NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS August 12-13, 1966 Application Institution and Reviewers Number Program Coordinator (Alphabetically Listed) University of Oklahoma Medical Center Dr. Millikan RM 00023 Ben I. Heller Dr. Moore y The Florida Advisory Council on Heart Dr. Howell : RM 00024 Disease, Cancer and Stroke, Inc, Dr. Slater Richard P. Schmidt University of Rochester, School of Dr. DeBakey RM 00025 Medicine & Dentistry, Ralph C, Parker, Jr. Dr. Millikan University City Science Center of Dr. Bunting RM 00026 William C, Spring, Jr. Dr. Howell University of Iowa Dr. Hurst RM 00027 Robert C. Hardin Dr. Peeples JA University of Alabama Medical Center Dr. Berry \ RM 00028 Joseph F. Volker Dr. Slater State University of New York Dr. Everist RM 00029 Downstate Medical Center Dr. Millikan Robert. A. Moore a Medical Society of District of Columbia Dr. Berry RM 00031 Robert J. Coffey (Temporary) Dr. Slater Western Interstate Commission for Higher Dr. DeBakey RM 00032 Education, Kevin P. Bunnell Dr. Evertst State Department of Hospitals Dr. Hurst i RM 00033 _ Baton Reuge, Louisiana Dr. Peeples E. Lee Agzrton (Acting) . University of New Mexico Dr, Bunting RM 00034 Albuquerque, New Mexico Dr. Hurst Reginald H. Fitz South Carolina Dr. DeBakey / RM 00035 Charles P,. Summerall, LIT Dr. Moore Illinois - Dr. Bunting RM 00036 Leon 0, Jacobson Dr, Moore Wisconsin Regional Medical Programs, Inc, Dr. Howell RM 00037 John S, Hirchboeck Dr. Peeples Washington ~ Alaska Dr. Berry RM 00038 Donal R. Sparkman Dr. Everist