img on as TREASURER'S REPORT ANNUAL MEETING LAKES AREA REGIONAL ADVISORY GROUP APRIL 27, 1974 BALANCE AS OF LAST ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 28, 1973 INCOME (CONTRIBUTIONS) See Exhibit A $250.00 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR: DISBURSEMENTS : See Exhibit B $472.63 BALANCE ON HAND - APRIL 27, 1974 TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR: Treasurer $490.20 250.00 $740.20 472.63 267.57 $740.2 bh! @. CL LY EON John C. Patterson, M.D. Exhibit A TREASURER'S REPORT ANNUAL REGIONAL ADVISORY GROUP MEETING APRIL 27, 1974 INCOME (CONTRIBUTIONS) Buffalo General Hospital $ 50.00 Tuberculosis & Respiratory Disease Association of Western New York 50.00 Erie County Medical Society 50.00 State of New York - Roswell Park Memorial Institute 50.00 E.J. Meyer Memorial Hospital 50.00 TOTAL INCOME (CONTRIBUTIONS) $250.00 ost. Exhibit B TREASURER'S REPORT ANNUAL REGIONAL ADVISORY GROUP MEETING APRIL 27, 1974 DISBURSEMENTS Irwin Felsen, M.D. - Reimbursement for all expenses related to cocktail party on evening before Annual General Meeting (4/27/73). Robert J. Miller - Miscellaneous mailing - legislative information to National RMP Coordinator John R.F, Ingall, M.D. - Reimbursement of expenses for trip to Washington, D.C. 5/17/73 - to attend meeting with Undersecretary Charles Edwards related to LARAG program policy matters. Ms. Shirley Bergman - Personnel services and receptionist during Annual General Meeting 4/28/73. Coffas for Signs, Inc. ~ Posters/signs for Annual General Meeting 4/28/73. John R.F. Ingall, M.D. - Reimbursement of expenses for trip to Washington, D.C. 5/7/73 - to attend meeting of the volunteer witnesses for Congressman Rogers panel. Rosary Hill College - Coffee, tea & pastries 200 @ .65/ea. for Annual General Meeting. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $151.02 3.20 74.95 16.00 26.75 70.71 130.00 $472.63