B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pewce Geoese’s ROULEVARD UPPER MARLSORD, MaRYLandD 2O772 e USA ° (301) 249-5110 RMP Missouri RM 000 09 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW CYCLE The Missouri May 1 application was approved by the NAC in the amount of $2,364,333 (a reduction from the request of $3,010,113). The funding level was set at $2,246,518. The request for arthritis pilot center was not approved. Particular attention was caljed to the EMS activities which appeared fragmented. The Region advises DRMP that the Governor's EMS Council will forward a letter to provide evidence of EMS project approvals. (A restriction was placed on project #119 - PSRO related.) The Region was informed of concerns regarding the proposal for 6 District Liaison Officers to coordinate planning, and is modifying its program budget accordingly. Application: The Missouri application requests $1,082,381 for 23 projects (twice the initial estimate of $500,000). To be noted is the shifting in priority areas: Health Manpower Education and Development is first, displacing EMS which is now fourth; second and third priority areas relate to ambulatory care and integrated health delivery systems. Renal disease activities are fifth. The projects are arranged by area of program emphasis in order of priority. The most impressive and those with greatest potential impact are the education and manpower development activities. The ambulatory care proposals, with the exception of a few, lack cohesiveness and the third priority area include a number of routine base data activities related to planning. The Region recognizes the uncertainty with regard to the EMS activities. : - : MCO 7/15/74 RMP MISSOURL Ri 00099 __ MAY /WUEH 1974 REVIEW Requests $3,010,113 Commit tee Recommendations $2,364 ,333 Overall assessment. by individual reviewers? _, Average & Superior (The latter is compared with other RMPs) Critique: ; Continuity of staff is a major strong feature. Program has turned around from heavy bio-engineeving, computerized-systems analysis approach to regionalized activities. ‘ Program is considered overambitious, especially in view of the short time frame. Concerns were expressed regarding staff increases for already well staffed central office, and proposed new staff component activities. Re- viewers found the request for new staff for coordinating health resources planning and development of a pilot model, in anticipation of new Federal legislation, unnecessary. The data analysis activities proposed for planning purposes lack imagination and appear to be routine. Lengthy discussion involved the numerous EMS proposals: continuation of several ongoing activities and 11 new subcomponents, altogether requiring ebout $600,000. Reviewers expressed concern about the large proportion of ‘ funding requested for what appear to be fragmented EMS activities. They stated that the RMP should be certain that there is a State Plan, to assure ‘ that components are coordinated as parts of a comprehensive system. JULY /AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974:° $500,000. MCO 6/4/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRMP funding decision - $2,246,518 MCO 7/2/74