i uu DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL, HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE. MARYLAND 20852 REGIONAL MEDICAL. PROGRAMS SERVICE April 16, 1973 TO ALL RMP COORDINATORS AND GRANTEE OFFICIALS Pursuant to the last paragraph of my recent telegram to you in which I indicated that our grants management staff would be contacting you regarding the details of the phase-out of the program and would be providing all assistance possible, and in response to inquiries from both Coordinators and grantee officials and the National Steering Committee of RMP Coordinators,.I am enclosing for your use several copies of the document, "Guidelines and Information for Assisting RMPs in Phasing out RMPS Support." This document reflects selected, current policies and related informa- tion on topics about which you may have had questions and requested technical assistance from our staff since the phase-out of RMPS support was announced.. These inquiries concerned grant-related income, indirect costs, property accountability, etc. All prior policy materials, including NIDS, RMPS policy statements, Guidelines and appropriate correspondence should be retained. These will provide you with a complete set of policies for the program and, if necessary, help you to document the policies in effect at the time past expenditures were incurred. Pleas: be assured that we will make every effort to provide answers to those questions which are not covered by the material contained in the enclosed document. Sincerely yours, Harold Margulies, Director Enclosure