DE PARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Health Services and Mental Health Administration Regional Medical Programs Service ; National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs Minutes of the Meeting August 3-4, 1971 - Parklawn Building Conference Room G/II DEPARTMEAT OF 1 FEALTY, EDUCA _ PUB National Advisory Minutes of the The National Advis for its twenty- in Conference Room G-H of Dr. Harold M, presided over the meeting, The Council Member: Dr, Bland ¥, ory Counc fourth meeti argulies, Direc TION AND WELPARE VICE ry X LIC UEALTH Sur Council on kegional Medical Programs Twenty-fourth Meeting L/ 2/ August 3-4, 1971 il on Regional Medical Programs convened ng at 8:50 a.m., Tuesday, August 3, 197] he Parklayn Puilding, Rockville, Maryland, tor, Regional Medical Programs Service 7 OF t S present were:. Cannon . Mr. Sewall 0, Milliken Dr. Michael FE, DeBakey. . Dr. Alton Ochsner Dr. Bruce w, Everist Dr. Russell B. Roth Dr. Willian R. Hunt Dr. George E.Schreiner Dr. Antho Dr. Alexander M, McPh Dr. John P, Merrill Dr. Clark H, Millikan e A listing of Rvp Staff members , I. CALL To ORDER AND OPEN was called fargulies, The meeting Dr. Harold } II. INTRODUCTION oF NEW ‘co STAFF Dr. Margulies introduc "who were attending the Yr. Margulie M. Mars an * Mrs, Audrey present, 1/Proceedings of meet of the Administr submitted for di ee gs . 2/Tor the record. it ds ne Tespective ins titutions ; cccur. This pr only when the a ny L. Komarof bo ell oO, Millik ator, HEA". Th SCuSSie | and all other official docu ocedure An pplication Mrs, Florence R Dr. Benjamin w . Mr. Edward Fr Dr. Musser - Wyckoff Watkins iedlander for dran and others attending is appended, ING REMARKS to order at 8:30 a.m. on August 3 by UNCIL MEMBERS » COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND ed the followin im SFrst meetin & hew members of the Council 8: Dr, Anthony L, Komarof€, en, and Dr, Benjamin w, S noted that tyo new members of the Council, M3. C. Robert 0 d gden were unable to be are restri slates to al] material ‘~~ meetings, the Supplemental material, ents. | policies and Regulations. The HEW General Counsel's Office has advised RMPS to complicte rewrite the Program's Regulations to reflect the most coats changes in the Statute as well as new operational procedures. The General Counsel's Office is developing an initial draft of. such Resulations in cooperation with RMPS. Considerable pre vress has also been made in developing a loose leaf policy mart::i for the use of grantees, affiliates and RMPS staff. Departmental, HSMHA and RMP policies have been assembled fur inclusion, however, considerable editorial work still remains to be done. Computer Assisted EKG Analysis. oo Dr. John Farrell and Dr. Kenneth Gimble discussed a draft report on the subject of computer assisted EKG analysis that was prepared at the .request of the Council. Technologically fully operational EKG analysis requiring no ’ further readins 4» a physician has not been achieved. Development of a fully auo:..-d system of that level of sophistication is problematical. ‘Computers have been accurately and reliably used for screening normal and abnormal EKG's with less than 1 percent error. - The cost of automated EKG's is estimated at $2 to $4 per cardio- _ gram exclusive of the cost of rereading by a cardiologist and assuming a minjwim annual volume of input. Basic conclusions -27: ached from the study were: (1) that computer assisted EKG analysis an effective and reliable screening technique; (2) that definitive diacnosis must be done by a CL ui Curuioicgist, ot icust an the prescil stute OL tue art, it camot replace him. IX. EXECULTVE SESSION —— a _ During: the Executive Session there was a discussion of the status of efforts to consolidate three Ohio RWP's. In view of progress that has been made it was proposed to sermit these Regions to apply in Februery. It was also proposed that Council and other appropriate staff work with the Interim Committee and the Fiscal Agent. It was moved by Dr. Millikan and seconded by Dr. komaroff that the Cowicil go on record as supporting this initial plan including the proviso that RMPS begin to work directly with Chio RMP's on a staff basis. The motion was adopted unanimously. Other items discussed during the Executive Session included (1) the status of the Albany, Rochester and Central New York RMP's; (2) the status:of the Susquehanna Valley RMP; and (3) the possible . separation of Delaware from the Greater Delaware Valley RAP. No action was taken on these matters. REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ‘A. Hawaii Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Millikan - Seconded by Dr. Ochsner "Approval of the Hawaii application for one year funding at $1,072,000 plus an additional $30,000 with the strong recom- mendation. that money be utilized for support of activities in the Trust. region and with the additional advice as specified on page 1 of the Committee's report." (Transcript, page 20, line 20) — The motion was unanimously approved. B. Northern New England Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Millikan - Seconded by Dr. Schreiner Approve the recommendations of the Review Committee, including recording the six items of their critique, with these items to be kept strongly in mind when the triennial application is ultimately reviewed, and with advice that through strong admin- istrative leadership some of the real concepts of RMP should be included in the program. (Transcript, page 26, line. 3) The motion was unani smonsty approved after further discussion which suggested. that the Region might profitably examine goals and objectives devcloped by other RMP's and develop a plan for use of collected data. 10 C. Texas Regional Méucal Program * Motion made by D... Everist - Seconded by Mr. Friedlander "Approval. for two years at a funding level of $1,590,000 including the developmental fimding.'' (Transcript, page 29, line 25) |: The motion was unanimously approved. wate ‘ ‘ tee D. Virginia Regiona...:.. 1. 1 Progran . Motion made by Dr. DeBakey - Seconded by Dr. Everist Concurrence with the Committee's recommendation with the proviso that if the site visit should indicate a need for additional funds, the request will be brought back before the Council, (Transcript, pege 36, line 5) The motion was unanimously approved. In subsequent discussion, it was agreed that there would be appropriate representation from staff and the Kidney Disease Panel on the site visit. E. Bi-State Regiona. *+-udical Program Motion made by Dr. Ochsner - Seconded by Dr. DeBakey Concur with what the Review Committee recommended, that there be an additional year instead of the three years requested, and that this be in the amount of $924,115, and further con- currence with the Comnittee's disapproval of the developmental component and the other funding relative to the project. (Transcript, page 37, line 16) The motion was unanimously approved. F, Georgia Regional *- “ical Program Motion made by Dr. Cannon - Seconded by Dr. Millikan Approval in the amount of $2.9 million for each of the first two years and $1.9 million plus the requested amount for project 39 for the third year, the exact amount to be determined by staff on the E--/s of the intent of Council. In addition, the Council conciz.-in the recommendations of the site visitors with respect to tutti. Funding of specifically identified - projects with the exception of kidney and the Stephens County mrotoet 0 (Tranierictl meen £2 diese ty The motion was un-nimously approved. DY. Debakey Was not present during consideration of this application. TT H. “A li Albany Regional Medical Program _ Motion made by Mrs. Wyckoff - Seconded by Mr. Friedlander "Approval of the Review Committee's Recommendation that this project be funded for only one year more for $900,000." (Transcript, page 57, line 14) The motion was unanimously approved. Central New York Resional Medical Program r Motion made by Mr. Friedlander ~ Seconded by Dr. Cannon Approval for one year funding, contingent on a staff follow- up Visit six months following the award of this application to evaluate the progress that's been made in meeting the conditions. (Transcript, page 61, line 153) The motion was unanimously approved. % Rochester Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Mc Phedran - Seconded by Mr. Milliken Approval of the Review Committee's recommendation of $800,000 and deferral of any action, until the next Council,meeting on the kidney project. (Transcript page 63, line 24 and page 68, line 15) . The motion was unanimously approved. Memphis Regional Medical Program* _ Motion made by Mrs. Wyckoff - Seconded by Mr. Milliken Approval of the Review Conmittee recommendation for a funding level $1,627,000. for each of threc years, or a total of $4,950,000 plus approval of suygestions in the blue sheet with deletion of the reference to Medical Association dues for project 39. (Transcript, page 76, line 7, and page 87, line 20) The motion was unanimously approved. Michigan Regional Modical Program Motion made by Dr. Mc Phedran - Seconded by Dr. Komaroff ' - . ~ LUuGy AUP ue ivaoeiy Liiui and $ixth years for each year, *Dr. Cannon was not present during consideration of this application. ty M. 12 including the requested developmental component. (Transcript, page 104, line 16 and page 105, line 8) The motion was unanimously approved. Wisconsin Regional ? Medi cal ‘Proeram Motion nade by Dr. Roth : Seconded by Dr. Mc Phedr an. Approval as recomended by the Review Committee. ' (Transcript, page 106, line 15) The motion was unanimously approved. Maine Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Hunt - Seconded by Dr. Komaroff “Accept the requested levels for the three years and bring the Maine application before the Council again prior to funding the 05 year for Council reconsideration." (Transcript, page 111,- line 14) The motion was unanimously approved. . . Metropolitan D.C. Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Hunt - Seconded by Dr.. Ochsner efer action on the application. Hold a site visit attended by the Ad Hoc Renal Disease Panel, and also include attendance by the Chief of Medicine, the Chief Surgeon and the Chief Nephrologist of.each of the applicant institutions. (Transcript, page 128, line 7) The motion was Unansmous Ly approved. - New Mexico Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr, Schreiner - Seconded by Mrs. Wyckoff Approval for $850,000 for one year as recommended by the Review Committee with an "additional $40,000. The additional funds are not earmarked and may be used for kidney or for other purposes at the discretion of the Region. (Transcript, page 134, line 12, and page 159, line 1) . The motte wre ue Ces tee oe aera 13 P. Tri-State Regional Medical Program Motion made by Dr. Roth - Seconded by Dr. Cannon "Approval of funding at the rate proposed on page 5 of the revised application." " (Lranscript, page 140, line 6) The motion was unanimously approved subsequent to some Te further discussion which indicated that progress on this project might provide some examples that could be used in Metropolitan D.C. Q. National Kidnéy Foundation. © “"910''* Motion made by, Dr. Cannon - Seconded by Dr. Roth Disapproval. (Transcript, page 144, line 17) The motion was unanimously approved. R. California Resional Medical Program** Motion made by Dr. Millikan - Seconded by Dr. Komaroff “Level funding for three years at $10,043,175 with exact amounts to be determined on the basis of negotiation by staff during that period, and for the sum to include the kidney project. " (Transcript, page 16, line 17) The motion was unanimously approved. X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Pahl at-1:20 p.m. on August: A, 1971. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing minutes cand attachments are accurate and . complete. i | . | th rel Luss 4) whe, Harold Margulies, M. Director a ; Regional Medical Programs Service minis Wet ee sete Uesaih, Comsidcration of this application. Mrs. Wyckoff was not. ‘present during consideration of this application. 4 ATTACEMENT A Page April 26, 1971 COPY Resolution from the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs Service Roger O. Egeberg, M.D. . Assistant Secretary ro, for Health and Scientific Affairs °° , : Attached is a memo fsom the National Advisory Council for Regional Medical Programs which expresses their deep concern. It was issued without their having had a detailed chance to look at the report by the group of consultants. I would hope that we would have a chance to discuss this in the very near future. /s/ Vernon E., Wilson, M.D. Administrator ce: Herbert B. Pahl} Ph.D. OS - Harold Margulies, M.D. RESOLUTION . SUBJECT: URAVAILABI LITY OF THOSE PROGRAY MONIES WHICH WERE APPROPRIATED BY THE CONGRESS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971 AND WHICH SUBSEQUENTLY NAVE BELN PLACED IN RESERVE - REQUESTS RECONSIDERATION, . WHEREAS The Regional. Medical Programs Service was created and exists. for the purposes of (1) improving for all citizens access to. and utilization of their local health care systems, and (2) improving the quality and effectiveness of the health services provided within regions, particularly with regard to cancer, stroke and diseases of the heart and kidney, and ae WHEREAS: ‘The Regional Nedical Programs Service during the five years of its existence has esteblished viable, local organizational networks among the major health care providers, and improved the number and quality of the linkages which now exist: between these providers and the consuiners who comprise the several regions; and . " WHEREAS : For these discase categories the Regional Medical Programs —.. Service was established to be a primary, functional arin of . the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare whereby the” © potential benefits which result from the netion's support of .. the biomedical research enterprise et the Mational Institutes of Health can be realized from practical applications within