Le EVALUATION BIBLIOGRAPHY In reviewing the literature on evaluation, it was felt that the following references present an overview of the program evaluation in the health care field. We in the Evaluation Section have found these references most helpful. We would like to share this information with you. All of the references mentioned are available at the LARMP office. If you wish to request any of this information, please contact Mrs. Helen Brown, Librarian or Miss Joan Philipps, Staff Assistant in Evaluation. I. BOOKS Schulberg, Herbert C., Ph.D., et.al., Program Evaluation in the Health Fields, Behavioral Publications, New York, 1969 Suchman, Edward A., Ph.D., Evaluation Research, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1967. II. ARTICLES Committee on Evaluation and Standards, "Glossary of Evaluative Terms in Public Health," American Journal of Public Health, 60:1546-1552, August, 1970. Lefcowitz, Myron J., BoA. and Robert M. O'Shea, Ph.D.; "The Administrator's Choices in Program Evaluation," Journal of Dental Education, 31:517-520. Roemer, Milton I., M.D., "Evaluation of Health Service Programs and Levels of Measurement," HSMHA Reports, 86:839-848, September, 1971. Schulberg, Herbert C., Ph.D. and Frank Baker, Ph.D., "Program Models and the Implementation of Research Findings,"' American Journal of Public Health, 58:1248-1255, July, 1968. Weikel, Keith, Ph.D., et.al., "Evaluation of National Health Programs," American Journal of Public Health, 61:1801-1831, September, 1971. III. PAPERS Schon, Donald, A., "An Approach to Evaluation for the Regional Medical Program," September, 1970. Weckwerth, Vernon E., Ph.D., "On Evaluation: A Tool or a Tyranny."