A mamemanes[ Seal} Ce aenael ! woman | | ent Wa ARTHRITIS Proposed Review Structures A. DRMP Staff Review Coordinator: Mr. Spear Staff to be aligned with Review Panels (Leaders) Panel Leaders Robins Levi Leach, {or Sloan) Dunleavy (?) Flythe Fox 1 2. 3 4 _7? * Kaphingst —~~ Kauffman Logan Morrell Roelle Wilkinson . Ringel B. Technical Review Consultants (based on 14 total participants) Alternative Representative 1 2 3 Merrill (Ch) ClerrilD es) —Kralewski (6 Mars C Mars ' Source Advisory Council Mars Review Committee aherune bison —t+ts kts Am. Rhumatism Assoc. _ Engleman “ Engleman Shulman » Shulman Am. Adad. Orthoped Surg's Donaldson Donaldson Larson Larson Am. Occup. Ther'y Assoc. \ Silverstein Silverstein Am. Phys Ther'y Assoc. ‘ Holmes Am. Nursing Assoc. Annett Annett hottie’ 4 Regional Recommendations tho 20 - Gramlich Gramlich Awoptrs Bailey 44) Flynn Q a en Coulie Other Federal pum — VA on: ee _ neta . RECOMMENDED SOURCE & NAME CS SELECTION D. ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS SECTION, ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION ANNETT, PHYLISS C (RN) (See Section I - Am. Nurses Assoc) / BECKER, MARJORIE, (Ph.D.) -CORDERY, JOY C. (SEE SECTION 1) HEATHERINGTON, RICHARD (RPT) . RICHARDSON, ROBERT (LPT) —j:ROBINSON, HARRY Sc.D. (ARTH RES) » SHIELDS, MARTIN (RPT) VSIMONS, ARCHIBALD (RPT) .SPERGEL, PHILIP (PSYCHOL) _/TOWNSEND, RONNIE (MPH) ~L- WEINER, MAX (Ph.D,) PAHL APPROVAL 2 { ROBINSON ROBINSON, HAROLD FRANK, b. Bandana. N.C, Oct. 28, 18: m. 44:¢. 2. GEL NETICS. B.S, N.C. State Col, 39, M.S, 46; Ph.D. (agron), Nebraska, 48, hon. D.Sc, 66. Seed improy. specialist, N.C. Crop Improv. Asn, 41-42; asst. prof. exp. statist, inst. statist, N.C. State, 45-48, assoc. prof. statist, 48- 51, prof, 51-58, head dept. genetics, 59-62, dir. inst. biol. sci, 62-65, prof. genetics & admin. dean res, 65-68; v.chancellor, Univ. Syst. Ga, 68-71, officer bd. regents, 70-71; PROF. BIOL. SCI. & PROVOST, PURDUE UNIY, 7i- Mem. bd. dirs, Ctr. Res. Col, Teaching Sei. & Math: nat membership comt, Am. Inst. Biol. Sci, 63-64: chinn, Interim @rganizing Cort. Develop. Ctr, for Res. Col. Instr, Sci. & Math, 64-65: mom. environ, Sci. res, comt, Nat. Insts. Health. 66; chmn. bd. trustees, Arsonomic Sci. Found, 67-70; panel food crisis in Indonesia, Nat. Acad. Sci, 68, mem. bd. sci. & technol. on int. develop, 68-; bd. trustees, Col. Entrance Exam. Bd, 71-: consult, int. maize prog, Rockefeller Found; mem. consult. bur, Nat. Comn,. Under - grad. Ed. Biol. Sei; dir. panel world foud supply, President’s Sci. Adv. Comt, organizer quant. genetics sessicn, Int. Biomet. Conf, Cambridge, Eng, 63. Award, Nat. Coun, Commercial Plant Breeders. U.S.N, 42-45, Lt. Fel. AAAS; fel. Am. Soc, Agron.(crop sci, award, 59); Biomet. Soc: Am. Soc. Nat; Genetics Soc. Am; Asn. Col. & Univ. Res, Admin. Population and quantitative genetics; quantitative inheritance and maize. Address: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. ROBINSON, HARRY, b. Oldham, Lancashire, Eng, Apr. 7, 25; U.S. citizen: m. 46; c¢. 