Fr? Connecticut . R: 00c 08 SUEY AN SUS LWA BEV Eu The Connecticut application requests $2,170,478 for support of activities from 9/1/74 thru 6/30/76. (Program staff support was included in the May 1 application along with requested 2-month support for their ongoing project activities.) This, this application seeks support for 7 currently suy ported activities, 6 previously approved/unfunded programs, 8 new projects and an award to Yale University ($216,024) to manage, monitor and evaluate those activities proposed for support beyond 6/30/75. Ten (10) of the projects and the Yale. award bear 6/30/76 termination dates. Support for the Yale and University of Connecticut Community Studies Personnel and Offices o! Regional Activities are included in the ten, Six of the 8 new projects appear to be directed toward accessibility and availability of care in urban and rural areas. ° Letters from Connecticut CHP agencies indicate a continu:d need for improved relationships. E0/7/15/74 JAY COMMIT Se RE OISfes Arron Critique: foo, RMP CONNECTICUT | | RM 00008 - MAY/JUNE 1974 REVIEW Request: _$636,220 Committee Recommendation: _ $510,000 Overall assessment by individual reviewers: Below Average to Poor | . “Critique: This application, requesting 12 months support for an expanded staff (from 5 to 8 professionals) and two months support for ongoing activities, lacked substance for the reviewers. It was agreed that needed staff competencies in the’area of fiscal management and evaluation were much — needed, in fact, the Committee noted that the absence of evaluation staff had been a concern in previous reviews. The unique characteristics of this ’ Regional Medical Program, with its emphasis on pbuilding long-term university- hospital relationships was discussed, but the application lacked information regarding the outcome of the linkages. While grant support for full-time chiefs of staff in community hospitals has been discontinued, the support of, and dependence on university resources, including students, still prevails. Staff leadership was not apparent to the reviewers, but the argumentative tone of the RAG Chairman's responses to CHP comments, as well as the CHP comments themselves, indicated that the RMP-CHP relationships remain a problem in Connecticut. The role of the Regional Advisory Group in relation to the Committee structure was unclear, as well as the criteria used in priority ’ ranking. Because the Committee realized that concerns of staff leadership, RAG functioning and’ cumulative impact of this RMP's unique characteristics have been delineated by Committee and Council in previous years with little apparent effect on the RMP, the Committee recommends that reduced funding of this continuation request may be a more patent message. The Committee recommends, therefore, that this application be approved at the reduced level . of $510,000. JULY /AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of. May 1974: ° $1,963,780 | E0/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 , Council concurred with Committee recommendation DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $510,000 > | . £0/7/2/74 wy . . wr “T