communities; therefore be it : RESOLVED: That the National Advisory Council for Regional Medical Programs wishes Lo express to the Administrator, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, and to the Assistant Secretary . . for Nealth and Scientific Affairs its deep concern that the woo sunavailability of those program monies which were appropriated . by the Congress for fiscal year 1971 and which subsequently have ; been placed in reserve will result in serious curtailment in | pos - the momentum of the ovérall program in meeting its objectives and, therefore, requests reconsideration of this matter in . terms of the Administrator's expressed national priorities for improving the health services and delivery system of the country; and be it further 7 RESOLVED: That as new systems for the delivery of health services to communities are devised and instituted, the Council respectfully submits that the Regional Hedical Programs Service is the most expediont fmetrrene § ta access tenes orb fe the ead Pres of . a to be the principal program which interrelates all of the providers of health care within communj.ties; and be it further . . - ATTACUMENT A - Page 3 - . “ = , ‘ .? : _ . , . 7 ~ 2. < RESOLVED: That in Support of this request the Counes1 @ssures the : a . Administrator and the Assistant Secretary that Specific effort “Will be made immediately and on a continuing basis to reinforce - ' the Jigison and collaborative efforts between the Regional Nedical Progranis Service and other Health Service and Monta] HeaJ}th Administration Programs as well es al] relevant Institutes and program elements.of the National Institutes of Health in order that no Opportunity be overlooked for bringing to the regions with the éreatest possible speed those medical research - advances which can form the basis for improving access to and i "the overall] guality of the health cére available to the People of these regions, . — —~ In so doing the Council ennounces its intent to establish immediately for the Regional Medica] Programs Service a set of sharpened PYogréi priorities ag determined. in consultation - - with Health Services and Mental Health Administration, the National Institutes of Health ‘and other leaders in the field of health, , ‘ , . ~ ae . ~ A. . . Hey. i . . : ATTACHMENT B Pape 1 « INDER n Creme epee tb, Under the tricanial review syster, each Fegdonal hedical Program normally will he reviewed by the Naticnal Advisory Council only once each three vears. ‘ihe triemial review serves to recognize the Region as an “accredited” organization and to set a general Jevel of annual support fer the three year period. Thus, the Council's favorable recommendation constitutes a time-limited approval for an PIP as an organization having recapnized capabili- ties, rather tan being approval for e specifie set of activities. In addition to recommending the general level of support, Council ’ actions on individuel applications may inelude advice to the appli- cant Regional Medical Progran, or specific conditions fer the prant. Prior to review by the Council, each triennial application will be reviewed by assigned KUPS staff, a site visit team and the NUPs Review Committee, . ~ Except as specified below, the Director, RAPS, will make continu- ation avards, Including support for new activities, for second and third (62 and 03) year support without further Council action insofar as the proposed activities are consistent with relevant policies. The Council will be provided with a summary of such awards. Specifi- cally, the Council's advice will be scught when: 1. Supplenentary funds ere requested in addition te the general vt 4 Support recomended for the year in qu uestion. 2. A new or increased Developmental Component is requested, 3. The Council, the Director, RMPS, or the Region requests Council review. 4, The applicant.has failed ?n a material respect to meet the requirements of the Program or applicable lavs, resulations ; _ or formally promulpat ted policies of the Department, HSSA : or RMPS. a The summary to be provided to the Council will includ information concerning each Regior revieved hy staf support: , ~ ude the following £,for continuation 1.0 The amount previously reccrmended by the Council for funding, and the amount avarded. : 2. A list of activities supported during the most recent grant year, identifying those which have been completed and those which have been supported through a developmental component. . ATTACHAUINT .B - . " Page 2 ~2- 2 A summary of the Kepion's response to any advice specificd by the Council or limitetions upen or conditions of the sward. A summary of any outstanding accomplishnents. A summary of any