2. BIOSTATISTICS, B.Se, Univ. & nehester, 51; M.S, Univ. Pitts. burgh, 64, Sc.D. (biostatist), 68. Biostatistici: 4, Hillsboro County, Fla, 59- 61; asst. prof. DEPT. PREV. & COMMUNITY MED, COL. MED, UNIV, TENN, MEMPHIS, 68-71, ASSOC. PROF, 71-, CHIEF SECT. BIOSTATIST, 7i-, PROG, DIR. ARTHRITIS RES, SECT. RHEUMATOL, 68- Mem, cri- teria for scleroderma subcomt, diag, & therapeut. criteria comt, Arthritis Found, 70-, subcomt. data on nat. needs, 72-; consult, arthritis suppl. to Nat. Health Interview Surv, Dept. Health, Educ. & Welfare. Am. Statist. Asn; Am. Pub. Health Asn. Multi- disciplinary Studies; evaluation of medli- cal care delivery systems. Address: Section of Biostatistics, University of Tennessee, 858 Madison, Room 151, Memphis, TN 38103. ROBINSON, HARRY A, b. South Bend, Ind, Mar. 11, 19; m. 45. ZOOLOGY, WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. B.S, Colorado State, 54, M.S, 56, Nat. Insts. Health fel, 56-58, Ph.D, 59. Sales & serv. rep, Besser Mfg. Co, 45-51; instr. biol. sci, Otero Jr. Col, 58-63, chmn. dept, 59-63; prof. biol. & chmn. div. sci. & math, Gen, Beadle State Col, 63-68: CHMN, DIV. NATU- RAL SCI. & MATH, HIRAM SCOTT COL, 68- U.S.A.A.F, 41-45. Am. Soc. Parasitol; Wildlife Met. Asn. Parasitology; endoparasitic nematodes; sylvatic trichinosis; effect of insecticides on wildlife; algae control in lakes and ponds. Address: Division of Natural Science & Mathematics, Hiram Scott College, Scottsbluff, NE 69361. ROBINSON, HARRY JOHN, b. Elizabeth, N.J, July 30, 13: m. 39;c. 3. MED- ICINE. A.B, N.Y. Univ, 40; Ph.D. (mierobiol), Ruigers, 43; M.D, Columbia, 48. Res..assoc, Merck Inst, Therapeut. Res, 43-43, asst, dir, 43-59, as- soc. Gir, 50-56, exec. dir, 56-65, pres. & dir. res, Quinton Co. Div, Merck & Co, Inc, N.J, 65-68, sr. y.pres, med. affairs, MERCK SHARP & DOMME RES. LABS, Pa, 68-71, V.PRES. SCI. AFFAIRS, 71- Prof. micrabiol, & chmn, dept, Seton Hall Col. Med. & Dent, 57-58, assoc. clin. prof, 60-; assoc. attend. physician, Bellevue Hosp, 6U- Civilian with Off. Sci. Res. & Develop, 44. Am. Soc, Pharmacol. & Exp. Therapeut; Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med; Am. Soc. Clin. Invest; Am. Med. Asn; N.Y. Acad. Sci; Am. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. & Therapeut. Pharmacological and clinical inves- tigations of antibiotics; hormones and ehemotheraveutic agents; studies of bacterial endotoxins; functions of reticuloendothelial system: non-specific resistance, Address: Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Labs, Rahway, NJ 07065. ROBINSON, HARRY L, b. Lindenhurst, N.Y, Jan, 31, 24: m. 55; ¢. 3. PA- THOLOGY. A.B, Cornell, 44, M.D, 48. Assoc. prof, PATH, COL. DENT, N.Y. UNIV, 59-65, PROF, 65. Med.C, 51-53, Capt. AAAS; Am. Med. Asn, Salivary gland pathology; odontogenic tumors, Address: Dept. of Pathology, College of Dentistry, New York University, 421 First Ave, New York, NY 10010. ROBINSON, HARRY M(AXIMILIAN), JR, b. Baltimore Co, Md, Dec. 13, 09: m. 37; c¢. 2. DERMATOLOGY, B.S, Maryland, 31, M.D, 35, Asst. DER- MAT, SCH. MED, UNIV. MD, BALTIMORE CITY, 37-39, assoc, 39.42, asst. prof, 42.46, assoc. prot, 46-53, PROF, 53- Chief dermatologist, St. Agnes Hosp, 46-60; S. Baltimore Gen. Hosp, 46-; Univ. Hosp, Univ. Md, 53- Cone sult, Vet. Admin, 46-~; Md. Gen. Hosp, 46-; del, U.S.Pharmacopeia Conv, 60; mem. scope comt, U.S, Pharmacopeia, 69- Med.C, 42.45, Maj. Am. Med. Asn. (award, 63); Am. Dermat. Asn; Am. Acad. Dermat.(awards, 54, 63, 70); Am. Asn. Prof. Dermat; Soc. Invest. Dermat; Int. Cong. Dermat; Am. Col. Physicians. Comparative anatomy; mycology; clinical investigation; re- habilitation. Address: University Hospital, Redwood & Green St, Baltimore, MD 21201. ROBINSON, HENRY A(LLEN), b. Augusta, Ga, Aug. 21, 01; m. 24: ¢. 