- VoL. Is RO. 16 anna the V- minute news “FIRST ANNUAL COMPERENCE OM THE PHYSICIAN AND’ >and seven members of LACMA: Charles B. Canby, M.D., David Trainer, MiD,: Walter R. Buerger, MD, William G.:Wingor, IIIT, MD, Walter S. Pharea,MD, John! Curry. Brennan, MD) and. Sanédrd Rothenberg,....”° -TRE HOSPITAL-MEDICAL STAFF LEADERSHIP: FACT OR FICTION, That's the offfeial name of the conference, to .be held in the spring of .1970, to be. hosted by. AREA V HOSPITAL ADHINISTRA~ TORS ADVISORY: COMMITTEE, with the assistance of the Postgraduate Division of the School of | Madicine, USC. Steering Committee for the- conference Ls composed of: John B. Brewer, W. Kevin Hegarty, Janes E. Ludlam, Henry Be - Dunlap, Williem A. Markey, Carl Welssburg, Francis M. McKeever, M.D., Harold Mazur, MD- MD. Dr. C. Wesley. Eisele, Assotiate Dean for Postgraduate Medical Education, University of Colorado ta serving ag consultant for the con- . ference. * Ha is Director of the annual Hospi- tal Medical Staff..Conferences held in Estes Park, Colorado. ‘jor force in hospital-health policy-making and to dents ty. problems of hospital medical staffs. as we The. techateal Review of Tomputerized ECG Analy- sis for, Community Hospital. Use" is scheduled fox the afternoon. of. August: 14, 1969 at. the Airport: Marina Botel.ia Los Angeles. . CCBMP advise that team members are: Rodman D. ' Starke, MD of San Francisco, Stephen A. Coray, MD of Ventura; Richard Z.: Yorder,. MD-of .San Miego and Dick Sasuly of CCRMP Staff. :' Accom- panying Dr. Lee Cady,:Jr.;: author of: the proj- eet and CRATRMAN ‘OF AREA V SYSTEMS AND. COMPU~ TERS COMMITTEE willbe AREA V STAFF MEMBERS, JOHNS, LLOYD, Ph.D. and ‘WILLIAM A..: MARREY, The request for technical review of AREA V project #2060 + Training. of. Paramedical Per- sonnel. as Field Service Dietetic Aides has been. withdrawn, pending fuerbee work on the Proposal.’ 7 F : . HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MEETING OF. ‘comme STAFF COR- “TANTS , AUGUST 7: '> ‘Next site visit by DRMP has been postponed to early October (AREA V has two projects for this reviews-the Pacemaker Registry and Emergency Myocardial. Infarction Rescue Unit.) ‘tha volume of work imposed on the original Technical Review Panel necessitates its ex- pansion and each Area has been asked to name seven nominees, one for each of the categories of Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Related Dis- eases, Contimuing Education, Community Medi- cine and Allied: Health. AREA V Chairmen have Yon asked. to submit ‘suggest fons. - The Areas’ have alao been asked to send in nomi- nations for "Public Representatives" for two vacancies which sais on the California Committees: : “yuns 1S wikr HAPPmIED IN AREA ‘LAST WEEK’ ‘COMMUNITY PROGRAMS). “Some of the objectives of the conference are to identify medical staffs as a August 13, 1969 Details‘ are being worked out and support being sought for an interesting "spin-off" which has, arisen as a result of the survey of health facilities: being conducted in - East Los Angeles. Those familiar with the patterns of health care in that community “are of the opinion that a large number of © Eastside residents travel to towns south of the border to seek medical, dental and | optieal sarvices; however, no quantitative data are available on the use being made of Mextean health facilities by U. S$. citizens. The feasibility of a study to collect this data is being explored by MR. JOSE CARLOS (member of the RMP~ELA STEERING COMMITTEE ON HEALTH NEEDS) and FRANK AGUILERA (AREA V- Through his member- ship in the U. S. - Mexico Border Public Health Asen., Mr. Carlos was able to con- tact Dr. Rogelio Ferman, new Director of the Mexican Public Health facilities in Baja California, who evinced great inter- est and volunteered to aid such a etudy in every way possible. : : THE RMP-EAST \LOS ANGELES STEERING COMMIT- TEE ON HEALTH NEEDS has annoynced the date 'o€-the first: session of the Commnity Health Workshop as Saturday, Oct. 25, and the place is East Los Angeles City College. 