NEW FILE BEGINS | Doe be EMENT on cs en uLevane oan, Mawar oorss * UBA ° (301) 249-51 1D DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE “UBL C REALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MD. 20014 AREA CODE 301 TEL: 656-4000 May 8, 1967 Enclosed are copies of the 13 applications being presented to Council for review at its May 22-23 meeting. Based on the schedule maintained by the Review Committee when these applications were considered in April, we believe a Sunday evening meeting (May 21) will not be nec- essary. We are planning a two-day Council meeting to begin at 8:30 a.m. May 22 in Conference Room #4, Building 31, Bethesda, Maryland. You will note that there is included with most applications, a yeklow sheet headed Staff Concerns. This is being developed as a means of indicating to reviewers certain items in the application which staff has undertaken to clarify or resolve. Also with each application ts a listing of programs supported through Federal and non-Federal agencies having particular relevance to the region for which the application is made. Those marked’ with an asterisk are directly related to the program proposed. _ We are enclosing assignment sheets which list those applications for which you have been designated the reviewer. We have included a copy of the original application for Mississippi and New Jersey in the packets of those members listed as reviewers of these revisions. It will not be necessary for you to bring any of these applications to the meeting because additional copies will be provided. We are looking forward to an interesting meeting, and if we can assist you with your hotel reservation, please let us know. Sincerely yours, Martha L. Phillips Chief, Grants Review Branch Division of Regional Medical Programs Enclosurea DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MD. 20014 AREA CODE 301 TEL: 656-4000 May 8, 1967 This letter was sent to: Dr. Berry Dr. Moore Dr. DeBakey . Dr. Pellegrino* Dr. Everist* Dr. Popma Dr. Hogness Dr. Shanholtz Dr. Howell Dr. Traeger Dr. Millikan Enclosed are copies of the 13 applications being presented te Council for review at its May 22-23 meeting. Based on the schedule maintained by the Review Committee when these applications were considered in April, we believe a Sunday evening meeting (May 21) will not be nec- essary. We are planning a two-day Council meeting to begin at 8:30 a.m. May 22 in Conference Room #4, Building 31, Bethesda, Maryland. You will note that there is included with most applications, a yellow sheet headed Staff Concerns. This is being developed as a means of indicating to reviewers certain items in the application which staff has undertaken to clarify or resolve. Also with each application is a listing of programs supported through Federal and non-Federal agencies having particular relevance to the region for which the application is made, Those marked’ with an asterisk are directly related to the program proposed, We are enclosing assignment sheets which list those applications for which you have been designated the reviewer. We have included a copy of the original application for Mississippi and New Jersey in the packets of those members listed as reviewers of these revisions. It will not be necessary for you to bring any of these applications to the meeting because additional copies will be provided. We are looking forward to an interesting meeting, and if we can assist you with your hotel reservation, please let us know. Sincerely yours, *The following P.S. was sent to these men: "Because you spent two days recently working on papers in connection with our January Conference, you will receive Martha’ L. Phillips a check soon for $150 for your con- = Chief, Grants Review Branch sultation services." ‘Division of Regional Medical Programs Enclosures