NEW FILE BEGINS Ne #/93 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pewmce Qeoaur's BOULEVARD UPPER MARLSORD, MaRYLanD 20772 ° UBA © (3D3) 249-0115 regional medical programs, SELECTED ‘BIBLIOGRAPHY i June 1968 : US. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARR , Health Services and Mental Health Administration Division of Regional Medical Programs, PREFACE—TABLE OF CONTENTS The following SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPITY was devel- oped by the Office of Communications and Public Informa- tion of the Division of Regional Medical Programs. It is based upon materials collected since the Division of Regional Medical Programs was established in February of 1966. Admittedly, it is not complete and certain liberties have been taken in the selection of the references included. It does, however, represent an initial effort aimed at the development of a resource which it is hoped will be of value to all Regional Medical Programs and those organizations, {nstitutions, and individuals working with them. Included, then, is a SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of ... ¢ INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS * Published by Programs Themselves ......... * Published Nationally ........... beveeeencseng D * Published .by Division of Regional Medical Programs .... Coe beet enema terres eeneeseaeR * REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ® Published Nationally .......csccecceccsvccvce 0 ® Published by Division of Regional Medical Page Programs sevecseecececeeeracevevceseceesg 4 | ® Other cee e rece ene eeeeeeeeceeeaeessenseseseng AM, wee eet eee we INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICALE PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themsclves ALBANY ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA CENTRAL NEW YORK COLORADO- WYOMING GREATER DELAWARE VALLEY INDIANA " INTERMOUNTAIN IOWA KANSAS “The Albany Regional Medical Pro. gram’ (5-feld leaflet). The purpose of the Albany Regional Medical Program and descriptions of five of its ongoing projects. “ARMP: What's It All About?” (2-fold leaflet). Basic information on the Albany Regional Medical Program, and brief descriptions of several projects. “Arkansas Regional Medical Program” (newsletier). Published six times yearly; first issue: October 1967. -“News: California Committee on Re- gional Medical Programs” (newsletter- release). Published on a news-releasa schedule. “Central New York Regional Medical Program Bulletin” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; first issue: February 1968. “Colorado-Wyoming Regional Medical Program Newsletter’ (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: Novem- ber 1967. “Greater Delaware Valley Regional Medical Program — Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke” (newsletter-prog- ress report). Published on a news re- lease schedule; first issue: July 1967. “Indiana Regional Medical Program LINK—Promoting Cooperative Effort in the Fight Against Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. “IRMP Reporter” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; first issue: June 1967. “Towa Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). Published quarterly ; first issue: January 1968. “PROFILE—Kansas Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). enamel eae ems eee WO tmnt ee ar ee aL mee nwa ee as anette MAINE METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. hw MISSOURI NEW JERSEY . . e “Annual Report to Corporators of Medi- eal Care Development, Inc., Prosresa During the Current Year” (12-pare booklet; 9 pages of exhibits), August 1, 1967 through April 20, 1968. Back- ground on Regional Medical Prorrams in generals narrative report of progress during the current year for the Maine Regional Medical Program, including. a | run-down of the feasibility studies, problems encountered in them; opera- tional objectives and program objec- tives; planning’ activilies proposed for the coming year. “Maine’s Regional Medical Program” (newsletter) .” “Maine’s Regional Medical Program-— Research, Continuing Medical Educa- tion, and Professional Training” (2-fold leaflet). Purpose of the Maine Regional Medical Program: history of Public Law 89-239 and of the Maine Program; chal- Jenge and objective of the Program; possible projected activities. “Regional Medical Program of Metro- politan Washington Newsletter” (news- letter). First issue: September 1967. “Entre Nous at MRMP” (newsletter). Published twice monthly; first issue: “Missouri Regional Medical Program” (24-page booklet). Background