NG NoTZ.—DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE SLIP TO SHOW FORMAL CLEARANCES OR APPROVALS lay _, AGENCY BLDG. ROOh (C) APPROVAL JA REVIEW (D PER CONVERSATIO! () SIGNATURE [0 NOTE AND SEE ME =] AS REQUESTED COMMENT (J NOTE AND RETURN = () NECESSARY ACTION (i FOR YOUR INFORMATION (J PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE OF. “Cony of prpesed TronsmiTfa/ eli srg Swmwmeyies oF ov {Fold here for return) To From PHONE BUILDING — a ROOM roa HEW-s0 rev. RROUTE SLIP cro: is 0-510 Ile ty Ase it wpeean DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT TO COORDINATORS OF REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS, REGIONAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS, ’ AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS CONCERNED WITH ARTHRITIS SUBJECT: Summaries of arthritis programs funded in 1974 by Regional Medical Programs. This transmits a copy of the summaries of pilot arthritis programs , funded last year through a special one-year appropaiation earmark of $4.5 millions, for your information and use. These reports were prepared in November by arthritis program and project directors at our request. They present the status of the funded programs during or immediately following startup acti- vities, and contain information which may be useful to many individuals working in the area of arthritis diseases. The development and distribution of these summaries responds in part to recommendations of the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Pro- grams when it recommended, in conjunction with pilot arthritis program grant approvals in June 1974, that the program be provided overall coordination. The Council also urged that mechanisms be developed for program reporting, info rmation exchange,and evaluation. We have been unable to respond fully to these Council recommendations in the face of staff reductions, the immi- nent phase-out of the Division of Regional Medical Programs a and the bean expected termination of the Regional Medical Programs (RMP's) by Bebenbex ah, -97s: In order to develop a more adequate response to the Council's recommendations, a conference of arthritis program leaders was convened at Kansas City, Missouri, on January 19 - 20, 1975. The conference was sponsored by the 29 RMP's operating approved arthritis programs, the Arthritis Foundation, and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Hosts of the conference were the Kansas RMP, and the Kansas City Division, Arthritis Foundation. The program summaries provided background for the deliberations of the more than 100 conferees, along with information developed by them during the conference. The conference outcome was a body of resolutions calling for actions by program participants and associates on aspects of the arthritis program, including ways to record and assess the program, project reporting and evaluation, activity coordination, and opportunities for obtaining con- tinuity support. We presently anticipate that the conference report, which will fully reflect discussions and resolutions, can be devéloped and transmitted to you within two months.