FILE BEGINS - ‘Dee # /I 300 Pewce GQeoane's BDBULEVARD UPPER MARLSORD, ManryLanpd 20772 ° USA © (3501) 2429-53115 SOUTH CAROLINA RMP RM 00035 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW: Application: This application requests $1,473,303. The award made to SCRMP on June 28, 1974, was in the amount of $2,090,375, $909,625 less than was requested. This request contained the $909,625 plus $500,000 for new proposals. This application provides further information on the "Six Areas of Initiative" that was of concern to both Committee and Council in the May 1, 1974 application. CHP comments are enclosed. Seven CHP agencies have indicated they will not be able to comment until after mid-July. Support is requested for SCRMP through 8/31/75. DRMP/DOD/7-16-74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS : Critique: — eet errno ve oe a 3 3 on = a Sete = a ae . gad” . S al 7 I. 0000S ... 000°SS 000‘0S 000‘ s¢ OS‘ YT 056 ‘61 000" Ss 000‘ 0z OS7°8T 2TR ET 002°2Z 000° SzT 000°S9_ 000'SZ. . 09009 0 ZSS°ZIT T@L‘€8T 00s ‘Es OSZ° SE. 6S6‘°SLT O8€‘L6¥ UTS tI9q UOTIBIOTTY 000'0s 0090%s¢ ooofos a00* 9° ——— g0gsst o | o0s*s oO _ o0ste 0 . 00ST oO 0004 LT 0SL*6 os2*s2 0004€T o00*ZzeE s0349 S64*ES B6LETS 2S4*S9 9 000%zE 7") JSAnoay L935uT0 LSSN03Y LIAYIGNI 6TTSOTLtz” QNILSIT SGNN3 G3LSANDSY | “"SWioL NOLQSY orp em PE = SF ENINGGWOD ad ; . ft ae YSaLMOIN 3SUNnN 060 — ; : . NV 1d HLTA HVANYAVS waddn 689) _ _ ; - ADIALS $ Wa ABINADI “OT 880 _ _ ee - 7 ne. _NV'Id HLIH Sid MYWYIOZN _ E807 ne ee cet beeen nee Sad av YASSY WAG 980 . ; oo A¥LaWISOd NOLLYIGYY AIOICNOIO _ _ 80 ee ; BUY AYOLVINGHY ACUdHT SACGHLSN SONTISNO _ 780 ae BAND GAH OHBG BO _ ALND NOLSSTYVHD SaWW OVE AOALS LdAH 280 — _asva ¥Yiva HLTH SGIMVIYY VOMVIVD _ Tee ee _. _.. SULIL LN3NOdWOD 7 oo. _dnO9 7 —WaLN33 HLA ~ 90 WA 90UdG “ YNIWORYI S| nod ¥L1/90 aon ~ Toss wrote ° . NOI’ a SLNSNOdHOD . - _ - “HL6T*STt AV | SOUTH CAROLINA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM RM 00035 MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW. Request: $3,000,000 Committee Recommendation: $2,200,000 Overall Assessment by Individual Reviewers: Average/Above-Average Critique: Members of the Review Committee agreed that this was one of the better applications from an obviously matured program. The region has established goals and objectives with priorities carefully spelled outs They are making a real attempt, in their cooperation with the CHP and other agencies, to solve the health authority problem. During the last 18 months the region has made good progress in restructuring its RAC by disciplines of members as well as geographic representation. South Carolina RMP is considered to have an excellent local review process. They were considered to have an experienced program staff under strong leadership. There are many divergent political forces at work in the region at the present time, both medical and administrative, that affects the future of the health care agencies in this area. The Regional Medical Program may emerge as the agency to provide a platform to the resolution of the health care problems in the delivery system. In arriving at the reduced funding level, members of the Committee were not convinced that the rather large amounts requested for activities had not had time to be completely reviewed under the local review process. For example, escrowed funds were requested for: regionalization of services; for health manpower development and improvement; for strengthening of quality assurance efforts and several other activities which the region was interested in to accomplish its objectives. In arriving at the reduced funding level, the reviewers also did not believe that these particular activities were sufficiently developed at this time to allow for proper review by this Committee. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated Request as of May 1974: $500,000 a SCOB/DRMP wae one enn nnn nn nnn nn ne nnn ne enn wecnnn 6/6/74 --eennnr econ noon cnn NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL: June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. Also, the Council recommended SOUTH CAROLINA RMP Page 2 that “the following restriction be placed on the use of Division of Regional Medical Program funds by this region: that the use of grant funds to support project #32F - Health Services Development Initiative (Phase II),be contingent upon assurances being provided Division of Regional Medical Programs of acceptance by CHP (a) and (b) agencies and the South Carolina Health Policy cy and Planning Council. we DRMP FUNDING DECISION: $2,090,374 DRMP/SCOB | 7/2/74 :