E REGLUNAL MEDILL. LEGISLATIVE/BUDGET AUGRANO SOV AU i108 FOR 1972-1973 — @ - Budget/Appropriations uary, 1972 ust 16, 1972 sober 27, 1972 tober 27, 1972 ngary 29, 1973 a rch 8, 1973: President's Budget for FY 1973 requests $130.3M for RMP. First Labor-HEW Appropriation bill for FY73 vetoed. Contained $164.5" for RMP, Second Labor-HEW Appropriation bill vetoed - Again $164.5M for RMP. “Because of the veto, a continuing resolution (H.J. Res. 1331 signed Oct., 26, 1972) went into effect. Permitted appropriation at lower of House or Senate levels in first appropriation bill - i.e., $150M- for RMP which was House figure. PRESIDENT'S BUDGET FOR FY 1974 PROPOSES: . (1) (A reduced amended level of $55,358,000 for grants and contracts in FY 1973, and - House Subcommittee on Public Health and Envionment (Rep. Rogers, Chrmn.) holds overview hearings on FY74 health budget, with Sec. Weinberger testifying. ° Legislation/Authorization (2) ‘The termination of RNP in FY74. S. 1136, proposing one-year extension of 12 PHS authori ties due to expire 6/30/73, including RMP, introduced by Senator Kennedy with 15 of the 16 members of the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee cosponsoring. Authorization for RMP kept at $250M. cn ee ng at em _©@ ch 14, 1973 ‘ch 22, 1973 ch 27, 1973 rch 27,.1973 rch 27-29, 1973 y 8, 1973 y 15, 1973. Budget/Appropriations © Legislation/Authorization © . House Appropriations Committee held hearings on the FY74 budget relating to RMP - Dr. Sencer, Dr. Margulies testified. H.R. 5608 introduced in the House by Rep. James Hastings with the cosponsorship of the entire Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Also * extends 12 PHS authorities for one-year, with RMP authorization set at a level of $250M. Hearings were held on S. 1136 by the Senate Health Subcommittee. Secretary Weinberger testified. Committee ordered bill favorably reported. Report #93-87. Senate passed S. 1136, the PHS Extension Act, by a vote of 72-19 with RMP authorization’ level of. $250 million for FY 1974. | | ‘ Ce i. Hearings were held on H.R. 5608 by the House Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. ; Secretary Weinberger testified, as did RMP representa- tives. . Oversight hearings on Regional Medical Programs held .”- by the Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment.: ~ Testimony by Dr. John Zapp and Dr. Margulies for HEW; a panel of physicians involved in RMP 's 5 and four RMP coordinators. Representative Hastings (with all members of the Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment co- sponsoring) introduced H.R. 7806 = a new PHS Extension Act bill - in lieu of H.R. 5608.. Set RMP authorization for FY 1974 at $159 million. ‘ © TE wa Budget/Appropriations Legislation/Authorization @ y 24, 1973 y 29, 1973 ty 31, 1973 ine 5, 1973 ine 6, 1973 ine 8, 1973 une 13, 1973 une’ 18, 1973 une 19, 1973 An amendment was added to the second Supplemental Appropriations bill for FY 1973 (H.R. 7447) in the Senate by a vote of 59-14 which would add an additional $20 million to the FY 1973 RMP appropriation. s Senate Labor-HEW Appropriation Sub- * - committee held hearings which included RMP in terms of the FY74 budget. Senate Labor-HEW Appropriation Sub- ‘committee again held hearings which — included RMP for FY 74. ? Conferees on Second Supplemental Appropriation bill for FY 73 (H.R. 7447) delete $20 million added by - Senate for RMP (H. Rept. #93-295). H.R. 7806 reported unanimously by the House Inter- state and Foreign Commerce Committee. House Report $#93-227. House passed H.R. 7806, the PHS Extension bill by a vote of 372-1. The bill would authorize. $159 million for RMP in FY 1974. . v Senate agreed to the House version of the PHS Extensior Act by a vote of 94-0, with its level of $159 million for RMP. H.R. 7806 sent to the President. ' Second Supplemental Appropriations Act - P.L. 93-50-July 1, -1973 "Health Services Planning and Development - For an additional. amount for “Health services planning and development'', for carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, section 304 and title 1X of the Public Health Servi Act, $17,000,000, to remain available until expended." , , The Senate Report (No. 93-160} plus floor debate indicate that these funds, are for the following items: (1) $12,000,000 to permit comp létion of the new Children's Hospital Nat Medical Center in Washington, D.C. (2) (3) $4,500,000 to meet the initial needs for a children's medical cente serving the northwestern regions of the U.S. "Plans are now underwa) to transform the Children's Orthopedic Hospital Center into a children's regional health service center, comparable to the Children's Medical Center in Boston. The committee recognizes that existing facilities are hopelessly outmoded and inadequate and that some corrective action must be taken immediately. For this reason. the Committee recommends that $4,500,000 be provided to meet the critical, immediate needs of this facility." $500,000 to complete a hospital in northern Vermont ~- the North Country Hospital and Health Center at Newport, Vermont ~- by provding additional grants for hospital construction.