on Re- gional Medical Programs; what Mis- souri is doing in Smithville, Springfield, and Kansas City; information on the Missouri Program’s Communications Research Unit, Program Evaluation Center; on its Population Study Group Surveys, Multiphasic Testing, Mass Screening Radiology, Automated EKG and Patient Wistory projects, and others; listings of administrative staff and project directors. “Medical Tapes By Phone For New Jersey Physicians” (2-fold leaflet). Listing of subjects of tapes available to all New Jersey physicians by collect call. “The New Jersey Regional Medical Pro- gram” (2-fold leaflet). Origin and de- velopment of the New Jersey Regional Medical Program; text of Public Law 89-239; listing of the Executive Com- mittee of the New Jersey Regional Med. ical Program. fe NEW YORK METROPOLITAN t NORTH CAROLINA NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND OHIO STATE OREGON SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY TEXAS “« a VIRGINIA a a) WASHINGTON: ALASKA 0m ene nent Ao eaten, “A Review of the New York Metrapoll- tan Regional Medical Program . for Hoart Disease, Cancer, Strake and Re- lated Diseases” by Vineent dePanl Larkin, M.D., Program Coordinator (21-page hooldet). An introduction to the planning phase of the New York Metropolitan) Regional Medical Pro- gram, inelauding background on Regional Medical Programs; a description of the organizational structure of the New York A tora; 200 questions and Answers re Hest Media Progra cs listing: of the coordinators at the medi- cal schools; and a deacription of the feasibility study of care of cancer pa- tients at Memorial Hospital for cancer and allied diseases. “MetroNews” (newsletter). First issue! January 1968. “Tnnovation” The Association for the North Carolina Regional Medical Pro-« gram (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: April 1968. “Northern New England Regional Medi- cal Program” (newsletter). “Ohio State Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. “Oregon Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). First issue: September . 1967. “SVRMP_ Newsletter” (newsletter), First issue: June 1968. “Regional Medical Program of Texas” (newsletter). Published periodically; first issue: June 28, 1967. ‘New Dimensions” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; first issue: March 1968. “Virginia Regional Medical Program” > (4-fold leaflet). Background on the de- velopment of the Virginia Regional Medical Program, and basic information on Regional Medical Programs in gen- eral; listing of the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Regional Medical Pro- grams. “Results” (newsletter). periodically; first isue: November 1967. “Washington and Alaska Coronary Care Capability Survey” Directed by Stephen R. Yarnall, M.D.; report prepared by . Jack P. Kornfeld (15-page booklet). A survey of the extent of coronary care unit development in the hospitals of Washington and Alaska, Summer 1967. Published WEST VIRGINIA ‘WESTERN NEW YORK at WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA ‘WISCONSIN “Contrasting Comprehensive Health Planning, Regional Medical Programs, and Areawide Planning,” by Charles L. Wilbar, Jr.. M.D., Program Coordina- tor (unpublished speech, April 19, 1968). “Monthly Newsletter of the West Vir- ginia Regional Medical Program!” (newsletter). Published monthly; firat ‘issue: March 1968. “Regional Medical Program of Western New York” (newsletter). Published Periodically; first issue: September 1967. “The Regional Medical Program for Western New York” (2-fold leaflet), Background on the objectives of Re- gional Medical Programs and develop- ment of the Western New York Regional Medical Program. “‘Primary Needs’ Outlined in Battle Against Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke”. (press release, October 22, 1967). Futl text of a press release issued by the Western Pennsylvania Regional Medical Program Advisory Committee following its regular meeting of October 19, 1967. “The Wisconsin Regional Medical Pro- gram—How It Began... and Why” — (15-page booklet). Background infor mation on Regional Medical Programs in general; policy statement of the Re- gional Advisory Committee on coopera. tive arrangements within the Wisconsin Region; listing of the Board of Direc- tors and the Regional Advisory Commit- tee for the Wisconsin Regional Medical Program. : “WRMP Newsletter” (newsletter). vunrished bi-monthly; first issue: July 967. A hed Arte ope P ALLASIO TCA -5- INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS ALABAMA ALBANY CALIFORNIA _. CONNECTICUT ____ Published Nationally “Roepional Medical Program-—.Teart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” The Medi- cal Association of the State of Alabama Handbook for Comnselara and Deles qgaica, Called Meeting 1968, pages 21-24, “Albany Regional Medical Program Links Three States," Medical Trfbine, February 12, 1968. “Heart Associations That Have Reen Active in Programming—Albany, New York,” Heart and Toreh (American Hleart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 12-13. Fall 1967. “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Pro- grams, MDs,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times, April 15, 1967. Brayton, Donald F., M.D., “The UCLA Regional Medical Program,” UCLA Medicine, Report of the UCLA School of Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2. Fall 1967. . Ward, Paul D., “A Progress Report on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” The Bulletin (Los Angeles County Medical Association), November 2, 1967. “What about Regions within States— California,” Heart and Torch (Ameri- can Heart Aasociation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 13-14, Fall 1967. ‘Clark, Henry T., Jr., M.D., “Regional Medical Programs,” Hospital Practice (Editorial). March 1967. Ebbert, Arthur, Jr., M.D., “A Look at Public Law 89-239; The Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Program,” Connecs ticut Medicine, Vol. 30, No. 9, page 664. September 1966. Lawton, Robert P., “Regional Medical Programs: Biggest Bargain of the Age,” Hospital Topics. June 1967. Snoke, Albert Q., M.D., “Symposium on Health Services, HI. Local, Regional, and National Comprehensive Planning: The Role of the Teaching Hospital,” Journal of Medical Education, pages 474-475. April 1968. Weinerman, E. Richard, “Planning and Organization of the Connecticut Re- gional Medical Program,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6. June 1967. ty GEORGIA | __INTERMOUNTAIN ‘ot it Rattey, Louis I., M.D., “Georpia Re- gional Medical Program,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, payres JA1- 142, April 1967: “What Impact Will the morpia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Fdueation? Special Iasue: Public Law 89-229, Heart Jisease, Cancer, Stroke and Related J}jsenges.” Chambers, J. W., M.D., “A Unique Op- portunity for Leadership,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, Edi- torial, pare 157. April 1967: “What Im- pact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Educa- tion? Special Issye: Public Law 89-239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Re- lated Diseases.” “Innovative Plans for the Georgia Re- . gional Medical Program,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, pages 149- 151. April 1967: (Excerpted from the Georgia Regional Medical Program Ap- plication for Grant Awarded January 1, 1967.) “What Impact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education? Special Issue: Public Law 89-239, Heart Disease, _ Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases.” “‘Some of the Heart Associations That ‘Have Been Active in the Planning _ Stages—Georgia,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association, Vol. 15, : No. 8, pages 7-8. Fall 1967. ‘Williams, W. Loren, Ph.D., “Evaluation and the Georgia Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, pages 152-153. April 1967: What Impact Will the Georgia Re- gional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education?” Castle, C. Hilmon, M.D., “Regional Medical Programs: Implications for the Intermountain Area,” Rocky Mountain Medical Journal. January 1967, “Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming—Intermoun- tain,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 10-12. Fall 1967, Josephine, Sister Ann, C.S.C., Ph.D., “Yow the Intermountain Area is Devel- oping Its Regional Medical Program— A Report by an Administrator Actively Involved in the Planning,” Hospital . Progress, November 1967, “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Pro- grams, Local MI)’s,” Hoapital Practice, - pages 16-17. August 1967, oo Yee CRE ere ener ot AE pie BERS PY COepRERE TET On 1b -8y 2 por rrN army IOWA KANSAS —~ _ LOUISIANA - METROPOLITAN ... WASHINGTON, D.C. a? MICHIGAN ae MISSOURI ee ere Schmeck, Thareld Mo de.) “Natianal CEP ego ZNSGEEISE DPdrsensce oto Pesan with Four Regional Proyrramas,” The New York Times. April 15, 1967, “Some of the Jleart: Associations That Have Reen Active in’ the Planning Stages—lowa,’ Heart and = Tarch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, _No. 3, pages 8-9. Fall 