March 21, 1974 To: The record From: Matt Spear Public Health Advisor Subject: Arthritis program in Maryland RMP. A joint telephone conversation was held with Dr. Edward Davens, Coordinator MRMP, and Dr. Mary Betty Stevens, rheumatologist at Johns Hopkins, and Chairwoman of the MRMP arthritis application committee. This committee was formed after a meeting with Johns Hopkins, Md. Univ. Medical School, and the State Department of Health and Hygiene to discuss the DRMP arthritis guidelines, and MRMP response. The committee to draw up the arthritis application is comprised of a representative from each of the medical schools, and a member of the Medical Advisory Board of the state's Arthritis Foundation. The problem discussed: The guidelines can be read in a number of ways. One response would be an operational, patient treatment activity. Another, and the one favored by Maryland, would be a program design/development approach, using these one-time RMP funds to accelerate the Region's program from its present status, to a comprehensive arthritis program to be realized 3 - 5 years hence. Much of the activity would be developing support, and identifying and negotiating institutional, and other linkages required for a truly comprehensive, Statewide program. I advised Dr. Stevens, and Dr. Davens that I felt that their approach was quite appropriate, and that the merit of their proposal would not necessarily be diminished because it was not addressed primarily to immediate treatment activities. I urged them to fully explain the planning and development which has already occurred, and to clearly define this one-year MRMP activity in the context of the larger, and longer-term goal on which they are already embarked.