Cn December 6, 1974 Paul DB. Ward Executive Director California Regional Program 7700 Edgewater Drive Oakland, Califorria 94621 Dear Mr. Ward: Your letter of Nevember 25, requests approval to rebudget pilot arthritis funds from the Scrippe Clinic and Research Foundation project (154L), te overall C34? coordination of the remaining pilot arthritia activities. We are avare of the circumstances which proscribed the inauguration of this promising activity, and we share your regret with ite lose. Your proposal to empley the $26,322 thus freed to provide Regional arthritis program coordination and ataff assistance is appropriate, and the requeat is approved. We will appreciate receipt of Forms 15, and 16 documentation of this change at your earlist convenience. With regard to the limitations placed on BMP funding of arthritis activities (i.e., “no other BMP funds can be expended for arthritis activities”), the prohibition was not intended to proseribe the normal EMP program coordinative/evaluative activities which do net result in program enlargement, per se. The ongoing SMP responsibility for these funetions is recognised, and the earmark ceiling on pilet arthritis activities is not censidered by us to be vidlated when arthritis is subjected to the same management controle as are addreszed to other RMP programs. We recognize the confusion surrounding this matter, and we will issue a clarifying statement soon, prebably in the imminent announcement of a conference of the pilot arthritis programs, te be held in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 19-20, 1975. Yours truly, Matthew Spear Public Health Advisor Division of Regional Medical Programs ee: Me. Gerdell Hr, Teets Mr. Ruseell