1967. “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Pro- grams, Local MD's,” Hoapital Practice, ‘pages 16-17. Aupust 1967. “Regional Medical Planning and the _ State of Kansas,” Geriatrics, Geriscope: Medical Report from Washington, the Nation, and the World. October 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Campaign Against Discase to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times. April 15, 1967. Walker, Jack D., M.D., “Regional Medi- cal Programs—For Heart Disease, Can- cer, Stroke and Releated Disease for Kansas,” Journal of the Kansas Medical Society, Vol. LXVII, No. IV, pages 162- 165. April 1967. “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Planning Stages— Louisiana,” Heart and Torch (Ameri- can Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 6. Fall 1967. Mattingly, Thomas W., M.D., “The Re- gional Medical Program of Metropolitan Washington,” Medical Annals of the ' District. of Columbia, Vol. 36, No. 8, pages 186-188. March 1967. _ Sibery, D. Eugene, “See Creative As- «pects of Planning,” Hospital Topics. June 1967. “Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming—Missouri,” _ Heart and Torch (American Heart As- sociation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 9-10, Fall 1967. ‘“Meshing Smoothly: Regional Pro- grams, Local MD's,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. “Regional Program Brings Research Results to Bedside,” Afedical World News, Vol. 8, No. 36. September 8, 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times. April 16, 1967. MISSOURI MOUNTAIN STATES NEBRASKA- SOUTH DAKOTA NEW YORK METROPOLITAN. NORTH CAROLINA me ene tee ee nee ae one Wakerlin, George F., M.D., “Missouri - Regional Medical Program,” Afissourt Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), pares 90-94, Feb- ruary 1967. Grizzle, Claude O., M.D., “Regional - Medical Prorramming in Wyominr—a Subject of Vital Interest to All of Us in the Health Fields,” Rocky Mountain. Medical Journal. July 1967. “Some of the Heart Associations That Hfave Been Active in Planning Stages— Nebraska,” Heart and Torch (American... Heart Association), Vol. 5, No. 8, pages 2-4, Fall 1967, ‘ Delaney, C. Joseph, “President's Page,” » New York Medicine. March 1968. “Finding Instant Beds for Coronary Pa- tients,” Medical World News, April 12, 1968. James, George, M.D., “New York Physi- cian and the 1970’s: The Local Regional Medical Program for Heart Disease, | Cancer and Stroke,” New York Medt- cine, pages 194-6, 198, 200. April 1968. James, George, M.D., “Summation,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of- Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 6, pages 522-524. June 1967. McCormack, James E., “A Message. from the Director,” News Notes (The, New York Academy of Medicine), No. 17. February 1968. McCormack, James E., “The New York City Story,” Bulletin of the New York. Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6,. pages 515-521. June 1967. Jones, Frank W., M.D., “The Medical Society and the Regional Medical Pro- gram in North Carolina,” North Carol- lina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. Lyle, Carl B., Jr., M.D., “Education and Research in Community Medical Care: The University of North Carolina School of Medicine Approach,” Nortle Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Re- gional Medical Program. May 1967. Morgan, Ralph Siler, M.D., “Develop- ment of a Regional Medical Program in. Western North Carolina,” North Caro- lina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regionat Medical Program. May 1967. -9- NORTH CAROLINA Musser, Mare J., M.D., “The North ' Carolina Regional Medical Program,” - North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol, ‘ 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program, May 1967, “NIV Grant Shifts North Carolina’s Re- , gional Medical Program ta Operational \ Status,” Southern Hospitals, pages 17- 18, 20. April 1968. Ross, Robert A., M.D., “The Regional : Medical Propram: An Opinion,” North i Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. \ 5B: Special Issue: North Carolina Re- ersevivel Malioul Pracrany Moree 1967, . SITLL, Harvey Macy DUNEAL, |b rekbet-ereserice ing Operations of the Regional Medical Program,” North Carolina Medicat Journal, Vol. 28, No. 6: Special Issues ad North Carolina’ Regional Medical Pro- fram. May 1967, Williams, T. Franklin, M.D., and Wat- kins, Julia D., R.N., M.P.H.,, “Diabetic Consultation and Educational Services + A Feasibility Study,” North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medicat Program. May 1967. Woods, James