P(AULINE) Z(OE), b. Williamsport, Pa, Mar. 21, 24. BIO- CHEMISTRY. B.S, George Washington, 48, M.S, 53; Ph.D, Georgetown, 56, BIOCHEMIST, NAT. INSTS. HEALTH, 49- Am. Soc. Micrebiol. Intermedi- ary metabolism. Address: Lab. of Biochemistry, Bldg. 3, Room 106, Na- tional Heart & Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20014. SMYSER, GERALD STANLEY, b. Phila, Pa, Nov. 23, 44; m. 67; c. 1. ANAT- OMY. B.S, Muhlenberg Col, 66; Nat. Insts, Health trainee & Ph.D.{anat}, Tomple Uniy, 71. ASST, PROF. ANAT, COL, MED. & LECTR. ORAL BIOL, COL, DENT, UNIV. SASK, 71-, Med. Res. Coun, Can. grant, col, med, 71-73. Nevroanatoray, especially central nervous system lerrmina- tions of vagus nerve afferent iibers. Address: Dept. of Anatomy, University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, Saskatoon, Sask, Can. PIE LPS), b. p AG, CHEM, PRINCILON, 2 58, David f. Jones p : fanhattan Dist. Proj, 43-45. C aver of ©. . bi-30, pron, Je ROR, 63-, chem- eal Tubies, 24: . Fulbright fel. , US. Army, adv. comt. “fel. ba, Nat. Sei. Pound, 50-54; c _ Off, Naval Res, 63-, liaison scientist, London Off, Off. Naval Res, 69-70. Cert. apnrecia- tion, War Dept, 45; Off. Eci. Res. & Develop, 45; Medal of Freedom Army, 47; cert. recugmdlion pub, serv, U.S. Dept. State, 58. C.W.S 18; WNLR, 37-41, Lt. Comdr. Nat. Acad. Sci; Am. Chem. Soc {Nic Medal, 54); fel. Am. & Soc; Am. Philos. Soc; fel, The Chem, Soc; Ruval Inst. Gt. Brit. Flectromotive forces of a gamis; vapor pressures; refrac - tion: heat ca; 3: dspole moment and molecular structure; moleculir rotation in sol crowave absorption in liquids; dielectric cunstant and loss; molecular r tion times. Address: Frick Chemical Lab, Prince- ton University, Princeton, NJ 08540. SMYTH, CHARLEY J(OHNSON), b. Mart, Tex, Feb. 7, 09; m. 38; ¢. 3. MED. ICINE. A.B, Michizan, 31, M.S, 38; M.D, Jefferson Med. Col, 35. Asst. physician Rack hritis res, Michigan, 38-41; instr. INTERNAL Wayne, 41-49 raf, SCH. MED, UNIV. COLO, DENVER, 43-54. soc, prof, 54-67, OF, 67-, dir. grad. & postgrad. med. educ, 49-54, Wed. dir, Wayne County Gen. Hosp, 41-46: consult, U.S. Army. Am. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. & T: 7 d. Asn; Am, Rheumatism Am. Fedn. Clin. Re r Am. Col. Physicians, Arthritis and rheuma tism; amino acid. s: Dept. of Medicine, University of Colorado Medical Center, 4200 E. Ninth Ave, Denver, CO 80220. SMYTH, DONALD ORGAN), b. Bangor, Maine, Mar. 20, 30; m. 51; ¢. 2. RY. B.S, Maine, 51; Ph.D.(inorg. chem), Mass Sprague Elec. Co, 54-61, head, solid state x OP, METALL, MAT. SCI. & CHEM. & DIR. MAT. V, T1- Vis. instr, Williams Col. (Mass), 59-61. mem. CTR, LEHIGH UN mat. adv. panel, . Sci. Adv. Comn, Commonwealth Pa. Am. Chem, Soc; Electrochem. Soc .(a y div. res. award, 60); Am. Inst. Chem; Arn. Ceramic Soc. Defect structure and electrochemistry of inorganic sctids. Address: Materials Research Center, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015. SMYTH, HAROLD THOMAS, b. Lisburn, North. Ireland, Feb. 7, 10; nat; m, 37,60: ¢. 