ie _ , L. ’ : , . © J é cu DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINIGTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20552 ~ co ene ) January 12, 1971 REGIONAL MEDICAL oe PROGRAMS SERVICE RM- ADDRESSED TO ALL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM COORDINATORS Dear My staff and I have met with Coovdinators to discuss the various changes contemplated to the Regional Medical Program. .One agenda item of importance to all of us is the manner in which we have responded to requests for the use of unobligated balances (carryover) for ectivities of projects that were previously reviewed and approved. but not funded or for implementation of activities of a non«recurring 4 nature within the scope of the Program as.originally approved. The likelihcod of limited grant funds sharpens the need for inmediate action on this issue. If we are to establish and maintain a definite level of funding for the pregrams, we can no longer support the use of carryover funds as in the past. .Further, we must be ready and able to respond flexibly to activities which have a high national or regional priority. Effective this date, I am requesting that you adhere to a policy of requesting a budget in accordance with a closely calculated level of funding, either previously established or one which we will ultimately make available to you, with complete disregard for any estimated or actual unobligated balances in the grant. Only in this way can we establish a meaningful level of funding with room for growth in the program. I realize that adaptirg this policy may result in your heving to develop a tighter system for budgeting funds. In this regard, should a necd arise for support for activities not contemplated in the budget, funds can be requested through the established procedure and in accordance with existing policy. lowever, such requests will compete on a national besis for any funds that may be available. Page 2 Auy questions you may have regarding this policy can be referred to the Grants Management Branch. I earnestly solicit your cooperation in carrying out this policy. Sincerely yours, / meth Pusoro white Harold Narguifes, M.D. Acting Director” . cc: Grantee Institutions Regional Office Representatives RMPS grant file _. DPTD file - ‘Mr. Gilmer Mrs. Silsbee Grants Management Officers GMB file Board . Mr. Ichniowski Miss Conrath GMB: GTGardell:sbg ST