NEW ‘FILE Dee + /78 OREGON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM RMOO0012 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW Application: Requests $148,693 for five new projects. The $35,000 requested for project No. 40 District #6 Comprehensive Health Plan is not a duplication of the COOJ CHP Agency Priorities activity included at $100,000 in the May 1 application, Had the ORMP been funded at the Council recommended level for 7/74-6/75, it would have had adequate funds to cover the District #6 request. In revising it proposed 7/74-6/75 budget to align with the July 1 award, ORMP decided to reduce the COOJ CHP Agency Priorities activity budget, since the District #6 pro- posal would not be ready for implementation until September. The application contains all comments received from CHP agencies. The Program Staff has been further enhanced with the return, on a temporay basis, of the former Coordinator for Program Administation of ORMP. ¢ JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Critique: ‘ WO/DRMP 7/15/74 * is \ . / t . > 7 4 . pee ee memento ee ee — me et : OREGON RMP ovenyied sae 6/75 * WOfDRMP 37/5/74 ‘ (1/76-6f26 Award - 7/74-6/75 Request - 9/74-6/75 Request) a) QQ). _--£3) 4) (5) 1 _ ’ ’ ; . $ — ; | . | Award | Request Request eds Reaves No. Conponent i 1/74 5 6/74 74h = 617519176 ~ 6795) 4 774.6)75 A peas : ' po pots potecs} eee eee | ae coo Program State Adntntstration 144,064 633, 330 -0+ 633,330 . COOA Patient Orgin Study . ; od. 25,532 | 33, oe" to. 33,988 . - 4 . _ COOB Statewide Peer Reviews t _ 24,000 “oe °0- -0- . coop Hypertension Contro) \. 29,422 -0- 90+ _o0e- . . Loe ; r co to “| tafe me Pe PS = 1 *]- -. twee be ne COOE Renal Discese “4 { 22,180 2,800 -0- 2,800 : Pertenece pone ce wee fee PUNE 4 : - + COOP Cancer Program | i ’ 10,'519 ° 11,780" -0- 11,780 x pone mee ty - -feo . ot oe - coos "| EMS Consultation ‘ 48,593 158,910" 2 02 158,910 . 1 f - 4 - }. se : . . . | COOK quality Assurance: | O0- 21,358" 20- _ 21,358 . ’ : a . ‘ COOI’} Shared Services Pan. oy Area aie ~0~ ~0- . =0- . , ( cooy | CHP Agency Priorities Funded VV 1-$40, 136] 26, 239 100, an -0- 100,000 COCK Family sett Help baueation Program : - , 650" 20- 9,650 : COOL Peer navies Quality Assurance , : +0- "13,509" . 0+ 13,509 . woe 1 . cee Pee BO BD . ° - _ COM Chicano Health Task Force . . 4 -70- 5,000 , 0- 5,000 lee ' wee ee eb eee de ee Be eb . ve t Crs . _ 18 Remote ce Honttortng, 4 ' 39.958 27,708* Q- 27,708 . weteree ste wey ot fee abee- dpe tee oe ne we 22 | mr Training! ‘ | ‘ -b- 1s] 48,076* “09 48,076 wees oe cece ae weed a one fas — 25 | Stroke Rehab. ' - -0- 3/| 29,696* Oe. 29,696 wee . he eee a ~~ on . 1 . - 28 | Croup Porehasing i “10,468 1, soo* 20- 7,500 . 29 Heaith pata Inforration Systen Yo, 18,140 cs 620* "200 16,620 rd eb wwe ae | = se tee ge cme we eb ’ . e o Sr | ye Bank | I: { . : -0- 22,823" + Oe 22,823 : ween . ae dee fae ed ceedien Jee poo. de ft : 7 . . - 33 ENS District Organiztion . 25,056 32,275" 0-2 32,275 a wa ek bok wee fe fe ete: wo ete: tee ~ _ , 3 Nogte Training’ tsp. i , , . 24,334" -0- 24,336 ewes eee t t-- 3 tee de pees ee fees | wee . 7 + 36 NeEe Oregon. Medical Planning Comme ' - . ~0- . 8,708 8,708 3 Conintty-Hide Patient Pduveation Progra -0- -0- 31,100 31,100 on : - : . ‘ - 38 Health Planning bevelopnent Project . +O- 0~- 30,455 30,455 eee - bey . ‘ | . . - 39 Diabetic Screening and Education Frogras -0- “or 43,430 ~ 63,430 . . wee er) -- 4 cae . . . - ‘ . 40 District 16 cup t~ { | { 20- -0- 35,000 35,000 : an ‘ : ( : . —_ . | | TOTAL 1,201, 357 | 148,693 {1,350,050 . . ee fe a 1 . : ‘ s., , | Recomended by June, NAC = Column (4), Only | ‘3h,201,357 | “148,693 {2{te350,050- 7 : . 7 ! ; nog a . Funded by omar If /% Colum (4) onty' | 141,493 | 148,693" ]1,290,186 2" f > wot ae Ts oe . eres : . . ‘ For \ onatdoratton by July/August Review ‘ send 148,693 148,693 tite tt U/( Funds avatlable from previous award) FA ee 7 a . io: © SLL al a L t. wed A . boo. ; ’ (AL ocat ton from TAN Award). - RMP Oregon RM 000 12 MAY /JUNE 1974 REVIEW JULY /AUGUST REVIEW Request: $_ 1,201,357 Committee Recommendation: $ 1,201,357 Overall assessment by individual revicwers: Superior . | | Critique: As in the past, Oregon has continued to be an exemplary, well- managed program with strong leadership. The Region has a viable Regional Advisory Board with a good review process. The relationships with CHPs are good. These agencies are apparently involved in program planning. New staff has and is being recruited to fill existing vacancies. The ongoing and proposed activities are well- ~developed and in line with program objectives. The Committee recommends that this application be approved at the requested level. Estimated request as of. May 1974:" $200,000 _ NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $1,141,493 _ WOB/ = 7/2/74 SPOR IN ge ow Saal