5. CE MICS. B.Sc, Queen’s (Ireland), 31, Porter scholar & M.Sc, 32; fel, Mas Technol, 32-36, univ. scholar & Ph.D.(physics), 36, dr. demonstr. phy Queen’s (Ireland), 31-32; res. physicist, Cor- hart Refractories Co, Ky. 36-45, dir. res, 45-48; res, physicist, applica physics lab, Hopkins, 48.49; res, specialist CERAMICS, RUTGERS UNIV, NEW BRUNSWICK, 49-56, PROF, 56- Physicist, Silver Spring Lab, Kellex Corp, 48-49. AAAS; Am. Ceramic Soc. Spectroscopy; refractories; inten- sity measurements are spectrum of copper, structure of glass; mechant- cal properties of ceramic materials. Address: Wood Circle, East Bruns- wick, NJ 08816. SMYTH, H(ENRY) DieWOLF), b. Clinton, N.Y, May 1, 98; m. 36, PHYSICS. A.B, Princeton, 18, S.M, 29, Ph.D.(atomic physics), 21; Ph.D. (atomic phys- ics), Cambridge, 24; hon. Sc.D, Drexel Inst. Tech, 50, Case, 53, Hamilton Col, 65; hon. L™.D, Rutgers Univ, 68. Nat. Res. Coun, fel. physics, Cam- bridge & Princeton, 21-24: instr, PRINCETON, 24-25, asst. prof, 25-29, as- soc. prof, 29-36, prof, 26-66, chmn. dept, 35-49, bd. sci. & eng. res, 54-59. univ. res. bd, 59-66, EMER. PROF. PHYSICS, 66- Mem. subcomt. physics, Nat. Res. Coun, 28- G Atomic Energy Conn enheim fel, Univ, Goltingen, 31-32; mem. U.S. ; U.S, rep. & ambassador, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 61-70, Civilian with Off. Sci. Res. & Develop: Nat. Defense Res, Comt; Consult, Manhattan Dist. Proj, U.S. Engrs, 43-45, Fel. Arm. Phys. Soc. (pres, 57); fel. Am, Philos. Soc; Ani. Nuclear Soc; Am. Acad, Arts & Sci. Ionization of gases; positive ray analysis; molecular struc- ture; matter, motion and electricity; atomic energy. Address: 5 Lafayette Rd. W, Princeton, NJ 08540. SMYTH, HENRY F(IELD), JR, b. Phila, Pa, June 5, 03; m. 29; ¢. 2. TOXI- COLOGY. B.S, Pernsy ia, 25, Ph.D.(med. scis), 34. Special investr, State Dept. Labor & Indust, Pa, 25-26; consult, 25-28; instr. sanit. chem, Pernsylvania, 28-37; fei, MELLON INST, 37-40, sr. fel, 40-47, admin. fel, 47-67, ADV. FEL, C7-; ADJ. PROF, OCCUP. HEALTH, GRAD, SCH. PUB. HEALTH, UNIV. PITTSBURGH, 67-, lectr, med. sch. & grad. sch. pub. health, 51-67. Partner, Smyth Lab, Pa, 26-37; secy-treas, Am. Bd. Indust, Hyg, 60-67. Civilian with Off: Rubber Reserve, 44. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc; Am. Indust. Hyg. Asn. , 46-49, exec. secy, 47-54, pres, §3-54, Donald FE. Cummings Mem. Award, 56); Soc. Toxicol.(merit award, 66). Toxicity of organic industrial cheruicals. Address: 41 Bel Aire Rd, Delmont, PA 15626. oo SMYTH, JOHN B{RIDGES), b. Pembroke, Ga, dune 8, 14; m, 98; c. 4. PHYS- ICS. B.S, Georgia, 34, M.S, 37; Ph.D.