the V- minute news “OL. I~ NO. “aL September 24, 1969 ‘THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED LAST WEEK. . . The CCU Faculty Team has launched its tour of meetings with hospitals in the AREA V “medical districts." A. Beryl Farfel, MD, chaired the meeting held September 8 which “'was attended by: nine physicians from the following: |: Lancaster ‘Community ‘Hospital, + Antelope. Valléy, Hospital, Monrovia Commun- _/ ity Hospital, “Pomona Valley Commmity Hos~ pital, Santa Teresita 'Hospital,- Park Avenue Hospital,’ Methodist Hospital of So..Calif., Community Hospital of San Gabriel and Glen- * dora -Commmnity’ Hospital. : A. second. meeting held September. ‘10 and “chaired by MILFORD G, WYMAN, MD, DIRECTOR OF AREA V.CCU: PROGRAM, was attended by five physicians, five nurses: and--one hospital administrator, . The institutions: represented », were Santa Fe:Memorial Hospital, Broadway Hospital, St. Francis, (Lynwood). Downey ~. Community: Hospital, Kaiser Bellflower, arid ‘tberty Hospital, c , * “ye meetings are being held ‘to determine potential enrollment of CCU Directors. and the AREA V CCU course. :. JOHN ° S, LLOYD, Ph.D. (ASST. COORDINATOR ~ EVAL~ UATION) has beenvattending these.meetings. On September 18, AREA V.was host to the members of the Public Health Commission of Los Angeles County, who requested & presentation: and progress report on RMP. The visitors were Claude T, Cook, Ed.D., Chairman, Mrs. Merwin S..Kendis; Vice~ Chairman, Maceo Braxton, Sr., M.D., N.N. Reeves, and Marvin. £. Tincher. “The Com- missioners are’ appointees of the Board of Supervisors.of Los Angeles County. Accom- panying the commission were G. A. Heid- breder, M.D.;. Health Officer: for L. A« County, (and AREA 'V ADVISORY MEMBER), M. Rosenblatt, M.D., Medical Deputy, .Bur- eavus, S. B. Soroker,:M.D., Medical Dep- ‘uty, Districts, Charles A. Norris, Admin- letrative Deputy, Harry Klisener, Public ~oformation Officer and Mrs. Betty L. vrche, Recording Secretary. After some introductory -remarka by DR. PETIT, MD, there was a-slide presenta- tion about RMP and’a report of planning and operational activities: by WILLIAM A, MARKEY, JOHN S. LLOYD, Ph.D. talked. -. about evaluation, GLADYS ANCRUM, Dr. PH told about the CCU Program and LEON C. PAUCK described the progress of the tonic Obstructive Respiratory Disease Program. The Pasadena : Emergency Ambu~ lance project waa’ reported by KAY D. FULLER,” RN-and ‘FRANK AGUILERA commented on the East.Los Angeles Program. Bienvenida Gabriela] Eatamos’ encantados de tenerla ‘con’nosotros.. (That's for our. newest secretary, Gabriela de: Hulse, who’ can take letters in two languages and speaks .English.with a charming accent.) FRANK F. AGUILERA (ASST. COORDINATOR ~ COM- MUNITY PROGRAMS) has been elected to the Board of Directors of the East Los Angeles Health Task Force. This organization is composed of community people and serves as a focus point for the community and for ‘agencfes and programs. This connection can be helpful in increasing understanding of the efforta of the RMP - East Los Angeles Health Project. The Task Force is funded through the Department of Public Health, State of California. DOROTHY E, ANDERSON, RN, MPH (AREA V STAFF) attended the Sept. 17 meeting of the Gov- erning Council of Southern California Pub- ‘lic Health Assn. as member at large. She has been selected official delegate to the American Public Health Assn. Governing Council Meeting to be held in Philadelphia Nov..8, 9 and 12 during the APHA Annual Meeting. Dorothy reports that final plans have been made for the SCPHA 42nd Annual Meeting to be held at the Long Beach Elks Club Oct. 24. The program will be on social issues related to health and "Health Care Challenges for the 1970's." All RMP staff and committee members are invited to attend. More Later! KAY D. FULLER, RN, (ASST. COORDINATOR, NURS- ING) brought back the following items of interest to