7 According ‘to CRMP Area Nurgés, who met on August’ 4 at AREA V headquarters,’ several California Area Coordinators have aigni- fied informal approval of plana for a” regional Allied Health Committee which would represent not only nursing but many paramedical disciplines and would have an offictal representative on each of the Regional Categorical Committees. Goals for the Allied Health Committee and plans to seek official recognition will be dis- cussed on Aug. 27 when the group meets at AREA TV-UCLA. WELCOME ABOARD! MISS MARLENE CRECEL, MPH, Coordinator to Dr. John A. Mitchell, Program Director of Watts-Willowbrook District RMP ia to rep- resent the latter group on the AREA V LIBRARY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Starting Aug. 11, MRS. LINDA BEESON, Girl Friday, will be aseiating all of us in AREA V, under the supervision of MRS. LENA PINKERTON, Administrative Assistant.’ Tf you did. not receive a copy of the new AREA V Status of Proposals at 4 recent meeting, you will find a copy attached. This new form will be issued quarterly. STAFF, MEETINGS, _ARE SUBJECT TO SUDDEN CHANGES--PLEASE CHECK WITH OFFICE FOR LATEST INFORMATION ALL MEETINGS ARE IN: CONFERENCE .ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED AUGUST Wo, 2:00 p.m. - * Teehnical Review,of ECG Computer Proposal, Los Angeles . to} 4:00 p.m. : 14 J. 6430 poms “REN v Stroke Team 14. 6:30 pam AREA V Library Services Norris Library 26 9:30 a.m. AREA V' Staff Meeting w ORs 2:30 p.m. | Watte-Willowbrook RMP District Meeting Los Angeles 25...) 5:00 poms CCRMP, Categorical Cancer Committee Los Angeles OS tol" 9200 pom. ae ene 27 9:30 am. AREA V Staff Meeting SEPTEMBER: Jonnie ee os : Eo ‘ [+ LIVE YE IT UP! . CRIS = SUMMER SCHEDULE = Committee Chairmen's Meetings aie ‘September 12 September 26 “There will be no seminars during August or September .= COMING EVENTS - on Saturday, ‘October 18, there will be 4 one-day symposium at LACMA Headquarters . on the project "Physician Education in Barly Chronic Respiratory Disease." The three CCU Programs row ‘in operation by California RMP Areas (I-UC San Fran- cinco, IV-UC Los Angeles~and V-USC) have combined. forces: to produce, in July, the first Laaue of -a-new-publication "CORO- NARY CARE. NEWSLETTER." ...It-promis‘es to publish training program schedules -and information of :interest to physicians: : and nurses from all.of the areas of ~: California aa‘they relate to the activi- ties. of ‘the: ine operational, programs. ‘Inquiries about getting on ‘the ‘nailing list: should be directed co B111l Boquist, California Committee.on Regional Medical Programs, 655 Sutter Street, Room 600, San Francisco, California 94102 RMP. representatives from Areas I, IV and Vv, where CCU operational grants are under~ way, have. been working together. on a data collection system, assisted by. Rand Cor- poration,’ A major. objective has. been .” agreement on definitions so that a common language ia spoken. During March and April a preliminary data collection form was tested at one hospital in each of the three areas. ...Im-AREA.V, this was conduc- ted at San Pedro Comminity Hospital, where Dr. Milford.G. Wyman, Director of AREA V CCU PROGRAMS, is located. - (Continued in next: co tum “The first session of the Community _Health Workshop will be held on Saturday, October 25 at the East Los Angeles City College. t _| —A] The form was revised and retested ‘starting June 1 in 25 diverse Cali- fornia Hospitals. Based on this study, it ig anticipated that a relatively .gimple and valuable data system will be available to CCU's this fall. .1t ‘dg anticipated that all eightiAreas of - California will wish to participate. Each Area will be responsible’ for col- lecting the data forms from the hospitals and completing key punch cards. These will be forwarded to Area I for proces- sing by a central computer. The Area offices will receive'the computer read~ out describing the experiences in each “of their CCU's as well as full state- wide data, Ten hospitals in each Area may par- ticipate in this syatem which can provide, ‘each CCU with regular re- ports of its own experiences and statewide experience. The ten hos- pitala in AREA V are: Garfield Hospital in Monterey Park, Westside Hoapital, Whittier Hospital, Antelope valley Community Hospitaly~Community Hospital of San Gabriel, Methodist Hospital of. Southern California in ‘Arcadia, Holy Cross Hospital, Santa " ‘Teresita, Hospital in Duarte, Glendale _ Adventist Hospital and Presbyterian Inter-commnity Hospital in Whittier. "My father wants to know if you've defined your objectives for your proposal." ea (With thanks to KDF)