W., M.D., “Intensive Coronary Care Units in Community. Hospitals: A_ Pilot Project,” North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5, Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967, OREGON “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in the Planning Stages—Oregon,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 7. Fall 1967. SOUTH Cardiovascular News and Notes for GAROLINA Physicians (South Carolina Heart Asso- ciation). August-September 1967 Issue: The Regional Medical Program (Vol. 2, No. 5). Baroody, N. B., M.D., “The Regional Medical Program,” Cardiovascular News and Notes for Physicians, Vol. 2, No. 5, page 1, August-September 1967, “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Planning Stages— South Carolina,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15,° No. 8, page 6. Fall 1967. Summerall, Charles, M.D., “20th Cen- { tury Epidemics,” Cardiovascular News and Notes for Physicians, Vol. 2, No. 5, - page 1. August-September 1967. _ WASHINGTON- ALASKA WESTERN: NEW YORK WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WISCONSIN -10- Healey, Louis A., Jr., M.D, “The Wash- ington-Alaska Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Resident Physician, pages 68-65, April 1968. Hogness, John R., M.D., “The North- west Program,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 494-503, June 1967. Results, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1968 issue of the Washington-Alaska Regional Medical Program Newsletter, published in Northwest Medicine, Vol. 67, No. 4, pages 397-400. April 1968. “Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program,” Bulletin, Spokane County Medical Society, pages 9, 11, 13. April 1968. “What About Regions Combining States —~Washington State and Alaska,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Associa- tion), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 14. Fall 1967. “Two-Way Telecommunication Net- work,” The Buffalo Medical Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, page 24. Summer 1968. “Federal Grant Supports Attack on. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke,” The Pitt Physician. Hirschboeck, John S., M.D., “The Wis- consin Regional Medical Program OP- ERATIONAL PROJECTS,” Wisconsin Medical Journal, Vol. 67, pages 181-184. March 1968. Ibid., “The Wisconsin Regional Medical. Program: OPPORTUNITY AND CHALLENGE,” Wisconsin Medical- Journal, Vol. 66, pages 223-224. May. 1967, Tbid., “Wisconsin Began Planning Be- fore Law Was Passed,” Hospital Topics, June 1967. -ll- - INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs ALABAMA Finney, J. O., M.D., “Development of the. . 7 Relationship Between the Medical As- sociation of the State of Alabama and: ' the Alabama Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Proceedings: Conference-Work. ' shon on Regional Medical Programa, ‘ Vol. H, pages 52-56 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Mason, Joseph J., Jr., “Council of Re< ae gional Planning Directors and Admin. istrators,” I[bid., pages 50-52. ALBANY Nelson, William P., III, M.D., “Coma munity Cancer Coordinators,” IJbid., pages 176-177. Oliver, Ward L., M.D., “Community In- formation Coordinators,” Ibid., pages 23-25. Phillips, John B., M.D., “Assurance of Adequate Therapy following Detection of Cervical Carcinoma,”. Ibid., pages 179-180. Woolsey, Frank M., M.D., “Community Hospital Learning Centers,” [bid., pages 103-106. ARKANSAS . Bost, Roger B., M.D., “The Regional ‘ ; Medical Program as a Means of Increas- ing the Morale of the Family Doctor,’* Ibid., pages 100-103. 7 CALIFORNIA _ Brayton, Donald J., M.D., “Watts-Wil- lowbrook Regional Medical Program,” Ibid., pages 45-50. Ward, Paul D., “The Impact of RMP on Hard Core Poverty Areas,” Ibid., pages 28-29, . CENTRAL Lyons, Richard H., M.D., “Use of a Tele« NEW YORK phone Network for Continuing Educa. tion,” [bid., pages 19-21, . — OT ae - 7 Sovie, Margaret, “Continuing Nursing | Education Using University Hospital Nursing Service Training Facilities,” " Idid., pages 124-126. COLORADO.