V minute news — vol.2 no. 25 dune 24, 1970 - ANOTHER FIRST VENTURE IN CORONARY. CARE FOR AREA V AREA V focused on another aspect of coronary care last week by co~sponsoring with the West San Gabriel Valley Division of the L. A. County Heart Associa- tion in the presentation of a Course on Emergency Ward Care of Cardiac patients. Sixty-two nurses from AREA V community hospitals registered for the two-day course which was given June 19 and 20 at Methodist Hospital in Arcadia. Rep- resented were La Vina Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena Community Hospital, LAC-USC Medi- cal Center, Garfield Community Hospital, Santa Teresita Hospital, Sierra Madre Community Hospital, San Gabriel Community Hospital and Pasadena Dispensary. Emphasis of the course was on interpretation and treatment of waming arrhyth- mias but the subjects ranged from the equipment advised for emergency ward facilities and drugs currently in use to the necessity for a written protocol for the unit to facilitate the emergency treatment and transfer of the myocardial infarction patient to the CCU, Lectures were given during the symposium by Doctors Richard Dickey, Clyde McAuley, Shirl. Evans, Bruce Wallace and James Getzen, all of Methodist Hospital and by Dr. Lawrence Herman of Garfield Community Hospital. Mrs. Eileen Lowder of the San Gabriel Valley Heart Association was respon- sible for publicity and registration; Mrs. Kay Smillie, Director of Inservice Education at Methodist Hospital coordinated the course. VIVIEN WARR and GLADYS ANCRUM of AREA-Y assisted with the ECG Workshops and. d presen- tation of the multimedia instructional material. The course was enthusiastically received and AREA V hopes to plan : similar programs with other Divisions of the L. A. County Heart Association. noe Re SPECIAL STUDY FUNDED ‘One of five studies approved by the Area Advisory. Group: at its” April meet- ing for: funding ‘by cartyover monies has ~~ received.a "go-ahead" from’ CCRMP. "Summer Experience for Allied Health — Students" affords a 9-week observation/ participation experience in health care « settings for a core group of medical and... other health. discipline students. ‘Students : _ will be assigned to a, wide variety of health | : chronic, ‘and rehabilitation facilities and in community agencies, They will see” patients with many kinds’ of needs and. will: assist various health workers in providing for those needs. “A major hope of this”. study is that students who participate will: take the initiative-to: continue ‘interdis- ciplinary activity after graduation and _subsequently into practice of health pro- - fessionals. The overall plan for the ex-. perience has been developed by . the multi-discipline | staff of the’ Division ‘of Research and Training i in ‘Rehabilitation " at USC School of Medicine. The funding of $1800 will support two trainees in this. Program. Proposal 2-072. “ "Paramedical JIemnuno=: hematology. Postgraduate | Teaching Pro- ~ gram" is being readied fox presentation ndati ons. aa nal a sobtect to certain: recom ) t be matted to revisions “of the proposal w ae : received the backing of Couneilmai care. facilities and personnel i in acute care, | " = ‘Stevenson announced his great pleasure AMERICAN NDIAN. FREE-GLINIC ; Robert . Je Stevenson June 19 when a4, jictze thet efforts to, sat up the Clini ln a private conference with the Indic leaders, a representative of Mr;:Ste- _.venson stated that the Councilman “Rally understands and deeply « appr ciates the shyness and pride of the /p= “teal “American Indian who often finds. “himself a stranger in his native land 7 with no helping hand for social and - “.e¢onomic improvement. Councilman. ‘in sponsoring the group's appearance before the City Council and offered the assistance of his office and staff -in-the Free’Clinie project.’ A spirite discussion amongst Council’ members a _to which had the most Indian residents 2 “as ‘constituents caused one of then: to comment: that it was ‘nice to note: ‘that. “we are now fighting. over. Indians in- "stead of with them ; - Several “representatives | from the Clini , ~- @ppeared, before the hearing on the oes rl Report Py the: Public Health “AREA V REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS es SE, CALENDAR | - oN FRO Se es - vee ~ June, July 1970 Friday, June 26 a a - | COMP - LA - ae "Mental Health and WOaams “eee Mental Retardation =f bos os Angeles i Saturday, , June 27 ; | ieee Benefit Dinner | ie S 6 p.m, to 11:30 poine: and Powwow | ~~. John Anson Ford Park’ ~ Bell Gardens Tomy Jone 30 me AREA Vio 4 ee Staff Stroke Team > 12 noon Downstairs “Wednesday ; Joly I AREAV ‘Staff Meeting “92 30 a.m. Conference Rm. AREA Vv os ee Cancer Planning es a > 12s 1B pet me fe oe ake ae RMP Conference Room (hardy July 2 “CCRMP ne Be : - Bs C ee ne Staff Consultants AS 2 to 5 p.m. -Pompano’ ee ee we Pe SBoes Airport Marina Hotel, HOLIDAY = Published by AREA V UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS AREA OFFICE 1 West Bay State Street Alhambra, Calif, 91801 Telephone (213) 576-1626 Editor ~ Elsie McGulf SCHOOL OF MEDICINE V minufe news Area V Staff | Donald W. Petit, M.D. William A. Markey, M.S. Russell D. Tyler, M.D. Frank F.. Aguilera, M.P.A. Gladys Ancrum, Dr. P.H. Dorothy E. Anderson, M.P.H. Kay D. Fuller, R.N. . Leon C. Hauck, M.P.H. ~ John S, Lloyd, Ph.D. Elsie 4. McGuff Clyde E. Madden, A.C.S.W. Toni Moors, B.A. Robert E. Randle, M.D. Luis A. Pingarron Vivien E. Warr, R.N. Area Coordinator Deputy Coordinator Operations Division Community Programs Coronary Care Program Community Programs Nursing: us Health Data Evaluation Communications Social Work Community Programs Continuing Education East Los Angeles Coronary Care Programs Committee Chairmen Area Advisory Group Cancer Chronic Disease Cardiac Continuing Education Hospital Administrators Library Services Nursing Stroke Systems & Computers Social Workers Chester A. Rude Lewis W. Guiss, M.D. Russell D. Tyler, M.D. George C. Griffith, M.D. Phil R. Manning, M.D. Henry B. Duntap, M.P.H John M. Connor, M.A. . Fotine O'Connor, R.N. Robert H. Pudenz, M.D. Lee 0. Cady, M.D. Bernice W. Harper, A.C.S.W.