oe AO THE CALIFORNIA RMP CONFERENCE Conferees attending the first California RMP Conference held at Asilomar, Oct. 28- "30, heard RMP Services defined by Dr. Vernon Wilson, Director of Health Services “and Mental Health Administration, as "the focal point for personal health services and the Improvement of ‘them through the further development of quality of perform- ance by the providers of services, and with special emphasis on continuing education and codpérative arrangements among health professionals, hospitals, agencies, ‘and - others..HSMHA is going to be looking at RMP as the agency with the richest con- fact with the professional and dcademic communities, We want RMP to become’ the “catalyst--the force for. change.” ae ae ae _Dr. Wilson outlined the constraints under which RMP planning must operate: -the fact that Congress votes most of the health money for categorical programs; some very real budgetary constraints which mean level funding for the next few years; the sharp im- balance between, the. capacity to deliver services, on the one hand, and the growing "demand for these services, on the other; finally, the lack of agreed-upon national _~ priorities concerning the use of health funding in terms of the funds available. "I ‘think that equity of access is rapidly becoming our first order.of priority,‘ with a:re- mendous emphasis on the economic setting within which health care services are pro- vided,” he said, tr ve - Bete. Touching on the process of decentralization upon which HSMHA is embarked, Dr. __ Wilson stated that the only change that might be a possible source of concern to ~ RMP. does not relate. to removal. of prerogatives but represents a transfer from the national to the regional level of some responsibility for programs, "Nationally, we intend to go out of the business of project review, increasingly plaeing this emphasis with the. Regions; increasingly we are going to be examining whether-or not your = local decision-making process is fair and equitable, and, in a general. way, whether it is in line with national policies and national guidelines. There is a difference between delegation of responsibility and.abandonment; there is no lack of interest at the Federal level...we will be continually looking at.and reviewing the process of decentralization." nee ee EE \. (continued next page) RMP should be involved with systems, with planning 7 With innovative methods but , should not provide direct health care serviges, the Director of HSMHA said. “It e should dev op time-limited projects, and not‘expect that:money will be continually absorbed for support of the same thing indefinitely." mr CO The conference was also addressed briefly by Dr. William M. Smith who, on, Oct, 19, became Régional Health Director of the HEW Region IX to which California RMP will relate in the new decentralization plan. .Dr. Smith envisions great efficiency..in. the new arrangement and was enthusiastic about the move to shift a share of the decision- making out of Washington to the communities where it can be more responsive. Cc On Wednesday évening and Thursday morning, each of the’ California: Areas presented one project: AREA V'was represented by Frank F, Aguilera who spoke on East Los. . Angeles Cares and-Concerns; Area.! - Cancer Program; Area I] - RMP-CHP. "B" Re- lationship; Area Ifl+.Multiphasic Screening; Area IV - Northeast Valley. Project; Area VI - Perinatak Monitoring; Area VII = Physician Continuing.Education Through d Resident Physician Sabbatical Exchange; Area VIII - Stroke Volunteer. Program; ~ Watts-Willowbrook'= The Use of a:Community Task Force in Planning‘a‘School of Allied Health, Thursday afternoon and evening were occupied with a series of work- shops chaired by various Chairmen who discussed the same topic with three different groups and then summarized the conclusions of the group on Friday morning. William A. Markey's topic was Area-Region Relationships; other subjects were Category Dis~ ‘ease Planning vs. Comprehensive Medical Care Planning; RMP and Health Manpower Education; RMP and ‘Comprehensive Health Planning; The Committee; RMP and Volun- ‘tary Health Agencies and Other Non=Federal Agencies; Core Staff Structure and Function; and RMP and Medical Schools, (The proceedings have been promised with- in a reasonably short time.) oe Lf CO OE cet epee Pe where on ds poo ge bg “Concluding the conference, Paul: D; Ward,: Executive Director of the California Re- ‘ gion said: “We are trying to change our direction and move from one of developing quality on.top of quality