(physics), Brown, 42. Teacher, high sch, Ga, 34-35; asst. sics, Georgia, 35-37; physicist, Tenn. Eastman Corp, 37-38; asst. physics, Brown, 38-42; from assoc. physicist to physi- cist, U.S. Navy Electronics Lab, 42-55; PRES. & TECH. DIR, SMYTH RES. ASSOCS, 55- Mem. int. comn, IL, Int. Sci. Radio Union. AAAS; Am. Phys. Soc; Acoust. Soc. Am); fe}. Inst. Elec. & Electronics Eng. Galvanomagnetic effects; supersonics; tl y of wave propagation; transmission of super- sonic waves through stratified media. Address: 5011 Helix Terr, La Mesa, CA 92041. SMYTH, JOSEPH RICHARD, b. Louisville, Ky, Oct. 10, 44. GEOLOGY, MIN- ERALOGY. B.S, Va. Polytech, Inst, 66; S.M, Univ. Chicago, 68, NASA trainee, 68-70, Ph.D.(mineral), 70. Kes. fel, geol, Harvard, 70-72, VIB. FEL, LUNAR SCL INST, 72- Mineral. Soc. Am; Geol. Soc. Am: Am. G phys, Union. High temperature crystallography of rock-forming siti¢ 3. ‘Address: Lunar Science Institute, 3303 NASA Rd. 1, Houston, TX 77058. SMYTH, MICHAFL P(AUL), b. Albany, N.¥, Oct. 2, 34; m. 59; ¢. 1. ELEC - TRICAL ENGINEERING, SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. B.S, Syracuse, 57; }, Peansy 3. Elec. engr, Gen. Elec Cc tems > & neering, Wid , Che SMYTH, NICHOLAS PATRICK DILLON, b. Dublin, Ireland, Apr. 1, 24p nae m,. 85;¢.5. MEDICINE. B.Sc, Nat. Univ. Ireland, 46, M.Sc, 48, MVR. BCH. apnctes Sip inalaa DIE REREece. hoes eke tar eal ee aM a a 0 a tos NS a AASB Raat ieee 5798 / SHULMAN SHULMAN, HERMAN L, b. N.¥.C. Feb. 24,22; m.42:¢. 2. B.Ch.E, City Col. New York, 42; Du Pont fet, Pennsylvania, 47-48 . 48, Ph.D.{chem. eng), 50. Cher. engr, Gen. Mators Corp, 42-43: Bar iv, Allied Chem. & Dye Corp, 45-46; res. chem. engr, Publicker Indu 46-47; asst. prof. CHEM. ENG, CLARKSON COL. TECIPNOL, 48-51. assoc. prof, 51-54, PROF, 54-, DIR. DIV. RES, 59-. DEAN GRAD. SCH. & V.PRES. & DEAN SCH. ENG, 65-, assoc. dir. div, res, 54-59, chma. de 34. Am. Soc. Eng. Educ; Am. Chem. Soc: Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 5 ansfer absorp- tion; packed columns; ion exchange: gas-bubble cu urganic processes; flowmeters. Address: Clarkson College of Technolc Potsdam, NY 13676. SHULMAN, HYMAN L, b. Warren, Ohio, Feb. 25, 19: m. TJRONICS. B.A, California, Los Angeies, 48, M.A, 51 throp Aircraft Corp, 51.54; Hughes Aircraft Corp staff, Space Tech. Labs, Inc, 55-58; mem, sr. st Corp, 58-59; dir. res. & develop. labs, AC Spark Corp, 59-63; MEM. TECH. STAFF, RAND CORP, & tion; flight control and weapons systems; dynamics. brook Dr, Los Angeles, CA g0024. 43: Gen, Motors nee and naviga~ tm. 58: ¢. 2. IN- Md, 60. Intern . resident med, & med, 62-64, prof. INFEC- oC. PROF, & PREV. MED, 72- SHULMAN, JONAS ALVIN, b. Baltimore, Md, Sept. 5 TERNAL MEDICINE. Dartmouth Col, 53-56; MD, internal med, Univ. Md. Hosp, Baltimore, Md, 60- Univ. Wash, 61-62; R.G Pete orf fel. infectious instr, & chief resident med, y. Wash. Hosp, 86-6 TIOUS DISEASES, SCH. MED, EMORY UNIV, 68-70 COORD. CLIN. CURRICULUM. 