3. MATHEMATICS. B.S, Georgia, 22: M.A, Hopkins, 25, Ph.D.(math), 31; Univ. Minn, 31: Brown Univ, 44; N.Y. Univ, 44-46, Jy. instr. MATH, Johns Hopkins Univ, 23-26: acting prof, Agnes Scott Col, 26-29; jr. instr, Johns Hopkins Univ, 29-30: prof, AGNES SCOTT COL, 30-70, head dept, 26-70, EMER. PROF, 70- Inst, Agr. & Mech. Col, Tex, 23-24: eve, lectr, Univ. Syst. Ga, 36-39; instr, U.S. Mil. Acad, 42-46, U.S.A, 40-47, Col, Am. Math. Soc: Math. Asn, Am; Am. Statist. Asn. Inversive geometry; combi- natory analysis; mathematics in nature; elliptic functions. Address: 232 E. Hancock St, Decatur, GA 30030, ROBINSON, HENRY W(LLIAM), b. Chicago, Ill, Apr. 26, 24; m. 50: ¢. 5, TROPICAL PUBLIC HEALTH, MICROBIOLOGY. 3B i Palifort 430 0.8. Pub. bo i oe -} © ZOOL, 62-68, PROF, 65 - Soc. Parasitel; Am. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg. 5 blood and tissue flageilates: epidemiology of par: cd Address: Dept. of Vivlogical Scien: 8, California State University, San Jose, 125 §. Seventh St, San Juse, CA 95114, it. q ROBINSON, HERBERT BURGESS, b. Muir, Mich, Aug. 20, 13: m. 4booue: CHANICAL ENGINEERING. METALLURGY, B.S, Mich. Slate, 36: \ 4 Calif. State Col. Long Reich, 61. Res. engr, Bundy Tubing Co, Mi ‘ Lepel High Frequency Labs, N.Y, 39-40; metall. engr, Eclipse - Pins, Bendix Corp, 40-43; metall. consult, Douglas Aircraft Co, Calif, 43-43 asst. to v.pres, Adel Precision Prod, 44-46; asst. to pres, Mitchell c.-.. Co, 46-47: asst. dir. develop, A.O. Smith Corp, 47-58: instr, Fullers . Col, 58-60; ASSOC. PROF. INDUST, TECHNOL, CALIF. STATE UNIy LONG BEACH, 61- Consult. metall, & welding, 60-61; Don Hall ASSi ya Naval Archit, 62-; sr. re N.Am. Aviation, Inc, summers 64 4 r¢ Am. Soc. Metals; Am. We Soc; Soc. Mfg. Eng. Welding: electres. - .. ing: heat treatment: corr i: metrology. Address: Dept. of Industr. , Technology, California State University, 6101 E. Seventh St, Long Bey, - CA 90801. 4 ROBINSON, HERBERT E(DWIN)}, b. Henderson, Mont, Nov. 7, 07: m. 44. - : NUTRITION, BIOCHEMISTRY. 5.8, Montana, 27; Ph.D. (nutrit, biach: Pittsburch, 34.. Asst. chem, Piitsburgh, 27-31; res. nutritionist, Swite 4 Co, 32-41, asst. dir. res, 41-54, labs, 50-53, dir, 53-59, v.pres. res. & eng, 59-65, v.pres. prod. for indust. depts, 61-70, v.pres. edible oils & Margarine dept, 65-68, pres, Swift Chem. Co, 68-70, Corp. v-pres, res develop, 70-72; RETIRED. Mem. food & indust. ady. comn, Nutrit. F.> 42~; mem, White House Corf. Food & Nutrit; White House Conf. Nutri: : the Aged. Canine tood formulation on a sound nutrition basis; Poultry + -- tion; elycerides; animal feeds; fats and oils; processing effects on the » .. tritive value of foods. Address: 735 §. Brainard Ave, La Grange, IL 62:25 Loe ROBINSON, HOWARD A(DDISON), b. Rotterdam, N.Y, July 30, 09; m. 35. c. 3. PHYSICS. S.B, Mass. Inst. Technol, 30, Savage fel, 30-31, univ 32-35, Ph.D. (physics), 35: Am-German exchange studant, Munich, 30-33 Langmuir fel, Am-Seandinavian Found, Uppsala, 35-36: instr. physics, State, 36-37; physicist, Armstrong Cork Co, 37-38, asst. chief physicist, 36-42, mgr. phys. res, 42-48, 50-52; attaché, Am. Embassy, Stockholn . Sweden, 49-50; first secy, Am. Embassy, Paris, France, 52-56; PROF. PHYSICS & CHMN. DEPT, ADEL PH UNIV, 56-, dir. inst. sci. & math, $3. 