AREA V from a Sept. 22 meeting of the Nursing Advisory Committee of the TB and Respiratory Disease Association of L. A. County: The Third Annual Nursing Conference will be held Dec. 4 and 5 at the Biitmore. The Council on Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases and the California League for Nursing (Unit E) are sponsoring an Inhalation Therapy Workshop which is ten- tatively scheduled for November 1 at St. Joseph Hospital in Burbank. The TB Assn. scholarship for a nurse to study for a Master's degree in nursing with emphasis on respiratory diseases, has been awarded to Mrs. Gloria Hampton of Holy Cross Hos~ pital. . TONI MOORS and DOROTHY E. ANDERSON both attended one day of "Lung Alert" held September 18 and 19 in Anaheim and spon- sored by the Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association of Orange County and the Visiting Nurse Association of Orange County. Toni and Dorothy report that they were impressed by the presentation given by the University of Colorado Medical Center staff. They emphasized the team approach (physician, nurses, physical therapist and social worker) in care of respiratory patients. Special attention was given to the needs of patients in the hospital, home and community, through demonstrations, films, panels and lectures. Approximately 600 people from all parts of California attended. vt: 8 Dos STAFE MEETINGS ARE SUBJECT TO SUDDEN CHANGES--PLEASE CHECK WITH OFFICE - FOR LATEST INFORMATION +,: ALL MEETINGS ARE IN CONFERENCE ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED SEPT. 26 T30 aem.] AREA V Committee Chairmen's Meeting 29 5:00 pem.j CCRMP Categorical Committee on Cancer San Francisco : to 9:00 p.m. : oct, - 1 9:30 aem.| AREA‘ V Staff Meeting 1. 12:15 p.m.| AREA V Cancer Planning Committee 2 2:00 pem.| CCRMP Staff Consultants Meeting ; San Francisco to 5:00 p.m. - COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN'S MEETINGS - October 10 November 7 December 5 40, 21 19 - Next Area Advisory Meeting - November 11 “ ~ SPECIAL MEETINGS ~~ October 18 . Symposium on Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease October. 25 RMP - East Los Angeles First Session Community Health November 21 Conference on Community Health Resources ~- Sportsman's Lodge Some AREA V_on.September 18 were from the Planning Branch of DRMP, Bethesda: Mr. Roland Peterson, Chief and Mr. Lyman Van Nostrand, who came to discuss a.special study. of RMP that has been proposed by Dr. Alex Cloner and Dr. Eli Glogow-of' the Department of Pub- lic Administration, USC and. Dr. John Beeston of the Deparment of Community “Medicine, USC. : re A.National, Conference is planned for September. 27-29 at, Warrenton, Virginia, to bring Coordinators, Directors, and - Regional Advisory Group ‘Chairmen of RMP together with representatives of the Departments of Health,” Education and Welfare and Health Services and Mental Health Administration. . Pur- pose of the Conference focus on the major health Gare issues and to help formulate the role RMP can play with respect to improving health care in this country. It was a.temptation: to report above that "the Conference would bring to- gether. Coordinators, Directors and RAG Chairmen of RMP with reps of HE and of HSMHA™ . . . but from time to_ time.a.shoult goes up~-usually from’ newcomers--about the initials and acro- nyms used in V-MINUTE NEWS. Here's a glossary to make you feel. one of the “in group"-- RMP - Regional Medical Programs CCRMP --. California Committee on RMP (official name of the California RMP, headquartered in San Francisco) , HEW - Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare HSMHA ~ Dept. of Health Services and Mental Health Administration (Federal Department to which RMP belongs) ccu - .Coronary Care Unit NIH ...-. National Institutes of Health RAG ~- Regional Advisory Group LAC-USG Los Angeles County - University nee of Southern California Medical Center.