3/5VUs/ /5 tetrer Giving 6/30/74 as End Date for RMPs DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WXKAXAKXXHAKEKBEX ERAN RRR KYRERY SBAKKAXRNKARR HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION ° Rockville, Maryland 20852 SEP 2 0 1973 BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES aa RESEARCH AND EVALUATION ’ TO: COORDINATORS, GRANTEE OFFICIALS AND RAG CHAIRMEN OF | REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS So REGIONAL DIRECTORS, DHEW . oe |: This letter is to state explicitly that the authorized lifetime of the Regional Medical Programs Services and of all individual Regional Medical Programs is. June 30, 1974, in accord with the recent legislation which extended the program through FY 1974. Current policy is that no expenditures of grant funds can be ‘made beyond that date. | With reference to my letter of September 7, 1973, awards will ‘be made October 1 from the current allotment of $17.1 M to assure viability of RMPs through December 31, 1973. If additional funds are allotted to RMPS from the $46.4 M released by the Office of Management and Budget, RMPS plans to issue continuation awards for the period January 1 through June 30, 1974. If additional funds are not released, RMPs may continue on through June 30, 1974 from previously awarded funds. You should note that awards will continue to have termination dates other than June 30, 1974 until continuation awards are issued on January 1. For planning and operational purposes, however, _ termination dates shown on your existing awards are to be disregarded and every effort made by you to assure continuity of operations through June 30, 1974. . For those of you who received the September 7 letter with accompanying Application Instructions for FY 1974, you will find modifications to those instructions, previously conveyed to you by our operations personnel, are contained in the enclosed errata sheet. . , Sincerely yours, i a fs iy] : Palet BGM ’ Herbert B. Pahl, Ph.D. Acting Director Regional Medical Programs Service Enclosure fo . ERRATA SHEET TO APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS i FOR FY 1974 Page 1, I. A. (1), Third Paragraph Add the word "not" after "will" in the third line. Page 7, IV.B. (1 Te Add "activities" after "Program Staff" in first line. é ae Page 7, I¥.B. (2) oe _. ee Add “major discrete" after "each" in first line. “Information Item RMPs may let contracts between now and 12/31/73 provided the contracts terminate by 6/30/74. FEE; RPS LTR. DID, SEPTENBER 20, 1973 ENCLOSURE