63. Adj. prof, div. grad. Studies, Franklin & Marshall Col, 47; consult, Secy, State, 48-52; ady, State Dept, Geneva Aton: Energy Conf, 55: U dep, Orgn. Europ. Conf. Atomic Energy, 56; ar f, Kensselser Poy Inst, summer 64; mem. subcomt, 15, Nat. Coun. Radiation Protection Measurements, 64-66, Optical Soc. Am; fel. Am, Pays. Soc; Am, Asn. Physics Teachers; Am. Ceramic Sac, Analysis of atomic Spectra; physics of glass; high polymer physics. Address: Dept. of Physics, Adelphi Un:- versity, Garden City, NY 11530, ROBINSON, HUGH G(ETTYS), b. New Orleans, La, Oct. 30, 28. PHYSICS. A.B, Emory, 50, Gen. Educ. Bd. fel, 50-51; Shel! Oil Co. fel, Duke, 51-53. Nat. Sci. Found. fel, 53.54, Ph.D. (physics), 54. Res. assoc. PHYSICS, Duxe, 54-55; Maryland, 55-56: Washington (Seattle), 56-57; instr, Yale, 57-58, asst. prof, 58-63; lectr, Harvard, 63-64; assoc. prof, DUKE UNIV, 64-72 PROF, 70- U.S.A, 55-57, Am. Phys, Soc. Atomic physics; radio frequercy and microwave Spectroscopy. Address: Dept. of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706. ROBINSON, LRA CHARLES, b. Webster, Fla, Aug. 27, 40: m. 62; c. 3, PHAR- MACEUTICS. B.S, Florida Agr, & Mech, 61; Am. Found. Pharmaceut. Etc. fel, Fiorida, 64-66, Ph.D.(pharm), 66, Pharmacist, Houston's Drug Stere, Fla, 61-62; asst. mgr, Citizens Walgreen Agency Drug Store, Ala, 62; px macist, Lincoln Drug Store, 62-63; sr. res. scientist, med, prod. res, & ¢ velop, div, Chas. Pfizer & Co, Inc, 68-67, tech, asst, to v.pres, 67-68; pros. leader pharmaceut. res, med. res. labs, Conn, 68-69; PROF, PHARM. & DEAN SCH. PHARM, FLA, A&M UNIV, 69- Acad. Pharmaceut, Sci; Am, Pharmaceut. Asn, Sustained-release pharmaceutical technology; tablet tecn- nology; pharmaceutical research and development systems analyses; physi- cal pharmacy. Address: School of Pharmacy, Florida A&M University, Box 367, Tallahassee, FL 32307. ROBINSON, I(V.AN) M(AXWELL), b. Lakeville, N.S, May 26, 20: nat; m. 44: c. 4. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. B.Sc, Acadia, 40 & 41;'M.A, Toronto, 42; Ph.D.(chem), Purdue, 49. Res. chemist, Can. Indust, Ltd, 42-43, 45-46, E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, INC, 49-52, supvr, 52-54, sect. mgr, 54-61, mgr. tech. Sales, 61-64, LAB. DIR, 64- R.C.A.F, 43-44. Am. Chem. Soc. Vapor-phase nitration; polymers; polyimides; polybenzimidozoles: polybenzoxazoles: polyolefins; new industrial chemicals. Address: 1805 Shipley Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803. ROBINSON, IVOR, b. Liverpool, Eng, Oct. 7, 23; m. 63; c. 3. MATHEMAT- ICS, THEORETICAL PHYSICS. B.A, Cambridge, 47. Lectr, math, Univ. Col. Wales, 50-58: res. assoc, physics, North Carolina, 59-60: Syracuse, 60-61, 62-62; vis. prof. physics & astron, Cornell, 61-62; PROF, PHYSICS, Southwest. Ctr. Advan. Studies, 63-69; UNIV. TEX, DALLAS, 69- Res. as- soc, King’s Col, Univ. London, 59: vis. lectr, inst. theoret. physics, Polish Acad. Sci, 59: vis. prof, Univ. Sydney, 65-66; Tel-Aviv Univ, 66 & 70; state chair reserved for for. scholars, Col. France, 70. int. Astron. Union; Ars Astron, Soe; Am, Math. Soc; Am. Phys. Soc. Gravitational radiation. Ad- dress: Dept. of Physics, University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 302365, Dallas, TX 75230. ROBINSON, JACK H(ARDY), b. Mt. Vernon, N.Y, Mar. 27, 25; m. 47; ¢. 