outstancing problems. roports from the Regional Advisory Group and cr (These wild be made availebie on ouncil.) Annual from T > eteFF request by the Oe. ew Approved - National Advisory Council on Regional Medica August 3, 1971 1-Programs National Advisory Co COUNCIL MEMBERS. Dr. Bland W. Cann Dr. Michazl B. DeBakey Dr. Bruce W. Everist Dr. William RB. Hunt Dr. Anthony L. Komaroff Dr. Alexander M. McPhedra Dr. John P. Merrill Dr. Clark H. Millikan RMPS STAFF Dr. Elvin Adams Mr, Kenneth Baum Mr. Cleveland Chembilss: Mr. Richard Clanton Dr. James Cleeman Rre Paul Cohart Myre Spencer Colburn Dr. Je£& Crandall Mrs. Shirley Fairley Dy. John Farrell Mr. Gerald Gardell Mr. Terrence Genz Mr. Samuel Gilmer Dr. Kenneth Gimbel Dre Martin Greenfield Mrs. Eva Hendal Dr. Robart Handy Mrs. Gloria Hicks Dr. Edward Hinnan Mr. Calvin Jackson ~ Mr. Joseph Jewell ~~ Mrs. Glinter Johnson Mr. Milton vee Dr. Kenneth Jos si Dr. Alan Kaplan Dr. Philid Klieser Mrs. Lorraine Kyttle Miss Carol Larson Dr. Marian Leach Dr. Harold Margulies Dr. Gordon MacLeod nm on Renional ied APPENDIX Page 1 ical Programs Mr. Sewalt O. Milliken Dr. Alton Ochsner Dr. Russell B. Roth Dr. Gearze E. Schreiner Mrs. Florence R. Wyckoff Dr. Benjahin rN. Watkins Mre Edward Friedlander Dr. Harold Marguliés 3 Mr. Spero Moutsatsos Miss Mary Murphy Mr. Frank Nash Miss Elsa Nelson Mr. Daniel Nemzer Dr. Michesl Newman Dr. Herbert Pahl Mr. Roland Peterson Mr. Eugene Piatek Mr. Michael Posta Mr. Lawrence Pullen Miss Leah Resnick Mr. Morton Robins Mr. Richard Russell Mrs. Jessie Salazar Mr. Luther Says Miss Theresa Schoen Mrs Patricia Schoeni Mr. Thomas Simonds Mrs. Judy Silsbee Mr. Matthew Spear Mr. Sidney Stein Mr. Jerane Stoloyv Mr. Willian Torbert Mr. Lee Van Winkle Mr. Lyman Van Nostrand Mrs Margaret Welsh Mr. Richard White Mr. Roland Williams RMPS REGTOSAL OFFICE REPRESENTATIVES a ae Mr. Willian Mc Kenna, Region Lf Mr. Robert Shaw, Rerzion IL Mr. Clyde Couchman, Region IIT Mx. Theoda Griffith, Region IV OTHER Dr. Marsaret Edwards, NCI Mr. Peter Fox, OMB Myre Howard Hilton, NHSC Mrs. Frances Howard NLM ES sya ey APPLROIK Page 2 Mr. Maurice Ryan, Reaion V Mr. Dale Robertson, hegion VI = re Daniel Webster, Region VIITL re Ronald Currie, Region IX = Mr. David Lovenvirth, Consultant Miss Bettye Mobley, HSMHA. Mr. Carl Taylor, OMB £ NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS October 20, 1971 BRENNAN, Michael J., M.D. President, Michigan Cancer Foundation 4811 John R Street Detroit, Michigan (72) 48201 CANNON, Bland W., M.D. (73) 910 Madison Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38103 _ CROSBY, Edwin L., M.D. (71) Executive Fresident American Hospital Association Chicago, Illinois 60611 DeBAKEY, Michael E., M.D. (72) President and Chief Executive “Officer ~ Baylor College of. Medicine Houston, Texas 77025 EVERIST, Bruce W., M.D. Chief of Pediatrics Green Clinic Ruston, Louisiana (71) 71270 HINES, Mr. Harold H., Jr. Senior Vice President Marsh & McLennan, Ine. 231 South LaSalle. Chicago, Illinois (74) 60604 HUNT, William R., M.D. Commissioner oO County of Allegheny 101 Courthouse Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (71). 15219 KOMAROFF, Anthony L., M.D. Beth Israel Hospital Boston, Massachusetts (72) 02215 » Atlanta, Georgia MERRILL, John P., M.D. .(74) NARS, Mrs. Audrey M. (71) Marland The Plains, Virginia 22171 McPHEDRAN, Alexander M., M.D. (73) Emory University Clinic 1365 Clifton Road, N.E. 30322 Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Cambridge, Massachusetts 02115 MILLIKAN, Clark H., M.D. Consultant in Neurology Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota (72) 55902 MILLIKEN, Mr. Sewall 0. (73) Chief, Office of Comprehensive Health Planning Ohio Department of Health 450 Bast Town Street Columbus, Ohio 43216 OCHSNER, Alton, M.D, Ochsner Clinic (73) . 1514 Jefferson Highway New Orleans, Louisiana 70121 OGDEN, Mr. C. Rébert (74) President and General Counsel North Coast Life Insurance Company 1120 Paulsen Building Spokane, Washington 99201 ROTH, Russell B., M.D. (73) 240 West 41st Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508 National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs SCHREINER, George E., M.D. (74) Director, Division of Nephrology Georgetown University ‘School of Medicine Washington, D. C. . 20007 WATKINS, Benjamin W., D.P.M. (73) 470 Lenox Avenue - New York, New York 10037 WYCKOFF, Mrs. Florence R. (72) 243 Corralitos Road Watsonville, California 95076 ee EX _OFFICTO MEMBER MUSSER, Mare J., M.D. Chief Medical Officer Veterans Administration Washington, D. C. 20420 CHATRMAN Vernon E. Wilson, M.D. Administrator Health Services and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20852