NEW FILE BEGINS oc # /€3 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pawoce GQereaer’s BOULEVARD UPPER MARLEDRD, MARYLAND 20772 ° UBA © (3D1) 249-2311D | RMP SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY | - RM COI JULY/AUGUST 1074 Dev “Wy tt a Application - This application requests $870,329 for support of $259,851 of core staff (to be reconsidered), $73,735 for 3 feasibility studies and $677,918 for thirteen projects. Since June Council recommended $309,000 (100,000 below review committee) the region has requested reconsideration for its program staff support. Of the 13 projects submitted for support: . six are new ($192,474 or 28.3%) . three are ongoing ($263,955 or 38.9%) , . . four are revised-projects, $221,484 or 37% About 47% of the project dollars are assumed at increasing the availability of services for the medically underserved. A follow-up letter addressing two CHP negative comments will be forthcoming. I E0/7/15/74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMVENRATION Criticue: ta —on “WoTsT90G UOT ALLE TTY LSINDIY WLOL iAd-WSO LSANOZY LISULAGNI “€sanuse LIANG SUIL LNINGdnOD : : So ; : - SO YA 90d ' , VZINAOD ¥L/90 . . soe NOY Ad SLNINUdHO) ‘ ONIS AUNT GULS 1NOTy dwOD ' . ° ; 000‘ Ree” 909* 122" 084 *9OrT | GeTESLS ~ SWLOL NOISSY TOT mt sens smanns en go ~-"SLNSNOdWOD aD eee eee seas aoe ee - wee of ne ~~ - - Aemiles Wecette eae ee Ce em ees meee wee ene cee ewe ees ee ener L99°HT L99*%T LEST — ORSFET - W3LSAS a3 HLTH NN3d IWSANSDHLBON = THO _ 2ag° tl (L9981T —— S6TSE. the B HATLYOSNOD oa HLTH VINVAIASNN3d Wins? OS OVO 70-7. o00%e9 == D00*ET = OOF OG oe ee NVI HLTH 93Y AIG ONILVLITIOVS | 4002 o00'S 0049 __ OOE*T 0004s —— . _ SISATVNY Viva INaILvd LNYINEHY = =—TOOD 999 °90€ (—2268S79— BHB*LZT Cs HAT BOY a SAVLS WYEODNd = =OCOD GN NwgL! ~ “AVA ‘anosns yh AVA RMP _ SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY. RM 00059 __ May Ja UNE 197A RENT EW ° Requast: $721,606 Committee Recommendation: $400,000 Overall assessment by individual reviewers: Below average - Critique: The Committee expressed concern over the lack of planning for present and Future activities. I The application appeared | to be essentially a rebuilding of their budget. The request was primarily for staff support and a request to fill 10 vacant positions, plus support for 2 projects. Committee recommended $250,000 in program staff support, $60,000, for grantee costs and $95,000 for ongoing projects. This would in effect give SVRMP some room for expansion as well as keep the remaining 14 positions. Further hiring should cease until a definite program can be identified. Committee recommended a site visit to this region prior to Council meeting or if this could not be arranged, to have key representation of the program visit DRMP to provide additional .information regarding future plans for the program. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: $705 , 860 E0/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 7 June 13-14, 1974 pe _——— ae . Council recommended that the Susquehanna Valley RMP application be funded at the level of $300,000 rather sthan $400,000. A sptrited exchange took place between Council reviewers and DRMP staff who had met with the SVRMP RAG chairman, Grantee official and Coordinator which resulted in Council upping its initial recommendation by $100,000. TTT aoe -DRMP FUNDING: DECISION = - - 9338, 000 ; £0/7/3/74