2. COSMOLOGY. B.S, Yale, 45; M.A, Stanford, 50; Ed.D, Harvard, 69. Teacher p! 8, Vallejo dr. Col, 48-50; asst. prof. & course chmn. phys. Sci, Kansas State, 53-60; assoc. prof. sci. & math. ed, Puerto Rico, 60-62. Nat. Sci. Found. fel, physics & philos. sci, Yale, 62-63: asscc. prof. 5 : sci, UNIV. S.FLA, 63-68, prof, 66-71, chmn. dept, 63-71, PROF. SCI. St. PETERS TA ESN, 42-47, 51. o3-. Lt pee yo Oh out 7 St. Petersburg, FL, 53701. ROBINSON, JACK LANDY, b. Dur ICAL CHEMISTRY, B.S. Sout 66. ASST. PROF, CHE 1, SOU tic, Oak Ride Nat. Lab, sunn kla, Jan. 6, 40: in. 61. ¢, 2. “ al, 62: PAD. (chen ST. STATE COL, 68. F yores v0. Am, Chem. Soc. Application of tetrs- __ . Can. res. crants, 64-60; Sac. Res. Coun. ¢ tment, Burcen Neurol, last, Bristol, eaward, 63-69. U.S 2.55, Am. Psychol, Asn; Can. Psychol. an. Eleetrophysic af anory, perception and motivation. Address: dept. of Psycholozy, Semon Fraser University, Lurnaby 2, B.C, Can. wol fel, 66-67; vis. res. 3: Commonwee lth WEINBERG, DR. LAN, &. London, Eng, Jan. 8, 33; m. 64; c. 2. SOCIOLOGY. B.A, Oxford, 61; Eng. Speaking Union fel, Princeton, 61, Franklin Murphy dr. fel, 62, M.A, 63, Ogden Porter Jacobus fel, 63-64, Ph.D.(sociol), 65. Asst. prof. SOCIGL, M ui, 64-66; res. assoc, Russell Sage Found, 66; asst. prof, TORONTO, 66-68, ASSOC. PROF, 68- R.A.F, 55-57. Sociol. Asn. Modernization and social change; historical and industrial sociology; sociology of educution. Publ: The English public schools; the sociology of elite education, Atherton, 67. Address: Dept. of Sociology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont, Can. WEINBERG, DR. MARTIN STEPHEN, b. Albany, N.Y, Jan. 23, 39; m. 63; c. 1. SOCIOLOGY. B.A, St. Lawrence, 60; univ. fel. € M.A, Massachusetts, 61; univ. fel. & Nat, Inst. Ment. Health fel. & Ph.D.(ssciol), Northwestern, 65. Asst. prof. SOCIOL, Rutwers, 65-68; ASSOC. PROF, INST. SEX RES. & INDIANA, 68- Rutgers Univ. res. fel, 65-66; Nat. Inst. Ment. Health res. grant, 67-68. Sociol. Asn; Soc. Study Social Probs. Social theory and the sociology of deviance. Publ: Co-auth, Deviance: the interactionist per- spective, Macmillan, 68; auth. Sexual modesty, social meanings and the nudist camp, Soc. Probs, winter 65; Becoming a nudist, Psychiatry, 2/66. aon lastitute for Sex Research, Indiana University, Bloomingten, Ind. 7405. WEINBERG, PROF. MEYER, Hist, Educ, see 5th ed, Dir. Am, Scholars, Vol. I, Bist. WEINBERG, NAT, b. New York, N.Y, Feb. 15, 14; m. 35: c. 2. ECONOMICS. B.A, N.Y. Univ, 42. Asst. to dir, res. dept, Int. Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, 37-44; labor economist, off. chief econ. adv. off. labor prod, War Prod. Bd, 44-45; chief work & wage experience studies sect, U.S. Bur. Labor Statist. 45-46; labor economist, prog, br, Nat. Housing Agency, 46; dir. res. & eng. dept, INT. UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGR. IMPLEMENT WORKERS AM, 47-57, DIR. SPEC. PROJS. & ECON. ANAL, 57- Regents’ lectr, California, Berkeley, 66. Consult, European Productivity Admin, 55. Mera, U.S. Trade Union Ady, Cmt, European Pro- ductivity Agency, 60-62; consult. panel econ. aspects of disarmament, U.S. Dept. State, 61-62; consult. suvcmts, President’s Adv. Cmt. on Labor-Mgt. Policy, 61-; adv. emt. on automation & manpower, U.S. Dept. Labor, 61-62. Trustee, Fed, Statist. Users Conf, 56-60, Econ. Asn; Statist. Asn; Indust. Rels. Res. Asn. Industrial relations; economic stabilization; social welfare and living standards. Publi: Co-ed, Adjustment to technological change, Harper, 63; auth, Lebor on the hook, Saturday Rev; The thinking behind the UAW-CIO guaranteed employment plan, Mich. Bus. Rev. Address: Interna- tional Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers America, Special Projects Dept, 8000 E. Jetferson St, Detroit, Mich. 46214. WEINBERG, DR. NORRIS H(ERBERT), b. Philadelphia, Pa, June 29, 29; m.57, CLINICAL PSYCHOLCGY.