INN ee, ih meen} ee eer (Wn 10. 11. 12. 13.0 14. 15. 16. CONTENTS Chronologies Financial Data February 1, 1973 Phaseout Telegram February 16, 1973 Telegram Changing August 31, 1973 End Dates to June 30, 1973 February 22, 1973 Phaseout Application Instructions April 4, 1973 Phascout Award Telegram (sample) April 16, 1973 Phaseout Guidelines (Grant Policies) June 27, 1973 Telegram Concerning Legislative Extension July 10, 1973 Cover letter for Award of Fiscal Year 1973 Balance of $6.9 Million Restricting Expenditure of these Funds July 5, 1973 Telegram Assuring Regional Medical Pro- grams of Viability Through September 30, 1973 September 7, 1973 Telegrams Concerning Allotment December 31, 1973 and Funds for Pediatric Pulmonary Centers Through June 30, 1974 September 7, 1973 Application Instructions including 5 "Options" per Proposed RMP Spending Plan September 30, 1973 Letter giving June 30, 1974 as Ending Date for Regional Medical Programs and Prohibiting Expenditure of RMP Grant Funds After that Date. March 6, 1974 Letter Rescinding Phaseout Instructions and Directives Pursuant to Court Order of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Dated February 7, 1974 ‘March 7, 1974 Instructions for May 1; 1974 and July 1, 197 RMP Application Submissions for Funds Released Per Court Order . May 10, 1974 RMP Review Guide Prepared for use of Ad Hoc RMP Review Committee in Reviewing Applications