AREA VOL. I = NO. 33 the \- minute news December 17, 1969 THIS IS WHAT -HAPPENED RECENTLY... . WILLIAM A. MARKEY, Deputy Coordinator and staffer. for HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS ADVIS- ORY. COMMITTEE, reports that satisfactory progress is being made.on plans for the "First Annual Conference on the Physician and the Hospital." The Conference. is to be held at Monte Corona, a very modern motel- — meeting facility at Twin Peaks, California, near Lake Arrowhead, and the date has been set as April 23-25, 1970. Announcements are to be mailed to the Chiefs of Staff and the Administrator of each hospital member of the Rospital Council of So. California and the California Hospital Association. CANCER PLANNING COMMITTEE, on Dec. 3, went through a lengthy agenda which included: _Consideration of two new proposals; 3-009 for the continuation of. an established USPHS Mammography Training Project currently oper- yating at Harbor General Hospital~-the pri- sity of thia proposal in relation to the total cancer program and the number of people involved was questioned and it was suggested that other means of funding might be explored. Chairman Dr. LEWIS: GUISS will discuss these concerns with the author. No. 3-010 which attempts. to develop lines of com- munication between practicing radiotherapists in AREA.V and LACo-USC Medical Center, was referred to the Radiation Therapy Subcommittee for further study. Committee members re- ceived copies of DR.-GUISS's proposal for the AREA IV and V Tumor Registry for. review. Staff Member DOROTHY E. ANDERSON, MPH also gave out summaries of replies to a cancer questionnaire sent to Chiefs of Medical Staffa, Chairmen of Cancer or Tumor Commit- teas axl to Directors of Tumor Registries in AREA V. -MRS, KAY D. FULLER, RN presented a summary of responses by nurses in education, . hospitals, community and schools to a survey on cancer priorities which indicated their priorities in cancer control as.(1) preven- tion (2) early diagnosis and detection and (3) the need for continuity of care. DR. . «“ATEMAN reported on the results of a ques~ -lonnaire sent to 63 hospitala regarding chemotherapy--110 physictans indicated inter- ‘est. and a meeting is planned for the near future. The RMP-East Los Angeles Steering Committee have been advised that Roger 0. Egeberg, MD, Asst. Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs of HEW-is expected back in Los Angeles on Dec. 22 and will be available to _Siscuss the health problems of the East L. A. “mmunity at a time and place to be an- nounced, : LUIS PINGARRON and TONI MOORS were among the 50 or so agency and community people who met Dec, 11 at the Ferris Clinic (ELA Health Cen- ter)to discuss ways to improve the health ser- vices offered by the clinic. Temporary of- ficers were elected and the next meeting is echeduled for Jan, 22. in both Spanish and English. Meetings are conducted CLIFTON O. DUMMETT, DDS AREA ADVISORY GROUP representative for USC School of Dentistry and the So. California Dental Assn., has been honored by the American Dental Assn. with one of its prestigious Honorary Mem- bership awards. The citation declared Dr. DUMMETT's record of achievement as "matched by few members of the dental profession. He has been recognized widely for his work in dental education, journalism, research, jiterature, public health and administra~- tion. He is an acknowledged leader in the field of civil rights." A note in "Dental Economics’ points out: "At the 1969 annual meeting, the National Medical Association authorized formation of a liaison committee of members of the National Dental Association and the NMA to pool the resources of both associations and to work to their mutual advantage. Dr. Clifton ©. Dummett, Assistant Dean of the School of Dentistry, USC, first made such a proposal over fifteen years ago. With the increased emphasis on government programs in health affairs and public assistance, the need for such cooperative action has increased." ‘Here's some interesting information about "free clinica” reported by DOROTHY E. ANDERSON, MPH (Asst. Coordinator, Community Programs) after a meeting with Dr. Max Rosenblatt, Deputy Health Officer, LACO: The Health Department's definition of a "free clinic" 1s one that is developed outside of any agency operation and is staffed by volunteers. The free clinics recognize the health needs (physical and emotional). of dislocated young people and attempt to reach them through the use of sympathetic and understanding professional volunteers. All clinics have to be licensed by the State of California and after one has been established and can show it is . being utilized, the Health Department will negotiate a contract to pay for medication only (prenatal, venereal dis- ease, tuberculosis, hepatitis) but no financial allotment is allowed for build- ing, equipment, personnel or other clinic expense, “youth clinics” come under the adminis- tration of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and are staffed by Health Depart-~ ment personnel. These clinics endeavor to provide comprehensive care without age, residential or financial limita~ tions and are particularly designed to reach the young people who do not util- ize the free clinics. The first of these clinics is located in West Hollywood with others planned for Northeast, Venice and Hawaiian Gardens for 1970, CALENDAR eshte o om ye 8 ae ge a , a ocgé STAFF. MEETINGS ARE'SUBFECT TO SUDDEN' CHANGES-~PLEASE CHECK WITH OFFICE FOR LATEST INFORMATION ALL MEETINGS ARE IN CONFERENCE ROOM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED DEC. 19 «4, 11:30 a.m. AREA V Committee Chairmen ‘| (Diseusaion:on Allied Health Workers and their relevance to Categorical Committees) 24 9:30 a.m, _AREAV Staff Meeting 30 10:00 a.m AREA:.V CCU Nurse Instructors Meeting to 2:00: p.m, oa NOTE: RMP OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED. DECEMBER 25 and 26 and JANUARY 1 and 2 oe OP OO AREA ADVISORY GROUP MEETINGS FOR, 1970 “ January 13 “S Mareh 10 ‘ May 12 July 14 September 8 November 10 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN MEETINGS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH eee een ee a naan nce iiietn January 9 January 23 February 6 February 20 -- March 6 March 20 y CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS * AREA V . , ‘1 WHST BAY BTATW STREET + ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA + 51801; | “UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA » SCHOOL OF MEDICINE oe cee