AREA Vv. 1d. of the f =~ A progresa report on an‘item mentioned in our July 30 issue...the effort to atimu- ‘ - late interest in nureing careers among —- Mexican American atudents. . The offer by Miss. Hamil of LACO/USC Medical Center--to provide ten Mexican American students with jobs so that they might opportunity ‘to make up educational deficiencies be« ‘fote-the-Sckeal-of Nursing .emester opense~ papers and some 15 candidates applied. An- orientation meeting was held at Santa Marta Clinic by Sister Mary Lapaz, Adminis- trator of Santa Marta Clinic, Aurora Mar- tinez, EN, Public Health-Consultant..for .the Bast L. A. Child and Health Clinic and Mra. Carrie Bays, Registrar of the School of Nursing of LACO/USC Medical Center. Nine of the atudents lack the neceasary credits in chemistry. and: have been duly’ enrolled Rio Hondg College to remedy thia de~- fiedency. On Auguat 28 the group ‘is due to take the entrance examinations at the School of Nursing at LACO/USC Medical Cen- ter. In the meantime; PRONE AGUILERA (AREA V=COMMUNITY PROGRAMS) ia ia trying | to _ £ind a way to provide extra tukeeing: in | ‘high school chesitstry for the girls..: does anyone have any suggestions? : wot ve 1 The Inter-Area Pediatric Chronic Respira- tory Disease Project (3 007) was the sub- ject of a meeting on August 19. when AREA V STAFF members RUSSELL D. TYLER, MD; DOROTHY EZ. ANDERSON, RN, MPH and TONT ~ MOORS met with Daniel Wiseman, MD to dis~ cuss a sécond draft.of the intermediate stage of the proposal. The..same staff members met on August 26 with-the. proj- -ect!s,core planning committee-Chun-I Wang, MD and James Apthorpe, MD (UCLA. Medical Center) and William Taylor, MD (UCI; College of Medicine) Daniel i --Miseman, MD (LACO/USC Medical Center). wgreement waa réached on a goal of using the existing resources of the four co- operating agencies and of the three RMP Areas IV, V and VILI in order to promote earlier diagnosis, comprehensive evalua-- tion and optimal management of children ‘ with chronie lower respiratory disease. ' Another meeting is planned for Sept. 4. The AREA V ADVISORY GROUP STEERING COM- MITTEE (Chester 4. Rude, Wilson, Mizener, --MD, Liston A, Witherill and Clifton 0. Yammett, DDS$ met Aug. 26 to set the. agenda for the next meeting of the full committee, scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Detailed agendas will be mailed to all membera shortly.’.. Staff mem~ bers WILLIAM A MARKEY and ELSIE. McGUFP attended. vol. I No, wo THIS 18 WHAT HAPPENED IN AREA V LAST WEEK... was duly publicized’in East Los Angeles © “"- ° '. possible thereafter. minute news “ "august 27, 1969 AREA V. ccu Nursing faculty met with Staff Members GLADYS ANCRUM, Dr.PH and JOHN S, LLOYR, Ph.D. August 21 and examined case studies that are'to be compiled into an in- ,strument that will be used for _pretesting and post-testing trainees of the AREA V CCU program. The test will be submitted ' for approval of the CCU Physician Faculty in September and put into-use as soon as Participating in the meeting were: Marilyn Kemptes, RN of Hospital of the Good Samaritan; Nancy _MeCahan, RN. of LACO/USC Medical Center; Mary Pennese, RN of St. Vincent's Hos- _. pital; Mary Jorgengon,*RN and Roberta . Cole, RN of St. Joseph Hospital (Burbank). A project to exchange details of AREA V's CCU Training Program with other Regions has been unusually productive. By Aug. 19, 35 RMP's had been heard from, five of which have no CCU program, twenty- nine of which sponsor Nurse Training Pro- grams and eight of which sponsor Physician Training. Replies are coming in steadily and the wealth of information supplied is : being tabulated to give a comparison of , type length, frequency and content of ‘ gourse, aa well as data an, evaluation. “It is hoped. ‘that all replies “will, be in : by the end of September | and that the ! facta can be compiled in 'a summaty to be : shared with the participating R RMP' 8. , DR. LEE CADY and JOHN S. LLOYD, Ph.D. ware hard at work on August 25, consider- ‘ing the various ‘suggestions and recommen~ dations made in connection with the - "Gomputerized ECG Analysis for Community “Hospital Use" by the AREA V CARDIAC COM , MITTEE and the Technical Review Panel. Dr. Hallett's office advises: ‘The site of the one-day Symposium to discuss the development of concepte in early chronic , ta xeapiratory disease, scheduled for Sat- urday, October 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 a .Detts, has. been changed to the Sheraton- - West. Invitations will go out within a few days. The next meeting of CCRMP, originally set for November 12, then postponed to Nov. 19, has now been rescheduled for Friday, Nov. .14 at the Hilton Inn, San Francisco Inter~ national Airport. DUE TO VACATIONS, HOLIDAYS, AND LACK OF STAFF, V-MINUTE NEWS WILL NOT BE aed STAFF MEETINGS ARE. SUBJECT TO_SUDDEN GHANGHS--PLEASE CHECK WITH OFFICE FOR LATEST INFORMATI’ } ALL MEETINGS ARE IN CONFERENCE ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ‘ Nursea Heart D cores Nurses ~ SUMMER SCHEDULE - wo Commit tea Chairmen's Meetings ~ September 12 and September 26 ne There will be no seminars during September we 4 The Johns’ Hopkins’ ‘University has many alumni in the Los Angeles County atea whom ‘the: Southern. _ California Chapt'e xt ‘would ‘Tike! ‘to contact., ‘Plats | jare now. “being ‘nade for a. ‘Christmas ‘student reception and “an annual meeting of the Chep- ter early in 1970 that will be of great interest to alumni. .I£ you are” _pergon who graduated from any School at Johgs Hopkins Univer- sityy it “would a ‘appreciated if you, would. contact the Chapter's Secretary, Miss Dorothy £. Anderson, RN, MPH - 576-1626. If you have a message that you would like to have circulated in AREA V to about 200 very special people--the AREA V RMP COMMITTEES and STAFF--we invite you to send it into V-MINUTE NEWS. Or, if’ you have a question about AREA V or RMP, we'll try to get it answered for you. Of course, your suggestions for im- provement are always welcome--and don't forget--"If you've married, moved or died, please let us know." 3” CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS ° AREA V . 1 wast BAY STATE BTRERT » ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA © $1501 " UNIVERATTY OF SOUTHERN CALIVORNIA « SCHOOL OF MEDICINE _ . Lio’ :