to one of taking a look at health care in the less fortunate communities to see if we can't do something about their needs.. .what we have got to do is to take a look at what is occurring and make our decisions based on that... <> national health insurance is inevitable and is coming fast. It is going to change our *-- tole.and make it, more ‘exciting and more dramatic than we ever dreamed, If this is. the, frend, RMP, locally and nationally, has a responsibility of aiming its efforts in that direction. If the HMO provision passes, we have an obligation to push its de- velopment as far as we can...We are on the road to franchising of facilities and we have to be thinking in terms of making our plans accordingly. It isn't going to be - oo easy and I hope we can accept these responsibilities and come up with some wise | decisions.” Se ee , “| . There were 155 registrants at the Conference, |7 of them from AREA V, - i an a 7 kook Ok O* me _ WE'VE BEEN ASKED . 5 92%), - What happens at Committee Chatrmen's s. meetings? These meetings which are. held twice a month, have not been re- “ported in V-MINUTE NEWS because the information exchanged usually ap-"~ pears in accounts: ‘of committee activ~~ ities; however, since an interest has been ‘expressed--here | isa report ofa a typi. cal meeting: | : On Oct. ‘16, in. the absence of Dre | Petit, the meeting was chaired by - William A. Markey. Minutes for — tis group are prepared by Miss Sonja - Deaton. Seven committee chairmen, sight staff members and two guests were present. . . There were some e introductions--Mrs. Jane Z. Cohen, new staff member; | two visitors. from the Chronic Respir-_ atory Disease Project--Mr. Lou Fisher, | new Project Administrator and Dr. Barbara‘Andrew, of the Division of — Research in Medical Education, who . is handling eyaluation for.the project. _ Here, briefly, is what everyone talked about: i Markey: Recent visit. to o hoipttas in - Spain; the delay in receiving this. year's award letter from DRMP; the ~. “developmental ‘component; the spe- ~ cial application. for funding of RMP. staff for CHP, O'Connor: Nursing Advisory Commit- tee discussions about the transfer of » CCU activities to Good Sam Hospital. Griffith: Enlargement of Cardiac Com- - . mittee; CPR program of Heart Assn; new subcommittees to study. preven~. ee tion in coming year. © . Zinn: - Gave some details abour re Car~ “diac subcommittee on Health Facilities cand Diagnostic Clinics. an Cady: Recent visits to study, ECG: compu: ter systems in Philadelphia and Seattle. os ” Pudenz:. Interest of other hospitals i in’ | Stroke Liaison Program; community ac- tivities at San Gabriel Hospital. ‘Connor: District Library meetings ‘now ac -, completed; after meeting of liaison groups from each district, proposal to _ be developed. re oo Qf Andrew and Fisher: " Reorganization of materials for Chronic Repiratory Project. Solomon: Social Workers. Advisory have . “assigned subcommittees to study trans- portation needs of cancer patients and. social work component of ELA Senio\ Senior Citizens Project. Are. conside ‘submission of a proposal regarding use ot graduate students from USC School of Social Work for RMP field placement “with private physicians. 8 “Hauck: Plans for; Regional Kidney Con- ference. scheduled for Dec. H-J3 in Goleta.: | . Mant Ce ‘Checel: Plans to parti cipate in day Workshop for CHP and volunt health agencies, Oct. I7 and {8. iv Cohen: Comments about activities with Indian Clinic, Free Clinic Liaison Pro~ gram, Council of Free* Clinics. ° " Anderson: Cancer Committee studying two ‘proposals for intermediate develop- ment; progress of Ann Braatz and Terry ' Broomfield on survey of cancer Pesmunces and needs of the community. ms ~~ AREA V REGIONAL ‘MEDICAL PROGRAMS - AREA Vv Tuesday, Nov. 10 AREA V . Wednesday , Nov. Il AREA. V Friday, Nov, 13 - AREA V ‘ Wednesday, Nov. 18 (d= AREAV AREA V | AREA V " Thursday, Nov. 19 CCRMP ’ Friday, Nov. 20 _ ARFAV CALENDAR 7 November 1970 | Continuity of Care & Rehab, Subcommittee of Cancer Planning Area Advisory Group Annual Meeting Staff Meeting Committee Chairmen Social Workers Advisory Committee — Staff Meeting Cancer Planning Committee Staff Consultants (Combined November & December meeting) Special Staff Meeting - Sheraton Hotel, lOa.m. - 4 pom. a 5p pom. ; RMP. Conference Room 2- 9 pam. Huntington Pasadena 9:30 a.m. Confersiea’ tm . 