NEW © FILE BEGINS Doe 173 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pence Qeorer’s BourLrvarp UPPrcr MARLEDRD, MARYLAND 20772 ° UBA * (351) 249-p11D RMP NEW YORK METRO RM 050 58 . JULY/AUGUST 1974 PEVITW The New York Metro application requests $2,053,795 to support two new staff activities and 13 new projects. Four (4) of the 13 projects have proposed end dates of 6/30/76, while the remaining 9 are proposed for one year of support, 9/1/74 to 8/31/75. The two new staff activities proposed are: "End-Stage Renal Disease Organizing Unit" and "Improvement of Care of Respiratory Patients." The New York Metro CHP Agency endorsed the application. * EO/7/16/74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Critiaua: Pinto A MAY /JUNE 1974 REVIEW te, RMP NEW YORK METRO RM 00058 Request: $6,417,005 Committee Recommendation: $2,500,000 Overall assessment by individual reviewers: _Average Critique: This application requesting $6.4 million for two years, was reviewed in depth by two reviewers, one of whom had only the written’ word to study and the other who had been on the site visit two years ago.: Both 7 reviewers were impressed-with the proposed projects that address a real need in New York--namely, a better network among the clinics and the’ public and private hospitals. But the reviewer who was a former site visitor was also impressed with the improvements that had accrued in this program despite phase-out and other uncertainties--the change in grantee, the quality of staff ‘leadership and the increased functioning of the Regional Advisory Group. The Committee was concerned about the advisability of initiating projects that needed at least two years funding which was requested; but they concluded that -a number of the projects represented the culmination of several years planning and development, that the projects were needed, and that other sources of funds may be forthcoming if the initial efforts prove effective. The Committee felt that additional staff were needed. In consideration of the population served . by this RMP and their health needs, the quality of the proposed projects and the improvement in the management and grantee-RAG relationships, the Committee recommends that this application be approved at.$2.5 million level and that this region be given a high priority for distribution of funds in the July- August review. , JULY /AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974:° $2,000 ,000 E0/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 - Council agreed with Review Committee that. the New York Metropolitan RMP was much improved.and had proposed some much needed activities for this difficult area. Council recommended that the application be funded at $3,000,000 rather than 2,500,000. DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $2,850,510 E0/7/3/74