-B.A, Pennsylvania, 51, M.A, 53, Ph.D, 58. Asst. instr. psychiat, Pennsylvania, 56-68, instr, 58-59; med. psychol, med. center, California, Los Angeles, 59.62, 63-65; res. fel. psychol, Lon~ don, 62-63; sr. clin. psychologic, Phila, Child Guid. Clin, 65-67; CLIN. PSYCHOLOGIST, ASHEOURNE SCH, 67- Consult, Abington Hosp, Pa, 66~- Psychol, Asn. Publ: Failure to find distinctive personality features ina group of obese men, Am. J. Psychiat; co-auth, Resistance to systematic desensitization of phobias, J. Clin. Psychol, 63, auth, Conceptual level, self- centering and Piaget’s egocentricity, Child Develop, 63. Address: 7315 As- bury Ave, Melrose Park, Pa. 19126, WEINBERG, ROBERT STANLEY, b. New York, N.Y. Nov. 17, 27; m. 54. ECONOMICS, ECONOMETRICS. A.8, Washington (St. Louis), 49; B.S, N.Y. Univ, 50; M.S, Columbia, 51. Asst. to dir. res, Mkt. Data Res, Assocs, 50- §1; res. assoc, Jules Backman Assocs, 51; analyst, opers eval. group, Mass. Inst. Tech, 54-53; mgr. mkt. res, Int, Bus. Mach. Corp, 56-64, dir. anal. serv, 64-66; V.PRES. CORP. PLANNING, ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC, 66- Assoc, Ernest Dale Assocs, 53-55. U.S.A.F, 51-53, Lt. AAAS; Am. Econ. Asn; Aim. Statist. Asn; Opers. Res. Soc. Am.(assoc. ed, Opers. Res, 58-); Economet. Soc: Asn. Comput. Mach; Inst. Met. Sci; Royal Econ. Soc. Opera- tions research and management science; input-output, activity and process analysis; econometric models of individual firms. Publ: An analytical ap- proach to advertising expenditure strategy; Full employment 1955-1960, a feasibility test, Am. Econ. Rev; Multiple factor breakeven analyses, Opers. Res. Address: 5915 Lindell Bivd, St. Louis, Mo. 63112. WEINBERG, PROF. S(AMUEL) KIRSON, b. Chicago, Il, Oct. 10, 12; m. 46; ¢.2. SOCIOLOGY, SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A.B, Chicago, 34, A.M, 35, Ph.D, 42. Asst. prof. SOCIOL, Whitman Col, 46-47; ROOSEVELT, 47-49, assoc. prof, 49-55, PROF, 55-, CHMN. DEPT, 64- Vis. prof, Minnesota, 51-52; Ghana, W.Africa, 60-61; res. fels, 57-58, 61-62; summer Vis. praf, sch. criminol, California, Berkeley, 63; Nat. Sci. Found. & Am. Sociol. Asn, vis. scientist, 63.65; res. sociologist, med. sch, Northwestern & Inst. Juvenile Res, 65-66. U.S.A, 41-45, Lt. AAAS; Sociol. Asn; Psychol. Asn; Soc. Study Social Probs. Social disorganization; social psychology; erimi- nology. Publ: Society and personality disorders, 52 & Social problems in modern urban society, 68, Prentice-Hall; ed, The sociology of mental dis- orders, Aldine, 67. Address: Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Roosevelt University, 430 8. Michigan Ave, Chicago, D1. 60605, WEINBERG, WILLIAM M, Indust. Rels, see 10th ed, Soc. & Behav. Vols. WEINBERGER, PROP. LESTER, b. New York, N.Y, June 23, 16. ECONOM- ICS, SOCIOLOGY. B.S, City Col. New York, 38, fel, 38-40; B.S, Columbia, 39; M.A, New Sch. Soc. Res, 51, Ph.D.