- ‘WYOMING © CONNECTICUT | “6 GEORGIA GREATER DELAWARE VALLEY INDIANA -12- Cooper, William G., M.D., “The Use of a Multimedia Approach to Fnhanee the Learning of Health Science Personnel,” Ibid., pages 17-19. Cohart, Edward, M.D., “The Role of a School of Public Health in a Developing Regional Medical Program,” /bid., pages 42-44, Ives, John E., “Coordinating High Energy Radiation Therapy for 35 Gen- eral Hospitals,” [bid., pages 180-181. Riedel, Donald, Ph.D., and Hess, Orvan W., M.D., “A Study of Physician Office Practice in the Connecticut Region,” . Ibid., pages 86-92. Seipp, Conrad, M.D., “The Delineation of Subregional Health Service Areas as a Basic Step in Regional Medical Plan- ning,” Ibid., pages 59-62. Seligson, David, M.D., “Provision of Optimum Clinical Laboratory Services for 3,000,000 People,” Ibid., pages 4-6. Thompson, John D., “A Comprehensive . Utilization and Patient Information . Statistical System,” Ibid., pages 9-12. Weinerman, E. Richard, M.D., and Mor- rissey, Edward F., “Continuum of Long- Term Care within a Local Health Serv- ice Area,” Ibid., pages 96-99. Barrow, J. Gordon, M.D., “Involvement of Local Hospitals in the Regional Medi- cal Program by the Appointment of Local Hospital Advisory Groups,” [bid., pages 99-100. Angelides, M.D., McGowan, Larry, M.D., and Stankovich, Arthur S., “Sys- tems Approach to Planning,” Jbid., pages 85-86. Brown, Clement, M.D., “Continuing Ed- ucation Performance Deficits,” Jbid., pages 136-140. Spring, William C., Jr., M.D., and Bent- ley, Ward, “The Subregional Concept and Liaison Staff,” Jbid., pages 56-59. Feigenbaum, Harvey, M.D., “Flanner House Multiphasic Screening Program,” » Ibid., pages 12-18, ere -13- INTERMOUNTAIN —* IOWA KANSAS . MAINE METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. ': MISSISSIPPI | MISSOURI | Castle, C. Hilmon, M.D., “Community- Centered Continuing Medical FEduca- tion,” Ibid., pages 74-75. Tbid., “Systems for Collection and Anal- yais of Clinical Data on Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction,” [hid., pares 108-110. Gilson, John S., M.D., “Development of Receptive Attitudes toward New Ideas,” Tbid., pages 25-27. Haglund, Richard F., “An Experimental Model in Organization of a Regional Medical Program,” [bid., pages 144-150. Smart, Charles R., M.D., “Cancer Train- ing and Continuing Education and Com- puterized Tumor Registries,” [bid., page 178. Warner, Homer, M.D., and Budkin, A., M.D., “Clinical Data Collection with a Purpose,” Ibid., pages 162-166. Bartlett, John C., M.A., LL.B., “Comple- mentary Relationship between Iowa Re- gional Medical Program, Comprehen- sive Health Planning and Voluntary Comprehensive Health Planning: A Necessary Accomplishment,” /bid., pages 38-40, Krehl, Willard A., M.D., Ph.D., and Caldwell, Charles W., M.P.A., “The Role of the Voluntary Health Agencies in the Regional Medical Program in Iowa,” Ibid., pages 30-33. Lewis, Charles E., M.D., “Regional Ad- visory Group and Review Process,” Ibid., pages 62-65. Thurston, Hester, “Nursing in the Re- _ gional Medical Programs: Alliance for Better Care,” Ibid., pages 121-123. Robertson, George, M.D., “Guest Restf- dent Program,” [bid., pages 134-136. Mattingly, Thomas W., M.D., Chiazze, Leonard, Jr., Sc.D., and Xavier, Mal, “Survey of Continuing Education of the Physicians in Metropolitan Washing- - ton,’ [bid., pages 75-82. Smith, Robert, M.D., “Experiences with a Stroke Care Demonstration Unit," Ibid., pages 106-108. Packer, James B., M.D., and Van Peenen, Hubert J., M.D., “Biochemical Screening in Missouri,” /Jbid., pages 9, nner ocean ee me I -14- MOUNTAIN | STATES " NSRBRASKA- | SOUTH DAKOTA NEW_YORK . METROPOLITAN | ‘NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND . NORTHWESTERN '. OHIO OHIO VALLEY ' OREGON TENNESSEE _ MID-SOUTH Stephenson, William, Ph.D., “Communi- cation Research Unit,” [bid., pages 22- 23, Turner, Glenn O., M.D., Auner, Cecil R., M.1)., and McKinsey, John J., M.Y., “Ozarks Regional Comprehensive Car- diovascular Care Unit,” Jbid., pages 113-116. Larson, Laura G., M.A., “The Design and Dissemination of Data Collecting Instruments,” [bid., pares 167-168. dlermann, John B., and Carnazzo, An- thony J., M.1)., “Dataphone ECG Con- sultation: A Model for Extension of Medical Center Services to Community Hospitals,” Jbid., pares 117-119. Esselstyn, Caldwell B., M.D., “Ap- proaches to Evaluation of a Regional Medical Program,” [bid., pages 82-84. Larkin, Vincent dePaul, M.D., “Prob- lems in Developing the Role of Medical Schools in a Regional Medical Pro | gram,” Ibid., pares 40-42. Robbins, Guy F., M.D., “A Cooperative Project for the Care of Cancer Patients by Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases,” Ibid., pages 169-172. Wennberg, John E., M.D., “Cost-Benefit . Analyses—Limitations and Uses,” Jbid., pages 110-112. Burns, Edward L., M.D., “Cooperative Community Health Program,” I[bid., pages 173-175. McBeath, William H., M.D., “Skeleton Program in Continuing Education and Clinical Research,” Jbid., pages 140-144, Grover, M. Roberts, M.D., “A Proposed Circuit Postgraduate Program in Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related Diseases in the Oregon Region,” /bid., pages 65-68. Christman, Luther, Ph.D., R.N., “Ex- periment to Test and Implement a Model of Patient Care in Hospitals,” Ibid., pages 15-17. Elam, Lloyd C., M.D., “Health Evalua- tion Studies Utilizing a Multiphasic _ Screening Center Operating in Coopera- tion with a Comprehensive Health Care Program for Persons in an Urban Pov- erty Area,” Ibid., pages 1-4. -15- WASHINGTON- Lein, John N., M.D., “The Information ALASKA and Education Resource Support Unit,” Ibid., pares 68-71. Robinette, Tasker K., “Small Commu- nity Planning,” [bid., pages 34-36. Sharp, Lawrence J., Ph.D., “Consumer Health Care Survey,” /bid., pares 93-95. Thompson, William R., “Multiproject Planning,” Ibid., pages 150-152. Yarnall, Stephen, M.D., “Experience | — with the WARMP Mockup Coronary Care Unit,” Ibid., pages 119-121. WEST Wilbar, C. L., Jr., M.D., “Unusual Pro- VIRGINIA. gram for Continuing Education of Phy- sicians at Grassroots Level,’ Ibid., _ pages 72-74. ad WESTERN- Sultz, Harry A.; Fortune, John; Feld- NEW YORK man, Joseph; and Moutsatsos, Spero, ‘ “Yealth Manpower Survey of Western New York,” /bid., pages 126-133. WESTERN Bell, Louise, “Development of a Re- PENNSYLVANIA gional Medical Program Data Source Book,” Ibid., pages 160-162. Martz, E. Wayne, M.D., and Hough, Howard, “Coordination of Comprehen-, sive Health Planning and Regional Medical Program Activities in Western, Pennsylvania,” [bid., pages 36-38. WISCONSIN Gustafson, David H., Ph.D., Nutt, Pauk C., and Nadler, Gerald, Ph.D., “A Sys, tems Approach to Regional Medical Pro-, gram Planning,” Jbid., pages 152-160, & -]6- REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL, Published Nationally “A National Program to Conquer Heart Disease, Cancer. and Stroke,” The Journal of the American Medical Asso-. ciation, Vol. 192, No. 4. April 26, 1965. “A New Stage at Hand for U.S. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke Plans,” Medical Tribune, Vol. 8, No. 57. May 20-, 21, 1967. “A Plan to Extend Region Programs 5 Years Is Urged, Medical News from Washington, Medical Tribune. April 15, 1968, Ackerman, Stephen J., “Region Medical Programs,” Public Health Reports, Vol, 82, pages 404-406. May 1967, “AMA Suggests a 8-Year Limit on Regional Medical Pro- grams,” Washington News, Journal of the American. Medical Association, Vol. 204, No. 8, pages 49-50. April 15, 1968. Bennett, Robert L., M.D., “The Regional Medical Program,”* Contact (Newsletter of the Georgia Warm Springs Foun- dation), Vol. IV, No. 3. July 1967. Burgess, Alex M., Jr., Colton, Theodore, Peterson, Osler L., “Categorical Programs for Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke,” The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 273, No. 10. September 2, 1965. Callahan, Barbara, “Regional Medical Programs Taking. Giant Steps,” Hospital Progress, Vol. 48, No. 8, pages 78-83. March 1967. Ibid., “Those Regional Medical Programs: Where the Action Will Be,” Hospital Progress, Vol. 47, pages 57-64. Decem- . ber 1966. “Care-for-All Concept Exerting New Pressures,” Medical Tribune (Part XI in “Health Manpower: Factors of Crisis’), page 1. April 29, 1968. Clark, Henry T., Jr., M.D., “Regional Medical Programs’ (Editorial) , Hospital Practice. March 1967. Ibid., “Shaping the Hospital for its Future Role,” Hospitals,” | Vol. 40, pages 49-53. February 1, 1966. Ibid., “The Challenge of the Regional Medical Programs. Legislation,” The Journal of Medical Education, Vol. Al, April 1966, Cobb, Carl M., “90% Behind Nation in Regional Medicine," Phe Ravtan Clahe: Tannary 90 1987 * DLUHLUPENce ON SVUPIUELTUL WWLEUICUL OF POMP ARNIS PUACHINUS 1 1anS for Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” The Modern Hospital, Vol. 108, No. 2, pages 79-80. February 1967. “Continuing Medical Education—Does It Matter?” (KEdi« torial), Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol, 197, No. 6, pages 505-506. August 8, 1966. Dempsey, Edward W., Ph.D., “The Case for Regional Medi« a Complexes,” Medical Opinion and Review. October ne tee -17- “Dentistry May Be Included in Area Health Centers,” Wash- ington Report, Dental Survey, pares 17, 19, 21. January 1968. Dodge, Harold T., “Regional Medical Program for Heart, Cancer and Stroke,” The Journal of the Medical Associa- tion of the State of Alabama, Vol. 36, No. 7. January 1967. Evans, Robert L., M.D., “Hospitals and Regional Medical Programs: A Plea for Coordinated Action,” Hospitals, pages 62-58, 114. Nerember 16, 1967, “Evolution or Revolution in American Medicine,” Afodern Medicine, pages 