Draft Statement on Arthritis Pilot Program August 8, 1974 The underlying authority for the 1974 RMP initiative in arthritis was pilot in scope and intent, and heterogeneous activities beyond this level would not be appropriate employment of current grant funds. The full development and delivery of services for arthritis is an enormous undertaking, and requires a continuing, well organized attack such as could be initiated under presently pending legislation. Thus, while Council is fully aware of the urgent needs in the arthritis field, it does not consider expenditures for arthritis other than for approvals and recommendations made at the June Council meeting to be appropriate in the present environment, and the allocation or expenditure by individual Regional Medical Programs of funds for arthritis in addition to approvals provided at the June 13-14, 1974 Council meeting are not approved. The Council will entertain approval of additional thrusts in arthritis in the event that appropriate authority and new grant or other funds become available to the RMPs.