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Field oltice (i {3 > » t NL 2 re. sa le nynded Uy initist- ag of.ce 7 . : Public Health Advisor GS 685 133 9. Orpanizotioust title of position (if eng) 10. Ne: ne of Fempliges Cf cacancy, epycify W1, £, 8, or 4) Vt. Department, agency, or establishment e. Third subdivision Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare wth gt @. Firstsubdivizion Flealth Services and a. Fourth subdivision i Montal Health Adcins atration _ b. Second subdivision : cor NE ee ¢. Fifth subdivision t G&rien af ‘the Regiens) Health Director Th is fs a cuaplots and neeurate description cf tho Cuties and resporsibiities of | 13. Vhis isn complete prd seeurfte Voseriation eftle dutheand res soneibiliti 23 of this “my position : £.- Ke CrLes L ae, Le L C74 htt f 2/LGf 20 (Sizasture of i framed Late sunervi: #2) (D3t Signature of crapluyee Date pelos . (Signature Playee) Wate) Tinte: ReeZLonal ankih » Pires tor, Peaton TV am} eiyie'on, eld ofica, or designated re cpreesn “in five 1S. Cerin 4. Certification by reales ba , . { &z “f Me . { dnc A typher Poa | SO ey aS al ht heney wat W/isfia | SAG - VOU IAA GRRE (Signature) (Date) (Signsture} Vs (ate) Tite: Regtonal Health Divestor, tozton Vv Tite: Personnel Managemant Spee ation by dcoportment, agency. or ests biaheasnt ~ pe g [ne “a ch 6. Description of dutivo and responsibilities See attached. Temore space fs required, use the other side and additional pages size 8 x 114 GPO: 1948-0 -722-757 2 7 POSITION BESCRLPTION- Bo \ Public. Health Advisor, GS~685-13 I. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: , - A. -B. grants, both prior to submission of formal applications as well] ‘xities to national goals. -The incumbent's assessment is taken "In 1965 the basis for RMPS was established under the auspices of Public Law 89-239. Its goal is to help make the best in modern medical science readily available to all people who suffer or are threatened by major disease. ‘The main thrust of this Program is to improve the Health care delivery system. It seeks to canbine health resources of the Nation in close working relationships which will speed the transmission of scientific knowledge to the people who are presently afflicted. Incumbent serves in a , DHEW Region as the RNPS Representative to the Regional Health Director. ~ (Note: This Program divides the United States into 55 separate units or Regional, Nedical’ Programs (RMPs) as distinguished from the 10 HEW Regions.) Serves as the principal Public Health Advisor for RMPS on the NEW Regional staff. Acts as the contact point in the TER Regional Office for the individual local Regional Medical Programs (RMP's) contained in the NEW Region, and also serves as a contact betveen | the RMP's and Neadquarters, Regional Nedical Programs Service. Incumbent will establish lines of communication, essentially an informal network, furnishing day-to-day assistance and providing a sense of Headquarters continuity to the RMPs.: At the same time he will provide field area expertise to Headquarters. As such, his recommendations and opinions will give Headquarters the intelligence and hard data required to effectively provide national leadership. Incumbent will assist the RMPs in the procedural aspects of develop- ing and submitting grant applications. We will give advice and assist in interpreting policies set by Headquarters. Incumbent participates in site visits to RMPs to discuss and negotiate as in continuing negotiations. Incumbent provides significant data as input into the process which reviews the growth of cach RMP in terms of organizational maturity and regionalization of resources; the accomplishment of individually funded projects; and the relationship of regional prio- into consideration in the process in which continuing new or expanded activities for his RMPs are evaluated for funding in the ensuing years. . vith the assistance of Headquarters specialists, evaluates the progress of programs in his regions, including the impact of such programs on the activities and programs of State and local agencies, professional organizations, and providers of health services. 23 I No less important is the responsibility for liaison with ether Federal agencies and progranus, such as the Office of Education, the Manpower Developacnt and Training Programs, Model Cities, Community Health Service and others. In order to make the maximum utilization of every health dollar, there must be a minimum dupli- cation of cffort. Incumbent. is charged with the responsibility of knowing the plans and activities of other such programs and likewise making sure that they receive current information on the activities of the RMP's in his HEW Region. Assists in maintaining liaison with professional organizations (medical, nursing, hospital administration, health planning, etc.) in his HEW Region. The purpose of such liaison is to interpret programs and policies, to promote support of such programs, and to determine the position of such organizations on major public policy issues which are relevant. . uo eT me - SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE RECEIVED: This position functions under the general administrative direction of the Regional Health Director, subject to program and policy * . guidance from the RNPS Headquarters (Division of Operations and | Development). Incumbent must exercise judgement and diplomacy in carrying out assignments. Incumbent receives general instructions as to scope of assignments, objectives to be achieved, and ma jor and important problems to be expected. - : .