hoe ve AREA the WL, I = NO, 23. - -minute news October 8, 1969 ‘THIS IS) WHAT HAPPENED IN AREA V LAST WEEK... AREA V RMP was among those invited to meet at Antelope Valley College Oct, 1 to discuss what Antelope Valley needs for the next ten years in health services, health facilities, health training and manpower, Jay H.. Daniels, MD, District Health Officer for Antelope Valley area, chaired the meeting which brought to- gether 40 persons representing hospitals, extended care facilities, rehabilitation and welfare.agencies, LACMA, public. health staff -and others, to assess ‘the available resources ‘of the commmity. and: to consider what can be done to improve. health service for the com= munitye : Concern: was . expressed about nea aspects of the health care ‘situation in Antelope Valley; the problems posed by the* commun- ity's geographic Laolation.and the, diffi- culties caused-by distance;: the fact: that many ofthe decisions affecting the. commun- ity are made by agencies or officials lo- ‘F-“eted in San Fernando Valley or in the Loe, | wfigeles. area; the difficulties of recruit-_ ing and keeping professional people ‘in ‘the area; scarcity of manpower’ at ‘all levela' of health care;: the. new problems: that may be created ‘by..the: proposed airport and -the resulting ‘expansion’ in population;: medical - gare for citizens ‘on Medicare*or on gen- eral medical relief; the need’ for greater coordination amongat existing agencies. Thay wanted to know. what RMP and Comprehen~ sive Health Planning can do about thege | problems, A committee waa appointed | ‘to ples ‘for the next meeting which will be expanded to in- clude representatives of the Sherlff's Office, volunteer health agencies and nursing. “AL possible. austatance has ‘been offered “by AREA V'representatives--DONALD W, “: PETIT,..MD: (Area Coordinator) and MISS . DOROTHY E.) ANDERSON,. MPH (Asst. Coordin~ “ator-Communtty Programs). Also present [bat the meeting was ROBERT E. ERNST, re- oF antly appointed. to AREA V ADVISORY GROUP, -: . . CCRMP STAFF CONSULTANTS, who met Oct.) 2: in San Francisco, reviewed plans for the forthcoming DRMP Site Visit on Oct. 13 and 14, heard a report on the Technical Review procesa in California and con- fae sidered the problem of. financing... After‘ lengthy discussion about the current: sta- tus of RMP and of Comprehensive Health Planning, and.the disadvantage of. having no -constLtuency,' the Staff Consultants recommended’ that, representation. be, sought . at the state level of: CHP,: Results of the. f WE Site Visit’of July. 7: were announced, : ' ith AREA V's project :C.H.A.I.R,S. among... | those approved (without funding)... DRii is PETIT attended for AREA V,. New. staff mem- bers DOROTHY E.. ANDERSON, MPH and TONT MOORS were on. hand for orientation. :-San Francisco. At a noon meeting Oct. 1, AREA V CANCER COM- MITTEE welcomed new staff member MISS DOROTHY E, ANDERSON, MPH and new committee member FRED W. GEORGE, III, MD. Topics of the meeting included possible expansion of the committee; reorientation of the group as to mission; the feasibility of offering consultant services, and utilization of non-medical personnel.in taking "Pap" smears and the value of smoking withdrawal clinics. A meeting of Radiation Therapists on Oct. 14 at City of Hope was announced. Most of the time, not much is heard from the unsung heroes who apend their days wrestling with the mechanics of granr fund- ing but they had their day on Oct. 3 in There to settle problems of interpretation of federal policies and RMP Guidelines were Andrew J. Kotonias, Asst. Chief, Grant Accounting and Finanetlal Re- porting NIH, Nick Cavarocchi and Rod Mercker, Grants Management Officers, DRMP. Among those in attendance were GERTRUDE ZELENITZ, HELEN PINKERTON: and LEON HAUCK from AREA V, USC.was represented by Clark McCartney, Director of Government Contracts and Grants (main campus). AREA V NURSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE met on Oct. 6 and heard reports on the nursing aspects of the CCU Program and on other AREA V projecta. Proposal 3-006 "Ccontinu- ing Education for ECF Nursing Personnel" by Geraldine Diedrick, RN, MS was approved for further development and the’ members took away with them for study the prelimi~ naty analyses of questionnaires completed by nurses contacted during ‘the NURSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S "tour" through AREA V Medical Districts in the spring. Newest member of the committee is Mrs. Joan Cobin, RN, Acting Chairman of the Department of Nursing for California State