8-16, June 21, 1965. Fishbein, Morris; M.D., “The Regional Programs” (Edi- torial), Medical Wor ld News, page 104. May 10, 1968. “Four Applications For Region Plans To Be Considered,” Medical Tribune, Vol. 8, No. 13. February 16, 1967. Gehrig, Leo J., M.D., “Symposium on Health Services, I. Comprehensive Planning for Health,” Journal of Medicat Education, pages 467-468. April 1968. ‘“Get Together If You Want a Regional Grant,” The Modern Hospital, Vol. 107, No. 2. August 1966. “Health Programs in Five Regions Given Appraisal,” Medi- cal News from Washington, Medical Tribune. February 22, 1968. Hill, Lister, “A Program to Combat Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” The Enquirer, Boonville, Indiana. November 1965. Hogness, John R., M.D., “The Northwest Hospital,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 6, _ pages 495-503. June 1967. Huston, Phillips, “Do We Need Those Regional Complexes?” Medical Economics. June 28, 1965. “Impressive Start Seen in Programs on Major Disease,” Medical News from Washington, Medical Tribune. November 30, 1967. James, George, M.D., “Implications of the Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Programs, an Interpretation,” Medical Opinion and Review. October 1966. Ibid., “Summation,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 522-524. June 1967. Lavin, John H., “What Regional Care Can Mean To You,” Medical Economics, pages 70-79. May 27, 1968. - Marston, Robert Q., M.D., “An Assault Upon Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke” (Guest Editorial), Journal of Re- habilitation, Vol. 33, No. 5. September-October 1967. Tbid., “Regional Medical Programs, A New Health Program in a Changing Society,” The American Oxonian, Vol. LV, No. 1, pages 18-24. January 1968. Ibid., “Regional Medical Programs: A Review,” Bulletin of the New York Acadeny of Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 6, pages 490-494. June 1967. ' Ibid., “Regional Medical Programs Begin Second Year,” U.S, Medicine, Vol. 8, No. 25-27. January 1, 1967. fbid., “Regional Medical Programs: First Year in Review,’* Public Health Reports, Vol. 82, No. 8. March 1967. 11. April 8, 1968, -18- Rbid., “The Regional Medical Programs for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases,” Proceedings of the Symposium, Catastrophic ItIness: Impact on Favilies, Challenge to the Professions, Cancer Care Inc. of the Na. tional Cancer Foundation, pages 37-42. Marston, Robert Q., M.D., and Mayer, William D., M.D., “The Interdependence of Regional Medical Programs and: Continuing Education,” The Journal of Medical Educa- tion, Vol. 42, No. 2, pages 119-125. February 1967. 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Local, Regional, and National Comprehensive Planning: The Role of the Teaching Hospital,” Journal of Medical Education, pages 478-475. April 1968. ‘Snyder, James D., and Enright, Michael J., “Regional Medi- cal Programs: A Progress Report,” Hospital Manage- ment, pages 36-38. April 1967. “Statement of Policy on the Report of the President’s Com- mission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” Bulletin, American College of Surgeons, Vol. 51, No. 2. March- April 1966. ‘Stewart, William H., M.D., “How We're Conquering thé Three Greatest Killer Diseases,” Family Weekly, pages * 6-7. September 10, 1967. co et IOI Ibid., “Regional Medical Programs,” Medical Tribune. July 6, 1966. §Surgeon General Urges Expansion of the Regional Medical Programs,” The Washington Post, page M3. November 9, 1967. 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Excerpts of Testimony and Materials Presented on March 26 and 27, 1968 Re: Sections of H.R. 15758 Relative to Regional Medical Programs before the Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare of the Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, Second Session (see page 25 for full - teat reference). Listing of Communications and Public Information Staff of - Regional Contacts in the Regions, March 1968. Guidelines—Regional Medical Programs (Revised May 1968). Proceedings: Conference on Regional Medical Programs, January 15-17, 1967 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Proceedings: Conference-Workshop on Regional Medical Programs, in two volumes, January 17-19, 1968 (PHS Publication No. 1774): Volume I: Plenary Sessions * Panel and Discussion Groups ® Related Background Information on Conference-Workshop (Appendices) Volume II: 15-Minute Papers on Regional Activities and Ideas Progress Report—Regional Medical Programs, April 1, 1968. 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