70-, DIR. DEPT. M Dipl, Am. Bd. Internal Med, 63. U.S.P.H.S, 64-66. Am. Epidemiology of hospital infections: antibiotic ogy and efficacy Studies. Address: Divtsion of Infe University School of Medicine, 69 Butler St, S.E, A , 18; m, 59; c. 1. hn), Yale, 45, tern MED, Hop- SCH. MED, 68, ASSOC. , 54- Sr. investi- . inst. Arthritis & . Med, Cols; Am. ders, including nologic and epi- Johus Hopkins SHULMAN, LAWRENCE E(DWARD), b. Boston, Mass, on {INTERNAL MEDICINE, A.B, Harvard, 41; Ph.D.ipu: M.D, 49. Res. assoc, Join B. Pierce Found, C kins Hosp, 49-50, asst. rés, hosp, §2-53, physt JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV, 50-52, instr, 53-56, asst PROF, 63-, DIR, CONNECTIVE TISSUE DIV, DEPT. gator, Arthritis & Rheumatism Found, 57. Consult, Metab. Diseases. AAAS; Am. Rheumatism Asn; As Fedn. Clin. Res; N.Y. Acad. Sci, Connective issue rheumatic diseases, especially collagen disorders demiologic studies, Address: 916 Clinical Science Hospital, Baltimore, MD 21205, im. 49; ¢. 1. MEDI- California, 40. rn to chief res, & GYNEC, SCH. , ASSOC, CLIN. t, St. John’s Hosp, 5, sr. attend, 55-; t, & Gynec, 47. Am, Col, Surg. Ad- SHULMAN, LEON J, b. Los Angeles, Calif, Sept. 22, CINE. B.A, California, Los Angeles, 35: M.D, Sou Jntern, Los Angeles County Hosp, Calif, 39-41: £ Margaret Hague Maternity Hosp, 42-45; instr. OB MED, UNIV. SOUTH. CALI®, 45-56, asst. clin. 5 PROF, 59- Private practice. Mem, attend. 45-; jr. attend. staff, Los Angeles County Gen. Ho attend. staff, Santa Monica Hosp, 59- Dipl, Am. 5 Fel. Am. Med. Asn; fel. Am. Col, Chstet. & Gynec: dress: 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA ¢ SHULMAN, MORTON, b. Chicago, Il, July 7, 33; m ANESTHESIOLOGY. B.S, Illinois, 55, M.D, 58. » ILL, 59-61, res. fel, 61-62, instr, 63-64, asst. st, Vet. Admin, 64-: c. 3. MEDICINE, ANESTHESIOL, UNIV. 4.70, ASSOC. PROF, Louisville, 69. Capt. Am. Soc. pharmacology of w genera} anesthet- vasoactive drugs; pharmacology of respirat ies, local anesthetics and analgesics. Addr Tilinois Masonic Hospita, 836 Wellington, Chi SHULMAN, NAHUM RAPHAEL, b. Hartford, Conn. ¢ 23, 25; m. 49; ¢. 4. HEMATOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY. Hopkins, 41-45 47, Intern med, Harvard Med. Serv, Boston City Hosp, Mass, 47 st. res, Cornell Med. Serv, Mem. Hosp, New York, 48-49, res, 49-59, res, 50-51; chief hemat. div, Naval Med. Res. Inst. & hematologist. 1 Hosp, Bethesda, Md, 55-57; CHIEF CLIN. HEMAT. BR, NAT. I “PRITIS, METAB. & DIGESTIVE DISEASES, 57- Inst. & Damon Ru Kettering Inst, 49-51, prof. clin. med, George? ternal Med. U.S.N, §1-55: U.S.P.H.S.R, 57-, Lt. Am. Fedn. Clin. Res; Int. Soc. Hemat; Am. Asn. I Soc; Asn. Am. Physicians. Blood clotting; enz complement fixation; problems of immunohem ogy; drug sensitization; het is. Address: N Metabolic & Digestive Discases, Bethesda, MD Dip!, Am. Bd. In- . Soe. Clin. Invest; 1; Transplantation mechanisms of d blood cell physiol- titute of Arthritis, nm, 62; ¢. 