(econ, sociol), 58. Asst, library, City Col. New York, 40-42, 46-56, dir. audio visual center, 56-86, lectr. per- gome} & labor mgt, 58-66; PROF. PERSONNEL INDUST. RELS, BARUCH COL, CITY UNIV. NEW YORK, 66-, BUS. ADMIN, BOROUGH MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COL, 67-, dir.& dean, City Univ. Col. Center, 66-67. Audio vi- sual consult, 55- U.S.A, 42-46, Nes, 46-, Col. Econ, Aer aT: . Asn. cine inistration: sociv-ccenamic research in white collay unionization; a ed and theoredcal researeh-in labor manasement rela. tions, methods and techniques of progranimed instruction; TV education; audio visual equipment and use; military logistics: civil affairs, white col- lar and professional unionism in Middle and Far East. Addreas: Dept, of Business Administration, Borough of Manhattan Communily College, 14 W. 5Slst St, New York, N.¥. 10020. WEINBLATT, EVE, b. Newark, N.J, Feb. 22, 12; div;c. 1. STATISTICS. A.B, Barnard Col, Columbia, 31: Caroline Duror mem. fel, Yale, 31-32, univ. fel, 32-33; Harvard, 55. Asst. dir. dept. statist. res, N.Y. Heart Asn, 45.51; med. statistician, cmt. spec. res. proj. Health Ins. Plan, 51-54; statistician, div. res. & statist, HEALTH INS. PLAN OF GREATER NEW YORK, 54-60, ASST. DIR. RES, 60- Statist. Asn; fcl. Pub. Health Asn. Pub. lic health and medicine statistical research. Publ: Auth, Return to work and work status following first myocardial udarction, Am. J. Pub. Health, 2/66; co-auth, Myocardial infarction in men: role of physical activity and smoking in incidence and mortality, J. Am. Med. Asn, 12/66 & Physical inactivity as a lethal factor in myocardial infarction among men, Circulation, 12/66. Ad- dress: Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, 625 Madison Ave, New York, N.Y. 10022. WEINER, DR. ‘CHARLES, Hist. of Sci, see 5th ed, Dir. Am. Scholars, Vol. I, Hist. WEINER, DR. CLARENCE M(ORRIS), b. New York, N.Y, Feb. 20, 13; m. 44; c. 2. ECONOMICS. B.A. & M.A, Wisconsin, 34, Ph.D.{econ), 48. Econo- mist, Bur. Employ. Security, D.C, 38-45; Vet. Admin, 45-47; comptroller, United Serv. for New Americans, New York, 48- 50: met. consult, Surv. Inst, Inc, 50-52; ECONOMIST, United Auto Workers, Detroit, Mich, 52-54; CI- GAR MFRS. ASN, 54- Lectr, Rutgers, 47. U.S.A, 45-46. Econ. Asn: Sta- tist. Asn; Indust. Rels. Res. Asn. Taxation; manpower: marketing. Ad- dress: Cigar Manufacturers Association, Room 2620, 350 Fifth Ave, New York, N.¥. 10001. WEINER, DR. DORA BUIERER), Hist, see 5th ed, Dir. Am. Scholars, Vol. I, Hist. WEINER, DR. HAROLD, b. New York, N.Y, Mar. 28, 32; m. 59. EXPERI- MENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. B.B.A, City Col. New York, 53; M.A, Maryland, 57, Ph.D, 60, Assoc. res. scientist psychol, Am. Inst. Res, 59-61: exp. res. psychologist, ST. ELIZABETH’S HOS?, 61-64, DIR. OPERANT CONDITION- ING LAB, 64- Assoc. clin. prof. psychiat, sch. med, George Washington, . 64- Superior serv, medal res, Dept. Health, Ed. & Welfare, 64. Fel. AAAS; Psychol. Asn. Operant conditioning. Publ: Some effects of response cost upon human operant behavior. 62 & Operant programmirg with transistorized digital elements, 63, J. Exp. Anal. Behav; Conditioning history and maladap- tive human operant behavior, Psychol. Reports, 65. Address: Operant Con- ditioning Lab, St, Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C, 20020. WEINER, DR. IRA WILLIAM), b. Chicago, Il, Aug. 14, 17, CLINICAL PSY- CHOLOGY. B.Ed, Chicago Teachers Col, 42; M.A, California, Los Angeles, 52, Ph.D.