AREA the OL, Los = NO. 24. mae 0 On. October: 9, DONALD We PETIT, MD, AREA.V CO- -ORDINATOR, was:in Washington to~attend the Fifteenth Meeting of the Drug Reséarch Board, “National, Research Council,: National: Academy of Sciences and to. address this: group, at thefr invitation, on "Possible Contributions - 'o£/RMP in Drug Evaluation." Dr. Petit re- -.. porta:. "The, Drug Research Board and Dr. Herbert Ley,..Commissioner-of the Food and Drug Administration, apparently feel there te‘ great need for drug ‘evaluation at what one might’ call "Phase IV level"--a stage at which some drugs, having received extensive testing. by animal. andshuman groups--is con- sidered: ready: for use*by large numbers of patients. At-this point they ‘are generally released for-general physician usage. I sug~ gested that RMP, representing a linkage be- tween the practice of medicine and the medi- eal school, might provide the means for test~- ing certain drugs, Lf siich ad need: were rec~ : ognized. by local voluntary planning groups io@*%, relevant to. the programs, being. developed _. the attack.on heart, cancer, stroke and related’ diséeasea.". The Drug Research Board, 4. consultative and:advisory body composed of some of the foremost experts in the use of drugs, was.set,up shortly after, the thalido- mide look.into ways:in which the government might. be counselled on drug eval-- uation... Dr. Roger. 0.:Egeberg was in attend- ance for @ portion of the meeting. The ccu continuing ;fdueat ton Newsletter, which AREA.V.CCU PROGRAM helps to make available to the community through partial funding,.1s rapidly becoming a best seller, reports. GLADYS ANCRUM, Dr. PH (Assistant Coordinator, CCU Program). Last June 25, when we sent out a-sample copy with V-MINUTE NEWS, the Newsletter was being circulated to about 500 nurses’ who had received basic CCU treining. To date, around 2,000. requests . £rom all over the country have been. received "to be put on, the mailing list and for back ‘csdaaues and. there seems to:be,no.end to the tl demand. The Newsletter is ‘edited by Robert - = Gheane,’.MDand:the teaching staff of the . woronary, Training. ‘Program for Nurses at. Hos- pital of. the Good Samaritan, and La published and distributed by the Metropolitan-Hollywood Division. of L. Ae County Heart Association. A warm welcome to VIVIEN E. WARR, RN, who wn became Coronary Care Nursing Instructor }-£or the AREA-V-CCU PROGRAM on October 13. Before joining’ ‘RMP,’ Miss Warr was Assistant . Head Nurse ofthe CCU's at Little Company '-o£ Mary Hospital. and,:.most * recently, at South Bay Fospital. 2 : KAY D. FULLER; RN reports ‘thé San Fernando Valley Conference on Community Health Re- Aourcea will present: a film entitled "Tell "Where To Turn" which explores the problem of getting those in need in touch with the available community resources for appropriate - assiatance, Also a panel will attempt to an- © gwer the question "How do I find a health care famrdan uhen To nead ir7t iy! fede - minute news Detoner 26, 1969 THIS: 18, WHAT HAPPENED In “AREA Vv LAST WEEK res The nine California projects reviewed on «- October 13 and 14 by the _DRMP Site Team “included: AREA V ~ Emergency Myocardial In- a farction Unit and Pacemaker Registry. AREA IIIT - San. Joaquin Multiphasic, and Pretransfusion Training. AREA VI.. - Perinatal Monitoring. AREA IV: ~, Medical Library Service. AREA T ~ Patient Monitoring System, .... and Medical: Oncology. . AREA VII - Hyperlipidemia Screening. | Appearing on behalf of AREA V's Emergency M. I. Unit was Russell C. Hunter, MD, Medical Director of the. City of Pasadena Emergency Center; speaking for the Pace~ maker Registry waa its author, Michael