_ BEGINS Reply to Alin of: “Subject: To: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION September 4, 1970 National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs 3, Recommendations for Federal Funding of Clinical Training Programs in Major Medical Centers Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs Through: Administrator, HSMHA The National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs has asked that the Administrator, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, and the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, be apprised of its recommendations concerning the deperdience of the Nation's health effort on high quality residency and post-residency clinical training programs for physicians in the major medical centers and hospitals of the United States. Both the National Advisory Council and the Review Committee on Regional Medical Programs have recognized the increasing frequency of requests for support of this type of activity as part of applications from Regional Medical Programs. In their opinion, this reflects not only the growing shortage of individuals trained in certain clinical fields, but the result of recent drastic reductions in National Institutes of Health grants which contribute to the support of such training. The National Advisory Council has expressed concern thet the allocation. of Regional Medical Program funds in amounts suffictent to help rectify this situation, would create a serious and inappropriate imbalance in the Regional Medical Program effort to meet its broader and more comprehensive goals. However, the Council believes that grant support of this type of training, made available through the Regional Medical Programs, would serve to strengthen the essential role of the major medical centers and hospitals as elements of the Regional Medical Programs of which thy are a part. ' The Council, therefore, reconmends.... oO . . That arrangements be made to provide Federal assistance to clinical departments in major teaching centers to help offset the educational costs of maintaining their clinical residency and post-residency programs; and : . ‘That this support be provided through the mechanism of Regional : Medical Programs, by additional grant funds appropriated for this purpose, over and above. those already appropriated to Regional Medical Programs. /signed/ Harold Margulies, M.D. Harold Margulies, M.D. Acting Director Regional Medical Programs Service G&CP:MLPhillips: sbg