3. CHEMI- 5), 49. Atomic En- vector res, Hughes SHULMAN, ROBERT G(ERSON), b. N.Y.C, Mar. 3,2 CAL PHYSICS. A.B, Columbia, 43, A.M, 47 ergy Comn. fel, Calif. I Aircraft Co, 50-53; ME Rask Oersted lectr, Coven Med. Res. Coun. Eng, €1; en, 59; Gugs prof, Ecole Be ieur Univ, Paris. +, Tokyo, 65; ASTRO- . RES, 3, TO- sof Ur inter- ud ab. ‘ashineton, DC SHULMAN, SIDNEY. b. Baltimore, Md, Aug. 22, 23: m.45,68:c.6. TMMUNO- CHEMISTRY. B.S, George Washington, 44; Ph.D. (chem), Wis sin, 49. Assoc, Allegany Ballistics Lab, U.S. Army Ballistics Missile ney, Md, 44-46; asst. chem, Wisconsin, 46-48, proj. assoc, 49-52, assoc. immuno- chem, sch. med, State Univ. N.Y. Buffalo, 52-54, asst. prof, 54-58, assoc, prof. iramunochem. & biophys, 58-65, PROF. immunochem, 65-68, ICRO- BIOL, NEW YORK MED. COL, 68-, chmn. dept, 68-69. Lederle med. faculty fel, 54-57; U.S. Pub. Health Serv. sr. res. fel, 58-62; Nat. Insts. Health res. career award, 63-68: consult. immunol, Buffalo Vet. Admin. Hosp, 63-. Ful- bright travel award, 65: Commonwealth Fund travel award, 63; mem, Int. Coord. Comt. Inmunol. Reproduction. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc;-Am. Soc. Biol. Chem; Am. Sac. Microbiol; Am. Acad. ANergy; Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med: Soc. Cryobiol; N.Y. Acad. Scit Brit. Biochem. Soc; Aim, Fertil. Soc: Soc. Study Reproduction, Tissve proteins: autoantibodies; physi- cal chemistry of proteins; eryobiology: urogenital tract antigens and cu- zymes; immunology of reproduction and infertility. Address: Dept. of Mi- crobiology, New York Medical College, New York, NY 10029. SHULMAN, SOL, b. Smorgon, White Russia, Nov. 6, 29; U.S. citizen; m. 53: c. 4, ORGANIC & POLYMER CHEMISTRY. B.S, Washington (Seattle), 52: M.S, Wisconsin, 54; Ph.D.(chem), N.Dak. State, 63. Teaching asst. chem, Wisconsin, 53-54; res. chemist, ‘archer-Daniels- Midland Co, Mim, 54-59: instr, N.Dak. State, 59-64, asst. prof, 64-65; assoc. prof. CHEM, Moorhead State Col, 65-66, prof, 67-69, chnin. dept, 66-69; PROF. & HEAD DEPT, JLL. STATE UNIV, 69- Fel. AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc; fel, Am. Inst. Chem. Chemistry of lipids; synthesis. Address: Dept. of Chemistry, Mlinois State University, Normal, IL 61761. SHULMAN, YECHIEL, b. Tel Aviv, Israel, Jan, 28, 30; nat: m. 59; c. 3. EN- GINEERING, MANAGEMENT. S.B.(aeronaut. eng), S.B.(ous. & eng. admin) & S.M, Mass. Inst. Tech, 54, Du Pont fel, 53-64, 56-57, Sc.D. (aeronaut. & astronaut. eng), 59; Univ. Chicago, 71-72. Res. engr, aeroelastic & struct. res. lab, Mass. Inst. Tech, 54-56, asst, 57-59; asst. prof. mech. eng. tech. inst, Northwest. Univ, 59-62, assoc. prof. mech. eng. & astronaut, 62-67; res, consult, ANOCUT ENG. CO, 67-68, V.PRES. ADVAN. ENG, 69-, DIR. ELECTRONIC SYSTS. GROUP, 70- Conswit, Am. Mach. & Foundry Co, 60- 62; res. div, Gen. Am, Transportation Corp, 62-67; mem. res, & develop. ecmt, Nat. Mach. Tool Builders Asn. Israel Defense Army, 48-50. Am. Inst. Aeronaut. & Astronaut; Soc. Mfg. Eng; Am, Soc. Eng. Educ; Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Electrochemical machining; digital control systems for process machinery; laser metrology, aerothermoelasticity: sheil structures; astro- dynamics and optimization; structural dynamics; flight mechanics. Address: 1248 Ash St, Winnetka, IL 60093. SHULT, ERNEST E, b. Tonica, IH, Sept. 29, 35; m. 57; ¢. 