“tt will ves ee * ¢ j Advisory’ Group Formed i in ‘three Teck Forces, th yh 2 ¢ lefine activities, areas ‘of concem; priorities ge orl inted. to the ‘Area Advisory ¢ attack by Area Von ‘problems ) . ning ~ health care.” tha all, ‘of. ‘those who have been ‘working with ‘Area V Regional. Se cal Programs § for their sfforts during this past ‘year and, wish them well as w ‘that we have faced in the past and by adding allied health Pee ities-in AREA. V met for the first in rd g up of frainees grade : : Da cat hie ap Socia Workers were tidying: hi V: physicians ‘who practice ‘chemot nerapy resent, site arid Indians begar 1 fo. train a eferra Colleg ci students eas at. Schools of Social. Work. around ‘the: country Ancal rkshop was, held at, ELA to discuss the, Health Sei vices:Re nd to. ; 1+ Pacemaker, Registry, Project we Referral, Jerse bee t the Indian’ Clinics. 4 cag bey Bet ei Conference 0 on, hee fe, Corona, fiy special, projects? , Fr titute a Work. sree for. Allied Health. ih stedeater ‘suppor Integrated Health Core fo oe Chronie. Respiratory. Disease Project repoited. a physicians enr 1: 97-page te report on Health was ‘officially released. : ELA's candid ‘e forth ‘nation nt on Health Needs ‘of Spanish Sum ne icans. Wc A special c committee’ deliveied a report on a spéctal: c AED HI HEALTH STUDENTS: A'SUMMER WORK EXPERIENCE FOR: . above project was one of the five: supported by AREA: V. carryover. unds'tl “© yond. was conducted by: the Division for Reséarch’and ‘raining in. Rel bili < School of. Medicine. f he 9-week program was. jesigned t to Pr of beoning Ineetialy involved in n leaking at ae S * £ “dn to foster health ‘in individua at r eoprehcnette ‘health | care Jelingy both i in its e Caicustors they. strove Pee es to’ sell elratins erie practices sai participating health. ‘organizations. St tu Moca jer a consumer er patient. “they 5 WI him, os the main beneficia | “perience,” : c stan RRR Vv. REGIONAL MEDICAL Care’ Committee” = ECC Subcommittee ‘Dr. Lurie | Cancer. Planning: Subeor mittee, Continuity, of Care. ras oe : : me “3 eae Aeclation's s'new. progra } The. number of aoe rofici og in’ in corde a on rogram, grows to. 2 - ‘staff ean q Conference nF US Mo 1 ) ! i ue Prseran and Yrarisferred the ‘administrative and ‘coordination new of o Training, Program’ to’ ‘Hospital. of the. Good Samaritan. ‘A new staf tore to act. as liaison. for. ‘het :V.and CRMP. with, Conrerche : a Sa much: ceremony opening its" doors to patients 1 tive pee ~ S.“"RMP Areas held a conference at Asilomar.* Dr. Petit’ was ‘travellin ; “looking at their health care ‘system The Cancer. Report was presented to | “cer. Committee and Dr. Petit. Core staff, ‘committee ‘chairmen’ ‘and A : were ‘appointed to three Task Forces to ‘begin | the projection. of activit SE be used j in the development: ofc a program for the next three” "years \ K'd by CCRMP; = 3. eo =: 2 a ) a