NEW FILE BEGINS ec #/S 70 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pewee Grcvener'’s BoULevaRD UPecr MARLEDRD, MarrLanD ZO77Z *& UBA ° (301) 249-D11b RMP INDIANA RMif 00043 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW Application: This application requests $531,841. Of this total, $150,000 is for the support of feasibility studies, and $381,841 for the support of seven new proposals. The amount requested as contractual service or feasibility studies, as a part of the program staff component, is to be used in the following developmental activities: 1) assessment of patinet care in health facilities (Central Indiana); 2) development of a mathematical model of Indiana's Health Delivery System; 3) fesearch in primary care; 4) regionalization of continuing education for nursing home administration; 5) regionalization of perinatal and infant care to reduce infant Iléss; 6) a statewide occupational therapy consultancy project; and 7) developmental support for regionalized home health care services. In the Indiana RMP May 1 application, the region requested $600,000 as a part of the Program Staff Component to support discrete developmental activities. There were some questions as to actually what these activities would be. On page 33, Program Staff, under A. Specific Activities Undertaken, the region reports its progress to date for some of the major activities i.e., EMS, CHP, Information, Education, and Referral Programming, etc. The region has added two highly qualified people to program staff to assist in these and future developmental activities. Both CHP(a) and (b) agency comments are included as a part of this application. A negative review by one of these agencies renders the review and approval by RAG as conditional pending the resolution of any problems or issues raised. DRMP/OD/7~-15-74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Critique: . . wee . . _ a ae ae ee vue ee ee oe wee ne waceee ee Mae io eee ee . : ve veletecn Gene ete newest meee ee es cornea enn ae O6L‘8S9‘T °° 6STSIZ25T ~ O2€4LZ9 ~- 6EBFESt4E ~~ | SIVEOL NOIOSM tt tr tere peo oS aN BNO gWOD Ad Too "Se 99L4EZ 0 99L4EZ : LNYANI GNY IVLVNIUSd 160 Osl "re Oke Oe ee TaL 8e0 OOL* ZL 005422 0° o0stiz . AMAS GSW GAZIIWII3dS Le0 Ce 165 -~ es ~ ce - ee /RONGIM “9€Q TOUT GEE Boe 223 * 141 0 2ZStivt - YdAH SEO tc 0! we . ese . oS" “TY NOLLVZIYOOUSLVO Peg TT 007 «ES> 000 4¢6 0 000*S6 . {IA NOIQ3u SW zeo Z2ST‘LT 994438 OZEsT Sy78L LAVYOOTIY TWNAY +z0 . 00002 ~~ ; me HOTU al IVNOL DEE OOD ome - SLS‘9S6 ses*zes 00499 SeStOTS ; a 7 oo daViS WYUDDYd =0009 % NOTSTOUd 7 1S43ND3¥ © LSANDSM “OT ASSADBY Tr ttre ine nme nes tenn iae (Te omen sree mene Oy OTT To een mean = NOISPOST NOT EWOTIY WLOL LOSYIGNI 493uI0 BILIL LNINOGHOS doo AWULNAD HLA INA a yh eb a we - . ~ - . ~ . 7 . os 7 . Tm a ~ TZ-OTOIMd—-HSO N09 7L/90 NOI9SSa AG SLNINOdNOD ONILSIT SQNNS G3LsSINosy “vs “90 “YA SONG 7°” WNVIONI VLOTSST AVH | - INDIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM po. RM 00043 MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW ! Request: $1,221,159 Committee Recommendation: $1,121,159 Overall Assessment by Individual Reviewers: Average/Below Average Critique: © , One of the major concerns of the reviewers was the apparent inability of the region to write a proposal -- to tell their story (at least the current document). The program staff was considered satisfactory-- “Everyone of the current staff have been in RMP for over four years and they have experience.’ The RAG was considered to be in order with appropriate back-up conmittees. During January 1974, the region polled’its RAG, committeé"members and other health interested groups to re-evaluate the IRMP objectives and priorities. Based on this, - the region plans to move ahead utilizing a series of contracts to accomplish some of these objectives. The Indiana RMP envisions an umbrella approach of improving the quality of medical care in the re- maining limited time-frame. The region is extending its sub-regional development by working closely with existing (b) agencies. . In arriving at the reduced funding level, the committee believed that the support of the continuation of the EMS activity would be low priority or at least open to question -~ based on the information presented. ! JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated Request as of May 1974: $400,000 SCOB/DRMP 6/6/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL: June 13-14,1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRMP FUNDING DECISION: $1,065,291 SCOB/DRMP 7/2/74 SPIT TM ae,