~NEW FILE BEGINS B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pewee GQeorar’s BOULEVARD UPPER MARLBORD, MaryYLanpd 20772 ° USBA © (3D1) 249-3110 | Chiet, ne Coume1l Secretary, DEM . nie Branch and Office Chiefs, DEP Avguet 5, 1566 Executive Officer, cnr Attendance at Council Meeting, August 320.33, 3°56 The lirte subsitted by you of “essential” and “ceetrebie" candidates | for attendance at the next meeting of the Council have been received ent considered. With expengion of the Division staff and the need to begis Liniting att » it le not posatble to seroamodate all of the infividcels on your list, end yet it is teportent thet new starr weivers be oriented tc the activities of the Couseti, & pxuber of those whose attendance kas been desigueted as "dextrable” bare had tc be elixineated. The following free DONP will be authorised to attend: Dr. Marastes Mr. Tatfe ‘ : Mr. Yordy a. Bewttie Rre, ¥aller rr. Caveroreht ir. thaley Mr, Coffin Mau. Baodnd Mere. Geisbert Miss frye De. Beever Bre. Devise (to bendle Geer) Br. Roberts itr. Eileeoreth Mes. Selanar ir. Mayer Mere. Ridgley (vier Xyttle on ive.) Nias Coarat> ae. Eloen kr. Oderotr _ Se. Med Salty Kiex Reeutex Mx. Alpert Br. Frietieader Rr. snderesa Ee, Agbervesn iv. Martiton Br. Inclek Ie. Buxen He. Byte - fr. Of Seyen Sc assurances can be given that ali af the above, OF @V8R Sf wary in nunber, will be able to attent future meetings, (Sqd.) Charles Hilsenroth Curles Mirenroth Cs:lkh REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGNAMS ORES EL MEURF Rs (REVISED LISTING 7/5/66) pr, Leonidas H. Berry (67) “pr. John Willis Hurst (66) Professor, Cook County Graduate Professor and Chairman ' School of Medicine, and Department of Medicine Senior Attending Physician Emory University School of Medicine Michael Reese Hospital Atlanta, Georgi: 30303 412 E. 47th Street Chicago, Illinois 60653 (For mailing purposes to Dr. Hurst, use the following address: (For_miiling purposes to Dr. Rerry, J. Willis Hurst, M.D, use the following address: 69 Butler, Street, S.E. Dr. Leonidas H. Berry Atlant i, Georgi: 30303) 412 E. 47th Street - Chicago, Illinois 60653) Vo oe Chirk H. Millikan (68) WW, at Consultant in Neurology Dr. Mary I. Bunting (67) Mayo Clinic : President Rochester, Minnesota 55902 Ridcliffe College Cambridge, Missachusetts 02138 “nr. George E. Moore (68) Lb - Director : - yr. Gordon R. Cumming (66) Roswell Purk Memorial Institute ; Administrator ' 666 Elm Street , Sacramento County Hospital _ Buffalo 3, New York 14203 | 2315 Stockton Boulevard vw § icramento, Californi: 95817 r’Dr, William J. Peeples (66) a Commissioner of Health > WV x, Michael E. DeBukey (68) ' .$tate Office Building Professor ind Chairman 301 West Preston Street Department of Surgery - - "+ Baltimore, Miryland 21201 College of Medicine Baylor University VV ne, Robert J. Slater (66) Houston, Texas 77025 Dean, College of Medicine an University of Vermont “WY pr, Bruce W. Everist (67) Burlington, Vermont 05401 co Green Clinic Vv 709 South Vienn: Street pdr. Cornelius H. Traeger (67) Ruston, Louisiana 71270 799 Park Avenue ‘ New York, New York 10021 oy iv pr. Jimes T. Howell (68) : uo Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan 48202 7 - Ex Officio Member Dr. William H. Stewart (Chairman) Surgeon General Public Health Service Bethesdi, Miryland 20014