gg * . g ® ATEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION . BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT TO : The record DATE: November 18, 1974 Meth bjs FROM : Matthew Spear Public Health Advisor SUBJECT: Organization for a national arthritis conference A discussion was held at O'Hare International airport, Chicago, Illinois, on Sunday, November 17, to explore the feasibility of convening a conference to develop coordinated activities, including program reporting and evaluation, among 29 Regional Medical Programs (RMP's) conducting pilot arthritis grant ' programs. Participants in the discussion were: Dr. Roger D. Mason, discussion moderator; Chairman of the former Arthritis ad hoc Review Committee . Mr. Kevin Anderson, staff member, Michigan RMP Dr. William F. Donaldson, lst Vice President, American Academy of Ortho- paedic Surgeons (Pittsburgh) Dr. Ephraim P. Engleman, UCLA; chairman of the ARA "committee of five" designated to provide liaison with DRMP (San Francisco) Dr. Satoru lzutsu, &xecutive Director, Hawaii RMP Dr. Lawrence M. Petrocelli, Chief Arthritis Activities, NIAMDD Mr. David Shobe, Arthritis Foundation (Washington, D.C., and N.Y.) Dr. Clement W. Sledge, Robert Breck Brigham Hospital (Boston) Dr. Isaac Taylor, Deputy Director, Tri-State RMP | Dr. Charles D. Tourtelotte, Chief of Rheumatology, Temple University (Philadelphia) From the Division of Regional Medical Programs: Mr. Gerald T. Gardell, Acting Director Mr. Matthew Spear, Staff member The consensusses reached by the discussion participants are the following: 1. There should be a conference to develop coordination, evaluation, and follow- up activities among the 29 funded pilot arthritis programs. 2. The conference should be convened at a site which results in least cost for ‘both the conduct of the conference, and the attendance of the participants. 3. Total cost of the conference proper (site and services costs) should not - exceed $10,000. So oe 10. ll. Conference sponsors will be, jointly: Arthritis Foundation American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases _ Regional Medical Programs (29 collectively) The sponsors will jointly contrive to pay the costs of the conference. Participating program attendees will be required to meet their travel and other costs from local sources. Pregram attendance/participation will be limited to Coordinators of the 29 RMP's with funded pilot arthritis programs, their arthritis Project Directors, and others directly associated with the conduct of the conference. Special guests, and expert resource personnel will be invited. Their costs of participation will be reimbursed by the sponsors, when necessary. The conference will be ‘schedulled for 2 days in the period between January 18, and February 2, 1975. DRMP will provide staff support -- in effect, an Executive Secretariat -- for development, conduct, and perhaps followup of the conference. The tentative program structure is: I. Educational impact A. Physicians B. Paramedical C. Patients Il. Delivery Impact A. Demographic aspects B. Types of services C. Distribution of services III. Objective analysis of results A. Each of the above B. Functional analysis of therapy ° IV. Continuation funding 12. The structure relates to the following tentative agenda: a. short introductory plenary session b. workshops on sections I, and If c. plenary session for reports and discussions d. workshops on sections III, and IV e. summary plenary session oa 13 14. Special resource people should be available in both the workshop, and plenary sessions. Types (or specialties noted): demography program evaluation ~ program funding program information disseminators program image builders Names mentioned: demography -- William Ranke (7), Johns Hopkins, Md. evaluation ~- Dennison, Mich:; Plotz, N.Y.; Dr. Smyth, Colo.; Confree, Cal.; Joseph Barbaccia, Cal. funding --- David Rogers, Johnson Foundation Kellogg Foundation State Health Department specialists program delivery -- Ed. Smith, Va.; John Sharp, Houston, and Smiley, Dallas, Texas; Neustadt, Louiseville; Ivan Duff, Mich.; Dr. Klineberg, and George Freo (?), Cal. . , program information -- one or two widely known science writers program image -- Sen. Cranston; Anne Landers