- NEW FILE BEGINS i300 rrmmce a eouevane RMP Oklahoma RM 000 = 23 JULY/ AUGUST 1974 REVIEW CYCLE The May 1 application included a request of $1,382,243 for the support of program staff and staff components ($483,687) and 11 projects. ($898,556). The NAC approved the application in the amount of $1,062,237. The funding level was set at $1,009,503. In addition, $66,050 was approved for the pilot arthritis center project. Application: The Oklahoma application requests $460,735 for the Support of 3 "new" discrete projects. Two of them requesting total support of $111,135, relate to two primary program objectives: 1 enhancing rural hospital management and improving quality; 2) organization of a 5th Regional Health Development Area Program, for Oklahoma City Metropolitan area facilities, thus achieving Statewide coverage of voluntary cooperation among regional health providers, focusing on manpower resources develop- ment, sharing services, containing costs and improving availability of services. The third proposal, sponsored by the Oklahoma Health Planning Commission is broad and comprehensive in. scope, not too well conceived, systems oriented and far too ambitious. Some elements are routine and others too comprehensive for achievement in the short time frame. The areas which build on ORMP program objectives and the RHDAP organizations, appear to have the greatest potential. Project should be reduced in scope, and emphasize areas which can have the most impact on the State's health care activities. MCO 7/15/74 RMP__ OKLAHOMA RM 00023 MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW Request: $1,382,243 Committee Recommendation: $1,062,237 Overall assessment by individual reviewers: Average and below average; the latter was based on review of the application, before the opportunity to study a comprehensive statement regarding the RHDAP concept and objectives. Critique: Reviewers noted that the program had turned around from a heavily oriented continuing professional medical education emphasis to health care delivery, promotion of areawide institutional participation and regionalization, with primary emphasis on quality of care improvement, sharing of services, and cost containment. Concerns were expressed regarding the additional staff requested (7 new positions) and the vagueness of staff component activities. Questions were raised as to consumer and community involvement. Staff pointed out that the RHDAP concept stems from the Health Services Education activities, initiated through community-wide institutional consortia, beginning with the coronary care monitoring program and the telelecture conferences, with emphasis on manpower development. These activities involve community hospitals, local health institutions and organizations. Reviewers observed the strengths which result from the furthering of community hospital and educational institution consortia, with outreach to rural areas with limited resources. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: $448 ,000 MCO 6/4/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. i DRMP funding decision - $1,009,305 MCO 7/2/74