gy at PROCESS AND BASIS FOR FUNDING PILOT ARTHRITIS PROGRAMS Summary Statement been Pilot arthritis grant programs have/ authorized to be carried out in 31 Regional Medical Programs during 1975. While program activities up to a level of $4,737,360 have been approved, the actual cost of the programs which will be conducted will not be known until all of the awardees have effirmed that they wiil undertake the program approved in their Regions. The new program was made possible by a special Congressional earmark in the 1974 RMP appropriation of $4,500,000. Under special guidelines, the RMP's were permitted to apply for pilot arthritis program grants in addition to their regular RMP pro- gram applications. Arthritis grant applications were received from 43 RMP's, in the amount of nearly $15,900,000. In the review and approval process, the Arthritis Ad Hoc Committee, and the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs developed guides on program priorities to govern the review and appioval cf the arthritis grant applications. The guides advo-~ cated outreach activities from centers, and cont rained approval of activities which, while otherwise meritorious, appeared to reviewers to be high cost or collateral activities unlikely to achieve fruition in the grant year, or not contributory to patient care delivery improvements. The arthritis grant review process, conducted in May and June, 1974, resulted in recommendations for approvel and funding of the 31 RMP applications at approximately $4,800,000. In recognition of country-wide needs on arthritis, and that their recommended approvals exceeded available earmarked funds, both the Ad Hoc Committee, and the National Advisory Council requested that the Division of Regional Medical Programs seek identification of other funds so that all approved grant pro~ grams could be supported. The review bodies ranked all of the approved programs on quality and achievability factors to provide specificity with regard to programs approved for funding with earmarked funds, and those for which additional funds should be sought. Of the 31 approved programs, the 27 higher ranked programs can be funded with the earmarked fund. The remaining 4 have been authorized to allocate other RMP funds in their possession to pilot arthritis activities if they identify arthritis as a high priority, but only up to the amounts approved, and only for the approved activities. Modification downward of requested amounts of most arthritis grant applications was imposed by the review bodies in order to achieve outreach characteristics and development of patient services, obtain a more cohesive National pilot effort, and achieve optimal outcome with limited, one-year pilot arthritis funds. The modification of some of the grant requests was extensive, and in some instances may result in regional decisions to abandon the pilot arthritis activity as a priority activity. For this reason, all letters of award advised recipients that they cannot spend the grant funds until they accept in writing to the DRMP the modified pre- grams approved. The DRMP is waiting for these acceptance letters. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Committee . Summary of Committee Recommendations (By Rank Score) Rank Total ’ Recommended Region Score L/ Requested Total Kansas 85 390,013 242,400 A Texas 85 356,559 . 244,200 Arizona 80 241,638 215,000 California 80 726,343 397,250 Georgia 80 595,000 200,000 Hawaii 80 461,820 216,000 Mississippi 80 862,409 58,000 Tri-State 80 844,775 213,370 Wisconsin 80 267,857 62,000 \ West Pa. ‘ 78 281,051 140,400 kK Inter-Mntn. 75 385,463 169,500 ht Michigan 75 823,413 194,700 | Eo" \9 N. Dakota 75 340, 800 111,000