gu II iil FY 1973 FY 1973 FY 1973 FY 1973. FY 1974 FY 1974 FY 1974 FY 1974 1. 76, 2. 6. 3. 66. SUMMARY OF FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FY_1974 FY 1973 Funds Available Impounded FY 1973 : Funds Authorization ‘ 250.0 M Appropriation 150.0 M Appropriation for grants & contracts 144.64 M 55.358 M 89.631 M Appropriation for grants 140.34 M 52.096 M 76.131 M 1/ 1/ excludes 13.5 M EMS Earmarks FY 1974 Funds Available 2/ Authorization 159.0 M Appropriation 81.953 M 80.606 M Appropriation for grants & contracts 78.515 M 74.589 M Appropriation for grants 77.171 M 66.308 M 3/ 2/ includes funds provided in R&D budget less 5% reduction 3/ less Arthritis Centers, Pediatric Pulmonary Centers and other deductions Total Funds Available FY 1974 131M FY 1973 impounded funds 948 M FY 1973 funds awarded but.restricted from expenditure 308 M FY 1974 funds 149.387 M Total funds available FY 1974 - 41.236 M FY 1974 funds awarded to date 108.151 M Total FY 1974 funds available for distribution il it . Grants Management, DRMP yo February 8, 1974