2, »aLGEBRA, MI- CROBIAL GENETICS. B.A, Southern IHinois, 58, M.A, 69; Nat. Sci. Found. fel. & Ph.D.(math), Illinois, 64. Res, assoc. genetics af yeast, biol. res. Jab, Southern Ulinois, 34-57, chief theoretician, 58-61, instr. math, 63-64, asst. prof, 64-65; Nat. Sci. Found, fel, Chicago, 65-66; assoc. prof. MATH, South, Ill. Univ, 66-69, PROF, 69-70; UNIV. FLA, 70- Mem, inst. Advan. Study, 68-69. U.S.A, 57-58, Res, 58-63. Am. Math. Soc. Abstract algebra; microbial genetics, especially yeast genetics; theory of finite groups. Ad- dress: Dept. of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32601. SHULTS, MAYO G(LENWOOD), b. Kans, Oct. 20, 17; m. 43; ¢. 2. MATHE- MATICS. A.B, Ft. Hays Kans. State Col, 38, fel, 38-39, M.S. 39: M.S, Calif. Inst. Technol, 44; Kansas, 47-48, 64-65, Nat. Sci. Found. summer grant, 59, 60, summers, 61, 62, Okla, State, 51, 52. Instr. math, high sch, Kans. 99-41; Garden City Jr. Col, 41-43, 46-47; asst, instr, Kansas, 47-48: instr, North, Oxla. Jr. Cal, 48-58, chmn, dept, 57-58; asst. prof. MATH, PAN- HANDLE STATE COL, 58-63, assoc. prof, 63-, ACTING HEAD DEPT, 72- U.S.N.R, 43-46. Address: 202 N. Perkins, Guymon, OK 73942 SHULTS, W(ILBUR) D(OTRY), 1, b. Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 24, 29; m. 50; ¢. 3. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. A.B, Emory, 50, M.S, $1; Ph.D.(chem) Indi- ana, 66. From jr. chemist to assoc. chemist, OAK RIDGE NAT. L. 5 55, CHEMIST & GROUP LEADER ANAL. CHEM, 57- Chem.C, U.S.A, 95-97. Am. Chera. Soc. Instrumental analysis. Address: Oak Ridge Nationa! Lab, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. SHULTZ, ALLAN R, b. Huntington, Ind, Jan. 8, 26; m. 49; c. 4. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A.B, Manchester Col, 48; Ph.D.(chem), Cornell. 53. Res. assoc. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 52-54; RES. CHEMIST, Minn. Min. & Mfg. Co, 54-63; GEN. ELEC, RES. & DEVELOP. CTR, SCHENECTADY, 63- AAAS; Am. Chem. Soc. Polymer chemistry and physics; radiation chemis- try of polymers. Address: 111 Acorn Drive, Scotia, NY 12302. SHULTZ, CHARLES H, b. Lancaster, Pa, May 29. 36. GEOLOGY. B.S. Franklin & Marshall Col, 58; univ. summer fel, Ohio State, 60, Nat. Sci. Found. fels, 61-62, Ph.D. {petrol), 62. Geologist, Humble Oil & Rof. Co. 62- 64; asst. prof. GEOL, Ohio State Univ, 64-70; ASSOC. PROF, SLIPPERY ROCK STATE COL, 70- Geol. Soc. Am; Am. Geophys. Usion. volcanic petrology; radar as a remote sensing device for ce 2 tectonics and metamorphism of the Appalachian Mountains. a of Geology, Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. SHULTZ, C(LIFFORD) G(LEN), b. Wichita, Kans, Sept. 9,24; m. 50; . 3. ANALYTICAL & WATER CHEMISTRY. B.A, McPherson Col, 48; Ph.D. (chem), New Mexico, 57. Asst. prof, chem, Eastern New Mexico, 55-56 res. chemist, Mict em. Corp, 56-57, group . 5T-60; E lle Col, 60-66: CONSU sts, 7 : bias bale wt + . herwood, Evansville, is aviie. SHULTZ, GENETICS. A.B, TRY HL 7 Di nena rtadiatmiedaal eee Ler te ton sant