0 AREA minute news vol. 2 no 1 January 8, 1970 _ HARPS AND FEATHERS While pondering what one might say about the future of RMP at this begin- ning of a new year and new decade, I recalled a recent conversation with a fellow physician who, while no clearer than the rest of us on predic~ tions for the immediate future, was quite convinced that any involvement in a nefarious activity such as health planning would certainly preclude admittance. to. the,more celestial regions of the life hereafter. Pursuing this line of thought, it occurs to me that there are certain character- istics and conditions about the life hereafter that might be made more equitable by the RMP concept of bringing resources to bear more effec- tively upon needs. It is obvious, for instance, that the proportion of population destined for the nether regions is going to lead to serious problems of overcrowd-~ ing and deprivation of every kind while those few who attain celestial bliss will have a plethora of material, space and time. Something should be done to bring these resources and needs closer together. Let us also consider the matter of feathers. The white, fleecy and alto- gether delightful adornment customarily attributed to the inhabitants of the upper spaces are obviously impractical for the more fiery regions; .. on the other hand, the processing necessary to fireproof wing material will probably result in a rather tacky product that will give rise to much complaint. Furthermore, the behavioral changes inherent in leam- - ing to use an accessory of this sort is likely to cause personality dif- ficulties, even trauma, for many. . Harps might represent another problem. It is well known that heat is * not very good for stringed instruments. Then there is the noise pol- lution created by the enormous numbers of personnel in the lower re- gions all twanging on harps at the same time, not to mention the loss of audience for the players in the cooler, more pleasant clime. ‘Where there are no listeners, can there by music?" is perhaps just as valid a question as whether there can be music where all are players. These are only the first of the difficulties that come to mind for settle- ment by appropriate involvement. of all. concerned... Committee action would: - be required to settle such questions as whether first priority should go to feathers or to harps, while the question of distribution of heat from areas of relative excess to areas of relative deficit would certainly fur- nish a topic for endless meetings and even a conference or two. As one considers the complexities of the problems to improve the quality of life in the hereafter it is apparent that plans should be laid right now to bridge the gap! a To all of you who have worked so hard for RMP these last two years, I send my greetings and assurance that more than harps and feathers await our attention during the coming year. DONALD W. PETIT, M.D. Area Coordinator LET'S SEE NOW -- WHERE WERE WE AT THE END OF THE YEAR? This first issue of V-MINUTE NEWS for 1970 seems like a logical place to look around and see where we stand: Just before the end of the year, Dr. Petit asked the COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN and staff to review the current status of proposals and, in view of the tight funding situation, to postpone development of all but the very few pro- posals that might realistically be submitted in the near future. After the decisions have been made by the committees, a new, streamlined Status of Proposals will be published. It is hoped that some staff time previously committed to proposal development can then be used for community-oriented projects. At their final meeting of 1969, the COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN voted in favor of expanding the categorical committees by the addition of allied health personnel, to be chosen at the discretion of the Chairmen. THE STAFF, still involved in various phases of the development of ongoing proposals and committee projects, continue their assessment ot resources, defining of needs and maintenance of professional contacts and activities necessary to keep informed on the rapidly changing conditions in the health picture. Those who have been assigned community projects are industriously gathering and studying data and trying to match up needs with available re- sources or meaningful contacts. The health problems receiving the most attention at the moment are those related to the East Los Angeles Conmun- ity, the American Indian minority and the free clinics. , REA ADVISORY GROUP - have shifted their focus from approval of grant ap- lications..to. the-review.of.projects.-in.progress- and. to the-consideration ~ sguidelines for the direction of future activities, with increasing em- phasis on community activities. Membership is being expanded to include greater variety of health-related disciplines and broader geographic epresentation. CARDIAC COMMITTEE - are actively reviewing the CCU teaching program and are irectors and/or treatment physicians. Plans are afoot to include instruc- ors from the Policy Academy and from the Sheriff's Training Center in the CPR methods of rescue. The committee is also working with the L. A. County Heart Assn. to enhance the CPR programs and methods ‘for prevention of heart disease, CANCER - In the midst of developing a comprehensive cancer care program “and are broadening committee membership to effect this end. ~ CHRONIC DISEASE - Have reviewed current projects and have narrowed choice down to two proposals on which development is proceeding. CONTINUING EDUCATION - Recently concluded a survey of all Area hospitals to ascertain number of clinical lab technicians and other information required for the development of blood bank proposal. @ isnany ~ Involved in holding a series of meetings in various communities in the Area with a view to organizing a county-wide library network, NURSING - have undertaken ar exploration of the possibility and feasibility £ developing a plan for the coordination and expansion of continuing edu- cation of nursing practice. - A number of nursing leaders in education and service will be consulted for information and advice. OCIAL WORKERS - are following up on their studies of health transporta- tion, social disruption, and social service in the’ private practice of medicine. Are concerned about continuing education programs to enable Social workera in the dissemination of new Imowledge about medical pro- grams and health care services. Are exploring, with representatives of he East Los Angeles project, how social morsers might assist with the problems that have been identified. = =. | ve os oe . “ HOSPITAL - preparing for the "First Annual Conference on the Physician and the Hospital: Fact or Fiction." seheduted for April. STROKE - expecting to launch their stroke rehabilitation training Program in the next few weeks. : MW minute | news } a . ‘Published by : — REBIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS, BER Naas Red AREA ve 7 : * untversry OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. - SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - an AREA OFFICE a Oy vad West Bay. State: Street. : : Alhambra, Calif, 91801" Telephone. (213) 576-1626 £ ee