(clin. psychol), 55. Asst. psychol, California, Los Angeles, 51-52; intern clin. psychol, Vet. Admin. Center, Los Angeles, §2-55: sr. clin. psy- chologist, State Ment. Hyg. Clin, Los Angeles, 55-61, San Fernanda, 61-66; private psactice & res, 66- Consult, Compton Sch. Dist, Calif, 56. U.S.N, 42-45. Psychol. Asn. Psychosomatic relationships; group pro- cesses. Publ: Co-auth, Psychological factors in the dumping syndrome, J. Nerv. & Ment. Disease; Psychological factors related to results of subtotal gastrectomy, Psychosom. Med. Address: 450 N. Bedford Dr, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210. WEINER, DR. IRVING B(ERNARD), b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Aug. 16, 33. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. A.B, Michigan, 55, M.A, 97, Ph.D, 59. Asst. . psychol, Michigan, 55-56, 58-69; counsr, bur. psychol. serv, 57-59; clin. trainee, Vet. Admin, 56-58; instr. psychiat, SCH. MED. & DENT. ROCH- ESTER, 59-62, sr. instr, 62-64, asst. prof, 64-67, ASSOC. PROF. PSY- CHIAT. & PEDIAT, 67- Asst. psychologist, Rochester Munic. Hosp, 39-; Strong Mem. Hosp, 59-64, assoc. psychologist, 64-67, sr. assoc. psycholo- gist, 67- Psychol. Asn. Validation of psychodiagnostic techniques; nature of schizophrenic disturbance, psychological problems of adolescents, train- ing in clinical psychology. Publ: Psychodiagnosis in schizophrenia, Wiley, 66; Differential diagnosis in amphetamine psychosis, Psychiat. Quart, 64; Behavior therapy in obsessive-compulsive neurosis: treatment of an adoles- cent boy, Psychotherapy, 67. Address: University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, ‘N.Y. 14620. WEINER, DR. MAX, b. Hartford, Conn, May 7, 26; m. 60, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. B.A, Connecticut, 50; M.A. Trinity Col. (Conn), 53; Ph.D. (ed. psychol), Yale, 57. Teacher, pub. schs, Conn, 52-55; instr. psychol, New Haven Col, 54-56; dir. guid, Post Rd. Sch, White Plains Pub. Schs, 56- 59; instr. ED, BROOKLYN COL, 59-62, asst. prof, 62-65, ASSOC. PROF, 65- Test consult, inst. develop. studies, N.Y. Med. Col, 60-64. U.S.A, 44- 46. AAAS; Psychol. Asn; Personnel & Guid. Asn; Coun, Measurement in Ed; Asn. Measurement & Eval. Guid; Ed.-Res. Asn; Col. Personnel Asn. Computer assisted instruction and its applications to jearning; interpreta - tion of tests in counseling; learning theory; discipline in school. Publ: Co- auth, A fourth validation of a reading prognosis test for children of varying socio-economic status, Ed. & Psychol. Measurement, 66; Studying student attitudes, In: Research guidelines for high school counselors, Col. Entrance Exam. Bd, 67; auth, Psychological testing and the college counselor, In: Counseling of college students, Macmillan, 68. Address: 515 E. Seventh St, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218. WEINER, MERVYN L, b. Montreal, Que, Oct. 30, 22; m. 51; c. 2. ECONOM- ICS. B.Com, McGill, 43; Rhodes scholar. & B.Phil, Oxford, 48; Johnston scholar, Hopkins, 49-51. ECON. ADV, WEST. HEMISPHERE DEPT, INT. BANK RECONSTRUCT. & DEVELOP, 51- Can. Army, 43-46, Capt. ECON. Asn. Economic development. Address: 3206 Cummings Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. 20015. eae erp TN VERE RECN “Ag UREN ey ie ppg ge ys “Sg es ere