December 2, 1970... “AREA ADVISORY GROUP CONSIDERS ROLE AREA V's 5 Advisory Group, which hel irst meeting in nthe ‘fall of 1967, marked ( the beginning of its fourth year of activity, 1 November 10, with a a special meeting devoted entirely toa study of the role of this committee. oe AE ( Speakers. of the special. meeting included Mr. Paul D. Ward, Executive Director of the California RMP, who directed his comments to the function of the Area. Advisory Group in terms of the change in direction that RMP. is taking; Dr. John E, Affeldt, President of Comprehensive Health Planning of Los Angeles. County, | who spoke about the structure and activities of his organization and answered ques- tions from the audience; Mr, William A. ‘Markey, Deputy Coordinator of AREA V, who gave a detailed account of the funding and budget processes of the Area and described the framework in which the AAG functions i in financial operations. “Area Coordinator Donald W. Petit, MD acted as Chairman for the meeting, and gave an overview of area projects and activities, and ¢ a brief summary of how the Area has developed during the past three years. gee ~. Freed’ of their usual preoccupation | with project and proposal re review, : Ltwenty-fi ive Lf the AAG members, aided in their consideration by core staff and committee | “chairmen, discussed at length. the’ Group! s responsibilities i in program development, in budget analysis, i in relating the-work of. RMP to their respective organizations. or areas of interest, to the publie; Fand to ‘the political process. An important. - aspect of the’ meeting was the: 2opportunity it pro ided for members to become, better (aaa with each other; with’ the core staff nd committee. chairmen r ‘and for The meeting Roe crranged by Chairman ad hoc committee composed of Miss. ‘Evelyn. M. ‘Hamil; A Respiratory Training Institute--one of the five special planning studies funded last August with AREA V carryover funds-- will go info.action Dec.-7, when the Level I Course will be pretested by 35 health team members from the County hos- pital ‘system. This is the first of the series of three progressional, specialized, edu- cational programs which are designed. to . improve the care of respiratory disease’. __ patients through the development of a. «health: team approach. - Olive View Hospital, which will serve as a center for the project, is providing services, facility, equipment and clinical facilities. Dr. Normari Berman has been — named Project Directér;‘Mrs. Marge Pol- lack, RN-is Nurse:Coordinator; Mrs. Rose - Schlichter;:Mrs.:Evelyn Spees and Mrs. | Nancy Jenks are acting as consultants to “the program;: administrative guidance is being provided by Dr. Joseph Indenbaum and Dr. Leo-Tepper; Charles H. Robin- ~ son, Director:of Antelope Valley and = =" San Fernando TB Association Regional Councils, will handle publicity for the. a “courses. oe In the Sé-hour):Level: Tp Course, students ee will study basic pulmonary: “Site Visit Site Visit, Task Force on Health . a Transportation Study : staf Meet ng “Tosh Force 8 “gabe Workers ae : | ; Advisory Committee a - Stoff Meeting oe “ ‘10a a. sme “11:30 asm, Conference Rm, 8:30. avh. - 12:30 pam. RMP. Conference Room - 8:30 a.m. ~'San Diego 8:30 am. - UC Davis 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. . Los Angeles ee 9:30 om Conference Rm, : 7:30 pom. Conference Rm, g-9300m RMP. Conference R Room: Conferen ce Rm. - Pecember Il, 12,18 a "Disease Planning Conference’ rs SPECIAL EVENT ee California Regional Kidney owt - Goleta, caf fomid a . er : oe a - qetete se eet ee Pa Ear Please note: ‘There v wilt not be a Committee Chairmen’ s s Meeting December I oo meeting will be January 5, 197. AREA ADVISORY GROUP... *Chester A. Rude Liston A. Witherill Sol Bernstein, M.D. Prof, Edward S$; Brady, ‘Il. Lewis T, Bullock, M.D. Mr, Jose Carlos Jean F. Crum, M.D. Martin H, Crumrine, M.D. S. Leonard Dart, Ph.D. Mr. Ernest E. Debs * Clifton O. Dummett, D.D.S. Bertell W. Ferguson, D.D.S. Mr. Holeman Grigsby | Mr. Dan Grindell Miss Evelyn M. Hamil, R.N. | G. A. Heidbreder, M.D. Mr. B,. Paul Heidrick Harold R. Hoover, M.D. Ralph C, Jung, M.D.