11:30 a.m. - RMP Conference Room 8 - 9:30 a.m. RMP Conference Room © | 9:30 a.m. Conference. Rm. ~ ‘42:15 p.m, " RMP Conference Room *_. au 2-5p.m, Airport Marina Hotel, L. A. Airport” RMP Conference Room aa December 7 and 8 December: Hl, 12, 13. SPECIAL EVENTS Regional, Medical Program’ s Service Site Visit California Regional Kidney Disease ~ Planning Conference » COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN'S MEETINGS: ‘Goleta, | California " December 4, 18 “Principles of RMP planning are old - hat here," reports Donald W. Petit, MD on a postcard from Minsk, AREA _~V's Coordinator is a member of a dele- ‘ a i. gation of the Office of International. .. Health accompanying Dr. Roger Oo. . Egeberg, Asst. Secretary for Health’& Scientific Affairs ona tour ofthealthi, facilities in the Soviet Union, The mis- (sion of the group, whose proposed itin- “tne erary includes:Moscow,. Tashkent, and Novosibirsk, is to observe and record the systems used in the practice of medi- cine in the Soviet Union; The delegation will be looking at the total health de- livery process, its organizational struc~ ture, operational procedures, and ef= _ fectiveness, the cost and funding in- volved in health care,and the utiliza- tion of health manpower. Other | members of the delegation, which left the USA Oct. 12, are: Dr. F. Tre- maine Billings; Asst. Dean for Medical Center Development Programs, Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. Fay Abdellah, Chief Nurse Officer,. US (Public Health:Service; Mr. Arthur Hess, LF C et “ Deputy Commissioner for Social Security, _HEW; and Dr. James Muller, Interpreter, National Center for Health Services Re~ — search and Development, U. S. Public _ Health Service. os Changes in AREA V Advisory Group: ~ Mr. Edward M. Skowrup, President of Everett Harris & Company is@ new Mem~ _ _ ber-at-Large. Dan Grindell, recently appointed Deputy Supervisor to Super= | _yisor Kenneth Hahn of the Second Dis~ trict, will continue with the Group.as. a Member-at-Large, also. ek ke ke OF — CCRMP... ~ have announced the formation of a new coordinating eonmittes on Liaison and Discharge Planning, as 4 result of the concern of the national Techni cal Re- - view Committees about the relationship of planned discharges to other RMP proj- ~ ects, - Present at the first meeting, held Oct. 20 in San Francisco, were repre~ - sentatives from Areas 1, V, VII and Vill. Dorothy E, Anderson, MPH, for Area V described the Stroke Liaison Nurse Pro- - gram, various aspects of SEARCH (for- merly CHAIRS) and the activities of the Continuity of Care and Planned Dis- charge Subcommittee of the Area V Can- cer Planning Committee. Areas of in- terest for this committee are seen in the influencing of major insurance carriers as to inclusion + payment for post hos- pital care; content of curricula on Liai- son Nursing and Planned Discharges, ' and job specifications for liaison nurses. A second meeting is planned for Dec. 8 in Los Angeles. a . "Action in Nursing Education”--an article reflecting some of the nursing education activities in the Central New York Regional ‘Medical Program. - |. "Continuing Education of Laboratory - Personnel""--a reprint of an article which appeared in the May 1970 issue of the American Journal of Medical Technol - _ OgY + . , “. "ICU. Training Program"~-activities for registered nurses and technicians in the Tennessee Mid-South RMP. -. "Dietetics:in Regional Medical Pro- grams by Veronica L. Conley and. Julia J. Kula. . , 7 * & FF - | i i i i i | Vi minute news. _ Published by - co CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS AREA V _ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA © oy € #58 a oes =z ESs= a Boss So > 8 Gate 3 Swat <35e. EB2e az 5 === Editor - Elsie McGuff ‘ Area Advisory Group _ rea V Statt | Donald W Petit, MD. Villian A. Matkey, | Mi, s. Freak F. Aquiera, MAW . Dorothy E Anderson, uP. Ht, Marlene chee, MP. H Jane 2. “Gatien, BA Kay D, Full, RN, laa C. tiie, we. H, John S., Moy, Ph. D Elsie ME Wet Clyde E, Madden, ACSW. Toni Moors, BA Robert E, Randle, M.D. Vivien E. Warr, RN, Commitee Chairmen Cancer Cardiac Continuing Education” Hospital ‘adpinistrators Library Services : Nursing - Stroke Systems & Computers Social Workers “Area Coottinaor fo __ Deputy, Cooidinator “ Sommunty Programs _ Samay Progrins a ter Aetiviti es nter-Agency Activiti co Community Programs Nursing Health Data — - Evaluation Communications ‘Social Work Community Progtams : Continuing Education Coronary Care Programs ~. Chester A. Rude Lewis W. Guiss, HD. George C. Griffith, MO. a Phil R- -Mannitig, M.D. jc Henry B, Dunlap, M.P.H. Joho M. Connor, MA. “ Fotine O'Connor, R.N. Robert H. Pudenz, M.D. ~~ Lee D. Cady, M.D. Dr. Barbara Solomon, A.C.S.W.