NEW © FILE | BEGINS — Doe #/79 300 Pewce Qeoarove'’s BouLzvanp RiP PUERTO RICO RM 00065 ey JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW This application requests $131,335 for support of one new project. "Services in Hereditary Disease" for the period 9/74 to 6/75. There is no request for additional funding of program staff, etc., as those costs were covered by the May 1 application for which 661,187 was awarded. i A letter of CHP endorsement of the proposed project is included in this application. There are no projects of concern to PSRO, Kidney, Arthritis, EMS, or HRP interests. E0/7/15/74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Critique: Ing. | ana apeTeteTI re RMP PUERTO RECO RM 00065__ MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW Request: | $695,862 Committee Recommendation: _ $695,862 Overall assessment by individual reviewers? Above average | | . . . | Critique: Previous concerns of reviewers had brought future funding of this program into serious question. A site visit was conducted in January 1974 to deal with the previous concerns in anticipation of this application. The primary reviewer, having participated in the January site visit, expressed complete satisfaction with the findings and indicated that previous concerns stemmed more from problems of communication than from programmatic inadequacies. On the strength of the site visit experience plus his review of this application, he recommended funding in the full amount requested, This recommendation was concurred in by the secondary reviewer and unanimously adopted by Panel B. { JULY /AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: $300,000 . \ £0/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $661,187 £0/7/2/74