-. | * Raymond M, Kay, M. D. Mrs. Olive Klump, R.N. Mr, Gilbert W. Lindsay Mrs. Alison K. Mauer * Wilson Mizener, M.D. Jessie C, Obert, Ph.D. Mrs. Lillian O' ‘Brien, R. N. Richard E, Osgood, M.D. Robert J. Schroeder; DVM. Martin D, Shickman, M. D. * Mrs. Myrtle Silver 0 oy Mr. Edward M, Skowrup. Floyd R, Stauffer, M.D. Mr, Robert Taylor =). ‘Eugene Temkin, M.D. vpn es Mr. Robert J. Thomas _ aes Murray Weiss, M.D. Mr. Russell B, williams % ‘Member of the Executive ‘Committee ced : . -, Vice Chairman Les Angeles County Medical. Asn. . —_ Chairman . USC Medical Faculty eu California Pharmacevtical ‘Asin. & - Member-At-Large East Los Angeles Health Task Fores ‘ Member~At-Large 2 > Pomona Area Member-At-Large Southern California Dental Assn. and USC School of Dentistry President, Angel City Dental Society Comprehensive Health Planning Assn. Member~At-Large Department of Hospitals oe L. A. County Health Department Member-At-Large WhittierArea TB.and Respiratory Disease Assn. .Member-At-Large American Cancer Society Member-At-Large oe Welfare Planning Council — / Los Angeles County Medical Acsn, ©) Gclifornia Dietetic Association California’ Nurses Association ‘Antelope: Valley Health Planning Council _ Neterinary, Medicine he cook. A. County , Heart Association gt .-¢»Membe po Merl 2 J bos’ “Angeles County Medical / Assn. = ns California’, Assn. of Nursing Homes a Momber-At-Large ote “Blue Cross of Southern Caltforta yey At-Large oe, BES a Diabetes ‘Assn. ¢ ( of So. Golifornia : es Hospi al Council of So. California, _CCRMP STAFF CONSULTANTS . . « leamed, -at their Nov. 19 meeting in A, that the categorical committee ‘egional chairmen will be meeting soon _ to determine whether catégorical “com- ~ mittees should be continued as such in view of the shifting of immediate RMP . gbjectives: “ ~ yeard that Dr. Bernard Dryer, President and Medical Director of Media Medica Company of NYC is a leading candidate to become the new Director of RMP Ser- vices. The position has been, filled since March, on an interim basis, by Dr. Harold Margulies. | ee have been advised that at the Oct. 7™ meeting, CCRMP committee members: - unanimously agreed to urge CCRMP institutional members to give serious © consideration to increased minority representation on the committee. * ke Good j progress is reported by the Chair- | ven of the three Task Forces which are ‘studying Health Manpower, Health Ser-. vice Delivery and Organization, and Target'Groups. All staff members, Com-. mittee Chairmen, and Area Advisory . | ae members have been asked to par- : % (elpate’ in the Task Forces,’ whose rec~* ommendations are to be used in ‘the dena” velopment ofa program for the next three years' operdtion of AREA V, ' Nee Coordinator Donald W. Petit has re-..-.. quested a consolidated report early in 1971. for: consideration of the Area Ad= ek visory Group. a A recent directive from CCRMP sug= . gests that the chances for. funding of projects of the kind developed i in the past are, in the light of changing pri- orities, rather slim and Areas have been urged to clean up all projects now in various stages of development and sub- _ mit them for the next regional review. Accordingly, the following proposals ~ ‘are being developed by AREA V staff, for our deadline of Dec. 15, and will be presented for approval of the Area Advisory Group early in 1971: 2 041 Health Science Library Services 3 Oll Radiation Therapy Network De- velopment ~3 014 American Indian Free Clinic 3 015 Coordination of Free Clinics 3 016 Cross Cultural Training Program 3 O17 Care of the Acutely II ~ ke e OR ‘Dre Clifton O. Dummett (AAG member) “and Chairman of the Dept. of Community Dentistry at USC extends a cordial in- - vitation to their Colloquium on Commun- — ity Oral Health, to be held from 8:30 a.m, to 5p.m., Dec. 5 at the Dental Science Center, USC. The conference, ~ which intends to explore basic concepts of community dentistry and public health, and to demonstrate intra dnd inter-.- . professional, relationships features on _ _. its program several AREA Y people-- “ AAG members Robert J. ‘Schroeder, © DVM, Edward $,°Brady, fH, Phar.D » Liston A. Witherill, ‘and Mss. Kay ©, Vv min vt : owe | 7 pa CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS patenting ee Ley : S - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. UAREAOFFICE.. _ 1 West Bay ‘State Street “Alhambra, Calif, 918010 "2: Telephone (213) ‘576-1626 © SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Ms aA Be on os Editor = Elsie MeGut woo Cg arse v raft Donald ¥ Petit, WO. hea Coordinator: Villiam A Markey, Ms. ~ Depuly Coordinator O Frank F Aguilera, MPA ee Programs, “Dorothy E.- Anderson, ‘WP. He “Community Programs - “Marlene Cece, we. He “Inter-Agency Activities Jane Z. Cohen, BA. ert | as Progam, QD : Kay D. Fuller, RN, ; X “Rrsing RegpGhh te “Leon C. Hauck, we. H a Health Data oe John S, Lloyd, Ph. DS 5 Evaluation : Elsie M, McGuff ee Communications. "Clyde E. Madden, Acs Socal Wo Toni Moaré, BA es “Community Programs > Robert E. Rendle Mo. «Continuing Education Commitee Craton Area Advisory Group : Chester A. Rude - : Les Cancer | “Lewis W, Guiss | Cardiac i m : Continuing Es Education che : : : Social Workers.