College. The STROKE LIAISON NURSE TASK FORCE, which met July 31, Aug. 14, Sept. 25 and Oct. 3, are zeroing in on their assignment of a role description for the rehabilitation liaison nurse who will be an important mem-~ ber of, the stroke rehabilitation program being ‘prepared by AREA V STROKE COMMITTEES. To represent extended care facilities, two new members have been added to the Task Force: Mias Mary Lindsay, RN, Nursing Con- Sultant with the Dept. of Public Social Services, L.A. County and Miss Ann Paes, PHNC, Nursing Consultant, Health Facilities Services Division, Central District Health Center of L, A. County Health Department. erase . The latest word about the next meeting of CCRMP is that it has been reset for the original date of Nov. 12, Please erase those reschedulings for November 14 and November 191 “CALENDAR start MEETINGS ARE SUBIECT TO SUDDEN CHANGES--PLEASE CHECK WITH OFFICE FOR LATEST INFORMATION ALL MEETINGS ARE IN CONFERENCE ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED “oct. 10 11:30 a.m.|. AREA V Committee Chairmen's Meeting 14 . 10:30 a.m. DRMP Site Visit San Francisco : to 12:30 p.m. 14 7:30 p.m, AREA _V Chronic Disease Committee 15 8:00 a.m. AREA V Social Workers Advisory Committee 15 9:30 a.m, AREA -V Staff Meeting 15 2:00 p.m.! CCRMP Organization and Procedures San Francisco ‘[to 5:00 p»m. | ae 16. 8:00 a.m. Sophomore Medical Students from CMPR to 9:00 a.m. i? 11:30 a.m, |] AREA V Seminar on Allied Health . ~ » COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN'S MEETINGS - October 2402 n> November December 5 November 21 fygouciy 84, Next Area Advisory Meeting + November 11 December 19 -* : - SPECIAL MEETINGS + October... 18: Synpesium on Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease October...;'25: RMP-East Los Angeles Community Health Workshop (first session) November © 21. Conference on Community Health Resources - Sportsman's Lodge November’ 22.: RMP-East Los Angeles Community Health Workshop (second session) FRANK F, AGUILERA (Asset. Coordinator-Com- munity Programs) is asking for suggestions of. persons who might be in a position to bring about ‘changes in some of the health problema of the East Los Angeles Community, as typified by the 17 Workshops planned for” the forthcoming’ Community.Health Workshop: Health and the Welfare Recipient in East Los Angeles, Health and. the Senior Citizen in ELA; Alcoholism:in ELA; Narcotics Usage in ELA; Health andthe Spanish Speaking Patient; Public-Health System of Medical Care in ELA; The Private. Practitioner ard Medical Care in ELA; .The Hospital System and Medical Care in-RLA; The Emergency Med< ieal Care System !in- ELA; Health Manpower Needs - Health, Professions;. Health Manpower Needs - Alifed Health Professions; Health Education Needs, Services and Programs in ELA; Mental’ Health Programs in ELA; Treat~- ment and Rehabilftation Programs in Mental Health; Programs and Services for the Men- tally retarded in: ELA; School Health ~- Needs, Services & Programs “in ELA; ‘Dental Health - Needs. vs. Resources, Suggestions need not be Limited to phy-~" sicians but might include politicians at all levels of government, members of pri- vate foundations, law enforcement or welfare agencies, and so on.* CARDIAC CO-CHATRMEN have approved the supplementing of .the-physician training program of .the, AREA: V: CCU Project *y a (continued dn. next column) programmed text on the pharmacology of cardiac drugs, to be authored by David Berman, MD, Professor of Pharmacology, USC. The manual will be based. on il- lustrations of arrhythmias and discus- sions of cardiac drugs. The same mater- Lal will be used in 35 mm slides for lecture material. WILLIAM Ai MARKEY, Deputy Coordinator and HENRY B, DUNLAP, Chairman of AREA V HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS COMMITTEE were participants in the Hospital Med- ical Staff Conference held September 29~ October 3 in Estes, Park, Colorado, This is the sixth annual conference designed by the University of Colorado School of Medicine for leaders in community has- pital medical staffs and is the proto~- type for the conference being planned for 1970 by the AREA V HOSPITAL ADMIN~ ISTRATORS. Report to follow. GLADYS ANCRUM, Dr. P.H., DOROTHY E. ANDERSON, MPH, and KAY D, FULLER,. RN were amongst the 150 participants at the Health Manpower Conference held October 3 and 4-in San Diego. Fea- tured speaker was Ralph Kuhli, Dir- ector of Allied Health Professions -of AMA, who presented some of the current issues in the development and training of Personnel in health occu- pations.