NEW FILE. BEGINS Mee # 3 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 3050 Pence Georee’s BOULEVARD UPPER MARLEDARD, MARYLAND 20772 ° UBA * (3D1) 249-3110D Orrick OF THE DEAN UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA December 10, 1965 Dr. Stuart Sessoms Deputy Director National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Dear Stu: I would like to make some comments about the guidelines for the draft of the Regional Cooperative Centers before they are _ put into final form. . 3 I would refer specifically to Section 66.9. 1 realize that this must be part of any Government document but the severity of the wording troubles me a bit. Do you suppose it would be pos- sible to soften this a bit by saying that the grantee would be warned that his project has failed to meet the requirements and unless these requirements are fulfilled that his grant will be terminated. I am sure that is what would happen but I wonder if this ought to be put into legal language that might possibly be acceptable. 7 The thing that also concerns me is Section 66.10 (Para- graph D). My comments would be directed to the fact that it seems to me that there must be a limit to the number of patients in each hospital that could be hospitalized per year. I am not sure that this should be in the guidelines or whether this should be something that the Advisory Council should put out in their guidelines. It seems possible to me that two things might happen if an actual number of patients to be hospitalized was not stated. First of all, there could be tremendous pressure by the public to be hospitalized in one of these facilities and secondly, the rising cost of hospital care presents a possibility of a great bulk of these funds being ex-' pended for the care of patients. I don't think that should be the function of the program and as it is stated, I think it is a dangerous one. My suggestion would be that perhaps the council could be re- quested to work out a formula based on the total number of heart, stroke, and cancer patients ordinarily hospitalized in the institution and then a percentage of these be funded for demonstration. I don't have any magic figures as to what the percentage should be, but I only present the concept. Dr. Stuart Sessoms Page 2 December 10, 1965 I enjoyed our meeting and I appreciate being invited. Please let me know if there is anything further that I can do to help. Best regards, Sincerely yours, , 2 4 Z y _—_— K. R. Crispell, M. D. Dean KRC/lhj