Biliteh, MD, Instructor in Medicine, Cardiology, USC; representing the L. A. County Heart Association and AREA V CAR~ DIAC COMMITTEE for both projects was IRWIN HOFFMAN, MD. Also present were AREA.V STAFF: DONALD W. PETIT, MD, Area Coordinator; WILLIAM A, MARKEY, Deputy Coordinator, KAY D. FULLER, RN, Nursing; DOROTHY E. ANDERSON, MPH, Community Pro- grams and JOHN S. LLOYD, Ph.D., Evaluation. The Site Team for this review was composed of: Philip T. White, MD, Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Neurology, Marquette University; Robert.Carpenter, MD, Execu- tive Director, Western Pennsylvania RMP, Pittsburgh; J, Francis Dammann, MD, Pro- fessor of Pediatrics and Biomedical. , Engineering, U of Virginia; Ernest Le Hopkins, MD, Associate, Professor. of... ‘obstetrics-Gynocology, Howard University; Anthony L. Komaroff, MD and Mrs. Jessie Salazar were present, for DRMP Staff. ,.4 Even before advantage could be taken of the arrangement with Dean Paul A. Bloland, _ Dean of Students at USC for special tuter- ing in high school chemistry for the Mexican American students who are candi- _ dates for the LAC-USC Medical Center, School of Nursing, other offers have been re- ceived from these fine people: Mrs. Nancy _Bilitch (wife of Dr. Michael Bilitch, . Author of AREA V's Pacemaker Project); Art Hernandez. (3rd year. medical student and until recently, a Community Consultant with the Fast Los Angeles Project); and. Bernard Haber, Ph.D.. (Research Scientist, City of Hope}. Many thanks for these offers of help and algo to..Dave Buckles,, Project Field Coordinator, Department of Community Medicine at USC, who,,has been most; helpful in this quest. the forthcoming RMP-East Los Angeles Conmun- ity Health Workshop was discussed over TV on Oct. 13, when Carmen Guzman, Community Con- sultant for the project, appeared on the Carmen de la Vegas Show, over KMEX Channel 34. “CAE EN DARIN he ut “ah sop et mae STAFE MEBYINGS" ‘ARE suprgcr ‘fo SUDDEN CHANCES--ZLEASE’ “CHECK WITH OFFICE FOR LATEST INFORMATION. ALL MEETINGS ARE IN CONFERENCE ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED V Sympos on Early ty t Session) uy - > COWMITTEE CHAIRMEN'S MEETINGS - . November 7 ‘November 21 December 5 December 19 - SPECIAL MEETINGS - November 21° Conference on Community Health Resources ~ Sportsman's Lodge November 22). RMP-East Loa Angeles Community Health Workshop (second session) ATTENTION Alz Registered Nurses; seutreat ly Licensed, preferably, in ccu ‘and Icu or previously trained in these fields. The following continuing education courses are open for you from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. ‘in the Auditorium of the Hospital of the Good Samaritan Center, 632 South Lucas, Los: Angeles: . 4 . Oetober 23. '\Pacemakera and Junetionel Rhythn ~ Richard Coaby, M.D. November 6: -5 * “Aberrant Ventricular Conduction Associated mers Arrhythmias - - : et “"-"Trwin Hoffman, M.D. : November 20° Ventricular Arrhythmias ~ Milford Wyman, M.D, . : Becember 4 , _ Arrhythmia Workshop ~ Robert B. Cheane, M.D., Earl Harrison, M.D., . William Zimmerman, M.D. : December 16 . Arrhythmia Workshop - Robert B. Cheane, M.D., Earl Harrison, M,D., : : William Zimmerman; M. dD January 8 Myocardial Infaretion,: Bundle Branch Block, Axis Deviation - . Robert B. Chesne, M.D. February 5 : Digitalis -« Robert B. Chesne, MAD. February 19 Shock Therapy - Herbert Shubin, M.D. March 5 Quinidine, Pronestyl, Lidocaine, Bretyllium, Dilantin, Dopamine = Howard Allen, M.D, March 19 Adrenergic Drugs « Willard Zinn, M.D. April 2 Diuretics, Acid Base Balance, Hyperkalemfa - Robert B. Cheane, M.D. April 16 The Heart As A Pump ~ Eugene J, Ellis, M.D.